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Department of Economy , Management and Humanities Czech Technical University Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Renewable energy and Energy Efficiency Centre. Communist heritage buildings seen under energy, economic and environmental criteria . František Macholda
Department ofEconomy,Management andHumanitiesCzechTechnical UniversityFacultyofElectricalEngineering Renewable energy and Energy Efficiency Centre Communist heritage buildings seen under energy, economic and environmental criteria František Macholda Petr Vogel,Jan Antonín, Jiří Beranovský, Petr Kotek, Lucie Šancová
Prefabricated Blocks of Flats in Czech Republic ParMo Computing Model Results
Whoiswho? Consultingcompany, est. 1990 EnergyEfficiency & RenewableEnergy Center Allfieldsofenergyefficiency – buildings, industry, etc. Research grant SP3g522107 (Ministry ofEnvironment) – RetrofitsofPrefabstowardsLowEnergy Standard – 2007 - 2010
Whoiswho? CzechTechnical University in Prague FacultyofElectricalEngineering Dept. ofEconomy, Management andHumanities Theresearchcontinues: Energyefficiency & EPBD II. as a threatforheatproductionutilities.
Current situation Low cost prefabricated bldg systems built during the communist era. Uniformity, density, bad infrastructure, low quality of living. Problemsin terms of energy efficiencyandindoorairquality. Districtheating system& DHW system.
Current situation Total: 1.200.000 flats in prefabs (every 3rd Czech citizen lives in such a building) 50 % non-retrofitted 50 % retrofittedduring last 20 years
Current situation • EPBD II.(Energy Performance of Buildings Directive): • „Almostzero“ consumptionofallnewbuldings in 2020. • Low-energy standard since 2013 • Passive standard since 2015 • Appropriaterequirements on complexreconstructions
Current situation EPBD II.: Can these buildingsmeetthe EPBD II. requirements?
ParMo • Whatistheprefab? • many standardizedconstructionsystems • no standardizedshape – „Lego“ • similar HVAC systems
ParMo BA NKS – Liberec BA NKS – Jablonec nad Nisou VVÚ-ETA 8-3, Praha T08 B Praha 1973 T08 B Hořovice T08 B Praha VVÚ-ETA Praha 1975 G 57 – Praha
ParMo How to handle such a diversity? Needfor a toolforgeneralization.
ParMo ParametricModel(ParMo) principles All the attributes, i.e. shape, orientation, no. of floors, HVAC systems, quality of constructions, shading, % of glazing, energy price, etc., were parameterized. All the possible energy efficiency measures were parameterized. Parameters allowed to be interpreted as a specific values in a specific case.
ParMo Calculation Inputs Outputs Model
ParMo • Virtual city in threesteps • Feedingthe model withrandomvaluesofparameters • Calculationfor 10 000 virtualbuildings • Statisticinterpretation
ParMo • Virtual city as a (play)groundforexperiments • Reference status ofthe city calculation • Measure(s) application • New calculation • Differencesevaluation
Results • Options compared: • Reference (current status) • Standard (thermal insulation, windows exchange) • TOP (above-standard insulation, high quality windows, ventilation system with heat recovery) • TOP+(TOP + heat pump installation)
Results Total specific energy intensity (kWh/m2,y) + Frequency (%) Total specific energy intensity (kWh/m2,y)
Results Building certification Frequency (%) +
Results - economy Specific heat consumption for heating Passive Low-energy TOP, n50=0,6 TOP, n50=2,0 Standard Frequency (%) kWh/m2,y
Results Investment costs (thousandsCZK/flat) TOP TOP + Standard Frequency (%) Investment costs - average flat
Results Net present value (1000 CZK/avg. flat) TOP TOP + Standard Frequency (%) (1000 CZK)
Possibilities of Retrofits Conclusions Parametric model is a goodwayforgeneralizationofeffectsofenergysavingmeasures. 85 % of prefabs have a potential to be retrofitted to the passive standard. A well retrofitted prefab could be comparable to new house. Investment costs of complex retrofit are 60 % higher but economic values are similar to standard project. Thepricefor CO2 abatementis much more acceptable in comparisonwith PV.
Department ofEconomy,Management andHumanitiesCzechTechnical UniversityFacultyofElectricalEngineering Renewable energy and Energy Efficiency Centre Thankyouforyourattention! …to becontinued: Energyefficiency as a nightmarefor heatproductionutilities! Mgr. František Macholda, MBA EkoWATT / CzechTechnical University frantisek.macholda@ekowatt.cz www.ekowatt.cz, ekonom.feld.cvut.cz