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Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns. Craig Thomas B.A. Adjectives and Pronouns Review. Look at the following sentence pairs. One has an adjective, while the other has a pronoun. My  book is large. Yours  is small. Your  car is green. Mine  is red . Possessive Adjective Review.

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Possessive Pronouns

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  1. Possessive Pronouns Craig Thomas B.A.

  2. Adjectives and Pronouns Review • Look at the following sentence pairs. One has an adjective, while the other has a pronoun. • My book is large. • Yours is small. • Your car is green. • Mine is red.

  3. Possessive Adjective Review • mi(s)mymi libromisplumas • tu(s)your (fam. sing.)tulibrotusplumas • su(s)his, her, your (formal), theirsulibrosusplumas • nuestro(-a, -os, -as)ournuestrolibronuestrasplumas • vuestro(-a, -os, -as)your (fam. pl.)vuestrolibrovuestrasplumas

  4. Possessive Pronouns • mineel mío / la míalos míos / las mías • yours (familiar)el tuyo / la tuyalos tuyos / las tuyas • yours (formal), his, hersel suyo / la suyalos suyos / las suyas • oursel nuestro / la nuestralos nuestros / las nuestras • yours (familiar)el vuestro / la vuestralos vuestros / las vuestras • yours (formal), theirsel suyo / la suyalos suyos / las suyas

  5. Practice • My Book is Large. • Yours is small. • Your car is green. • Mine is red. • Mi libro es grande. • El tuyo es pequeño. • Tu carro es verde. • El mío es rojo.

  6. Don’t Forget To Be Formal • The previous translations assume that you are talking to a friend, or someone you know well, and are using the informal "tú" form of speech. But remember, Spanish also has a more formal form of speech. Notice how the same sentences change if we assume that you are talking to someone in a position of authority, using the more formal "usted" form of speech. • Milibroesgrande. (no change)My book is large. • El suyoespequeño. (formal)Yours (formal) is small. • Su carroesverde. (formal)Your (formal) car is green. • El míoesrojo. (no change)Mine is red.

  7. Drop the Definite Article • The definite article is usually omitted when the possessive pronoun comes after the verb ser: • El carrograndeesmío.The big car is mine. • El carropequeñoessuyo.The small car is hers.

  8. What about Context? • Notice the following ambiguity: • El carrograndeessuyo.The big car is his. • El carrograndeessuyo.The big car is hers.

  9. Clarification • El carrograndeessuyo.The big car is his. (unclarified) • El carrograndees de él.The big car is his. (clarified) • La casa pequeñaessuya.The small house is hers. (unclarified) • La casa pequeñaes de ella.The small house is hers. (clarified) • Los carrosgrandes son suyos.The big cars are theirs. (unclarified) • Los carrosgrandes son de ellas.The big cars are theirs. (clarified) • Las casas pequeñas son suyas.The small houses are theirs. (unclarified) • Las casas pequeñas son de ellos.The small houses are theirs. (clarified)

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