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The Thin layer of LIFE on the Earth. Biosphere. 3 PARTS: ATMOSPHERE (air) HYDROSPHERE (water) LITHOSPHERE (crust). Pic from: http://www.ucar.edu/learn/images/athylibi.gif. Chapter 13 Gene Technology. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/jan/15/chewonthis.
The Thin layer of LIFEon the Earth. Biosphere • 3 PARTS: • ATMOSPHERE (air) • HYDROSPHERE (water) • LITHOSPHERE (crust) Pic from: http://www.ucar.edu/learn/images/athylibi.gif
Chapter 13Gene Technology http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/jan/15/chewonthis http://www.ekac.org/swissprot/swissprot.html
Except for identical twins no two people are genetically alike .10 %of the human genome varies between people!! DNA can be used in identifying human remains, providing evidence in criminal cases, and determining paternity DNA Identification
Noncoding DNA – DNA that doesn’t code for a protein “junk” DNA • Polymorphism-variations in the length of “junk” DNA • VNTR- variable number tandem repeats- • number of repeats determines what is different in individuals & this is what forensic scientists look at in DNA profiling • Ex: CACACACACACA-can repeat a few times or many times Technology Vocabulary
1. Isolate the sample and make copies 2. Cut the DNA into shorter fragments that contain known VNTR’s 3. Sort the DNA by size (use gel electrophoresis) 4. Compare patterns of the unknown DNA sample to a known DNA sample Steps in DNA Identification
Polymerase chain reaction – technique used to make copies of DNA fragments You can make millions of copies Step 1: Isolate and Copy authorjenniferchase.com 18mp.army.mil
Restriction enzymes-bacterial proteins that recognize a specific sequence of DNA and cut the DNA in specific sequences Step 2: Cut DNA into shorter fragments biotechlearn.org.nz
Fragments of DNA are studied using a technique called gel electrophoresis • Separates molecules according to size & electrical charge • The smaller fragments move faster and farther than the larger fragments 3. Sort the DNA by size biology.arizona.edu en.wikipedia.org
Biologists use subtle genetic differences in DNA to identify each individual 4. Compare patterns of known DNA to unknown DNA • DNA fingerprinting compares between 5-13 VNTR’s to produce a profile • Accuracy: odds that 2 people will share the same DNA profile are about one in one billion!! baronescience.info
Genetic engineering-altering the genetic material of cells or organisms to allow them to make new substances Clone – exact copy of DNA segment, cell, or complete organism Plasmid – small rings of DNA found naturally in some bacterial cells Vector – any agent, such as a plasmid or virus that can carry a DNA molecule from 1 organism to another Important Vocabulary
Recombinant DNA – when DNA from 2 different organisms is joined To do this: Insert a gene for an enzyme or hormone into a genome of bacteria or another organism - the organism produces new proteins that it couldn’t before - examples include insulin and HGF Making Recombinant DNA
A research effort to sequence all 3.3 billion nucleotides of the human genome Determine locations of every gene on every chromosome!! II. Human Genome Project bioinformaticonline.com
identifyall the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA storethis information in databases improve tools for data analysis transfer related technologies to the private sector address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project. Goals from website http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/home.shtml
There are about 8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (places where individuals differ by only 1 nucleotide – used in DNA fingerprinting)
Discovered specific genes responsible genes responsible for several genetic disorders • Researchers can improve diagnoses and treatments for more than 4,000 disorders Applications
Medical Applications – gene therapy, cloning, vaccines B. Agricultural Applications – genetically modified crops C. Bioethics – the study of ethical issues related to DNA technology Genetic Engineering
Gene Therapy – introducing a gene into a patients cell to treat a genetic disorder • Works best with disorders that result from the loss of a single protein • Ex. Cystic fibrosis, Hemophilia, Sickle Cell Anemia Steps involved in gene therapy • 1. Isolate the functional gene • 2. Insert healthy gene into a viral vector • 3. Introduce the recombinant virus to the patient Medical Applications
The glow in the dark cat is the result of a genetic experiment. Researchers wanted to see if he was a transgenic cat – immune to FIV Mr. Green Genes (2008) http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/27338236#.T1aQ-TGPUQo Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species.
Began in the 1990’s with cloning whole organisms such as sheep and mice • Dolly was the first cloned mammal born in 1996 • She suffered premature ageing and disease and died at 6 yrs old possibly from having short telomeres. Cloning randomworldofjen.blogspot.com
Egg has nucleus(with its DNA) removed • Cell from organism to be cloned, such as a skin cell, is collected. 3. Empty egg & whole skin cell are placed close together & electric shocked, which makes them fuse together. • The new cell contains DNA from only 1 cell (the skin cell, not the egg) & is grown It becomes a new baby. Cloning – How It Works
Develop new strains of plants called genetically modified (GM) crops • Increase the amount produced and improve nutrition • In Asia researchers added genes to rice to over come the iron deficiencies Agricultural Applications
First GM Food • The first commercially grown genetically modified food crop, a tomato, was made more resistant to rotting, by adding a gene. • 1994- Approved by FDA –decided it did not constitute a health hazard, and did not need special labeling. Calgene was allowed to release it into the market. • Welcomed by consumers who purchased the fruit at two to five times the price of standard tomatoes. • Company bought by Monsanto in 1995. • Monsanto Company is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation & is the world's leading producer of the herbicide Roundup. • Monsanto is also by far the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed, holding 70%–100% market share for various crops.
Gm Milk cows • Scientists introduced a new gene into milk cows that could get them to produce human milk • Healthier alternative for formula?
Flounder is a fish that can withstand icy cold temperatures. Scientists took the gene in the fish that Produces an antifreeze & inserted it into a plasmid of a bacterium The bacterium infected the strawberry & the flounder antifreeze gene entered the strawberry’s DNA The new GM strawberry cells are grown Into new plants that have strawberries which make a protein that keeps the fruit from frost damage. Fishy Strawberries floundergigging.com
Stop mosquito born diseases like malaria buy creating insects that are less infectious Trying to get them released in the Key West to help eradicate dengue fever and the mosquitos that spread it GM Mosquitos
In Israel scientists have discovered a way to make a more convenient type chicken – one that’s easier to process Grows faster because it doesn’t have to use energy to create feathers Only lives in warmer climates Featherless Chicken http://oddanimals.com/featherless-chicken/
Is the food safe to eat? Is the food harmful to the environment? What are your thoughts on gene therapy? Cloning of human embryos? Decisions must be made by both scientists and the public Ethical issues