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The Development of Bioluminescent Biosensors for Air Environment Monitoring in Closed Ecosystems. Li Yang, 2005 SLSTP Trainee Carnegie Mellon University June 23, 2005 Dr. Valentina Kratasyuk , Principal Investigator Biophysical Department, Krasnoyarsk State University (Russia).
The Development of Bioluminescent Biosensors for Air Environment Monitoring in Closed Ecosystems Li Yang, 2005 SLSTP Trainee Carnegie Mellon University June 23, 2005 Dr. Valentina Kratasyuk, Principal Investigator Biophysical Department, Krasnoyarsk State University (Russia)
IntroductionFuture Space Travel • NASA missions rely on closed ecological life support systems • Monitoring toxicity in closed ecological system is a problem • Physical/chemical tests can only tell us chemical composition • Biological assays of the toxicity of environment must be developed • We suggest Bioluminescence
Glow to Grow ExperimentsBioluminescent Biosensors for Space Biotechnology • Bioluminescence - biological emission of light in enzymatic reactions with luciferase • Bioluminescence property of living organisms gives rapid response rate to toxicity • Bioassays will be used to measure biological toxicity
Hypothesis • The prediction of this project is that bioluminescent systems will respond to the toxicity of environmental conditions in closed ecological systems. • Contaminants in the environment that are toxic to live organisms will act as inhibitors and interrupt bioluminescent reactions- causing measurable reduction in light intensity
Plant stem Plant stem Bioluminescent Biosensors Convert biological light emissions to electrical signals • Bioluminescent sensors: toxicity assay for living organisms, highly sensitive and accurate bioassay, small, portable, simple, and low cost, rapid response rate, quantitative • Physical/chemical tests (gas-chromatography and mass-spectroscopy etc.) : will not reveal whether substance is harmful to living organism and require large complicated devices
Materials and Methods • Initial Air Sampling from Mars Green House and Environmental Chambers • Bioluminescent Bioassay in vivo Luminous Bacteria Assay: Photobacterium phosphoreum • Bioluminescent Bioassay in vitro Coupled Enzyme System: NADH- FMN:Oxidoreductase-luciferase • Test NanoCeram Filters with Bioluminescent Biosensors in H20 and Air
Materials • E.coli recombinant • (LUX-gene) • Tryptic Soy Broth • NaCl – 3% solution • Luciferase • Oxidoreductase • Tetradecanal • NADH • FMN • Ethanol • Phosphate buffer pH 7.0 Bioluminometer E.coli recombinant LUX-gene from luminous bacteria Enzymes NADH-FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase Materials and MethodsExperimental Reagents
Heavy metals, Phenols Membrane Inhibitors Ag chlorine Wall Polar agents, solvents, alcohols Cytoplasmic membrane Heavy metals (cadmium), Phenolics (Dichlorophenol) FMN + NADH + H+ FMNH2 + NAD+ R L h 490 nm FMNH2 + R1COH + O2 FMN + R1COOH + H2O + Cytoplasmic constituents Protonmotive force Membrane ATPase Non-polar organics (Toluene) Oxidative phosphorylation uncouplers (phentachlorophenol, SDS) Aldehydes, Cationic agents, Heavy metals Electron transport system Respiratory blockers eg cyanide Luminous Bacteria
control luminescenceIс Luminous bacteria, Enzymes luminescence Iе test sample Luminous Bacteria AssayScheme of Analysis
O2 H+ RCHO FMNH2 NAD(P)* Luciferase Oxidoreductase NAD(P)H FMN RCOOH H2O NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase NADH (NADPH) + H+ + FMN NAD(NADP)+ + FMNH2 (1) luciferase FMNH2 + RCHO + O2 FMN + RCOOH + H2О + h (2) Luciferase Enzymatic Reactions Coupled Enzyme System: oxidoreductase-luciferase Bioluminescence is the emission of light, produced from a chemical reaction, which originates within a living organism
Maximum Emission (I0) Sampling Emission (Is) Analysis of Luminescent Intensity • Bacterial Indexes (BI) calculated from the Luminous Bacteria Assay • Luciferase Indexes (LI) calculated from the Coupled Enzyme System = = LI BIIs / I0
NanoCeram Filters • Bioluminescent sensors will test whether the NanoCeram Filters remove the contaminants in liquid solutions. • We will take a liquid solutions samples. • Attach the filter and push the liquid solutions through the filter • Bioluminescence Biosensors will be used to test the samples before and after filtrations.
To clarify whether bioluminescent biotests should be recommended as the alarm test to control acute toxicity from a variety of sources such as air, water or soil samples in Closed Ecological Systems. • To design bioluminescent biosensors for control of the air and water quality surrounding plants grown in closed environments (the toxicity of the gas and liquid phases ) using the bioluminescent organisms or their enzymatic reactions • To live and work on Mars with my Biosensors Expected Outcomes
Pitfalls and Limitations • Challenging new methods • Unknown effects of gases on bioluminescence • Using the plates instead of cuvettes in bioluminometer. • Air samples must be loaded into micro-tray. We are not sure if the air samples can be directly injected into the tray.
Timetable of Scheduled Activities • Week 1: Introduction to Experiment and General Research June 13-19 • Week 2: Experimental Design and Operation of Bioluminometer June 20-26 • Week 3 & Week 4 : Continue Glowing Experiments June 27-10 • Week 5: Data analysis, Poster preparations, and ASGSB abstracts, July 11-17 • Week 6: Finale Poster Presentations, Dinner Banquet SLSTP July 18-24
Acknowledgements • Dr. Valentina Kratasyuk, Prof. Biophysical Department, Krasnoyarsk State University (Russia) • Dr. Sergey Gusev, Biophysical Department, Krasnoyarsk State University (Russia) • Diane Shoeman SIFT Employee from Merritt Island High School • Dr. Ray Allen Bucklin, Prof., Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida • Dr. Melanie Correll, Asst Prof., Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida • Program Directors SLSTP (Spaceflight and Life Sciences Training Program) • Project Counselors SLSTP (Spaceflight and Life Sciences Training Program) • Elizabeth Raffi SLSTP (Spaceflight and Life Sciences Training Program) • All SLSTP Trainees SLSTP (Spaceflight and Life Sciences Training Program)
References • Kratasyuk V.A. etc. The use of bioluminescent biotests for study of natural and laboratory aquatic ecosystems. Chemosphere, 42 (2001) 909-915. • Kratasyuk V.A. Esimbekova E.N. Polymeric Biomaterials, The PBM Series, V.1:Introduction to Polymeric Biomaterials, Arshady R (Ed), Citus Books, London 2003, pp 301-343 • Paddle, Brian. Biosensors for Chemical and Biological agents of defense interest. Review Article. Biosensors and Bioelectronics Vol. 11 No. 11 pp. 1079-113, 1996 • Farre M., Barcelo D. Toxicity Testing of water and sewage sludge by Biosensors, bioassays and chemical analysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2003.
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