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SIN. Unit IV: What kind of Person Does the Church Want Me to Become?. The word Jesus used for sin was satah “missing the mark” Translated in the Gospels in Greek, hamartia Originally an archery term, as in “you missed the target, take another shot”
SIN Unit IV: What kind of Person Does the Church Want Me to Become?
The word Jesus used for sin was satah“missing the mark” • Translated in the Gospels in Greek, hamartia • Originally an archery term, as in “you missed the target, take another shot” • The word “sin” is related to the Latin word sons, “guilty” connecting sin to Roman law, making sin more of a crime that needs some kind of punishment. WHAT IS A SIN?
Modern definition of sin: A sin is any action that alienates or cuts us off from ourselves, others, and God. WHAT IS A SIN?
Original Sin • The state of sinfulness into which all human beings are born • According to Church teaching, inherited from the first humans, and erased by the Sacrament of Baptism • Explains but does not erase sinful tendencies. Humans still sin • Humans are good people who do bad things TYPES OF SIN
Mortal Sin • A very grave or serious violation of God’s law done willingly and knowingly. • Cuts us off completely from God. • Can only be forgiven through the Sacrament of Reconciliation TYPES OF SIN
Venial Sin • Venial means “forgivable.” • A less serious offense • Weakens our relationship with God, but does not cut us off. • Can be forgiven through any Sacrament, as long as there is true contrition for one’s sins. TYPES OF SIN
Sin of Commission vs. Sin of Omission • A sin of commission is doing something sinful; an action. • A sin of omission is NOT doing something you could have done, usually for someone’s good; a lack of action. • Biblical example: the two men who passed by the beaten man in the story of Good Samaritan. • Modern example: passing by a homeless person without offering to help in some way. OTHER TYPES OF SIN
Personal Sin vs. Social Sin • Personal sin is an individual act of wrongdoing • Social sin is the wrongdoing of an entire community, usually against the common good. • Prophets make us aware of our social sin • Biblical examples: • The prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures; John the Baptist; Jesus—all openly challenged the social sins of their leaders • Modern Examples: • Sins in the economy (homelessness, Wall Street greed) • Sins against humanity (genocide, racism, Katrina victims) • MLK Jr., Elie Wiesel—modern-day prophets OTHER TYPES OF SIN
Social Sin in the Church • Historically: Anti-Semitism, Anti-Islamism • Recently: Sexual Abuse, cover-up of abuse Social Sin in North America • Historically: Slavery, Sexism, Racism • Recently:………..? Is there Social Sin at St David’s? • Is there Racism, Homophobia, Classism, Sexism? • How is Bullying a Social Sin? • How is Cheating a Social Sin? SOCIAL SIN
The Seven Deadly Sins • Originally a list of mortal sins • Better understood today as underlying attitudes that can lead to sinful behavior if left unchecked • Lust: excessive sexual thoughts • Can lead to rape, sexual abuse, stalking, prostitution, porn • Can be countered by Chastity • Gluttony: overindulgence to the point of waste • Can lead to hunger of others, misuse of resources • Can be countered by Temperance
The Seven Deadly Sins • Originally a list of mortal sins • Better understood today as underlying attitudes that can lead to sinful behavior if left unchecked • Greed: excessive acquisition of wealth • Can lead to poverty of others, economic woes • Can be countered by Charity (caritas, agape) • Sloth: excessive indifference, failure to act • Can lead to sins of omission • Can be countered by Diligence
The Seven Deadly Sins • Wrath: uncontrolled anger or hatred • Can lead to rage, physical abuse, murder • Can be countered by Patience • Envy: excessive desire of what another has • Can lead to jealousy, stealing • Can be countered by Kindness • Pride: excessive love of self • Considered the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins because it leads to the others • Can be countered by Humility