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Thematic Area: Intercultural Education and Educational Use of ICT. Children and Teachers in the Information Age. Learning habits of children have changed shaped by fast - paced media based on visuality. The world of education now faces many challenges, such as new curricula
Thematic Area:Intercultural Education and Educational Use of ICT
Children and Teachers in the Information Age Learning habits of children have changed shaped by fast-paced media based on visuality. The world of education now faces many challenges, such as • new curricula • new ways of teachers training • new teaching methods and learning strategies.
EDM Reporter Target Group • Teachers and Teacher trainers • Librarians • Media experts • Reading experts • Language learning experts and experts in other subjects • Children aged 8 to 14
The EDM Reporter Partnership is composed of 19 partners form 14 countries, thus achieving a broad European coverage stretching from the UK and Portugal to Finland and Greece. The EDM REPORTER Partnership includes teachers and teacher trainers, librarians, media experts, reading experts, language learning experts.
Coordinating Institution Internationales Institut für Jugendliteratur and Leseforschung (International Institute for Literature for Young People and Reading Research), Vienna, Austria
PARTNERS • BIBIANA (International House of Art for Children), Bratislava, Slovakia • Biblioteka Publiczna im. Wladyslawa Jana Grabskiego w Dzielnicy Ursus m.st. Warszawy (Public Library "Wladyslaw Jan Grabski" in the district of Ursus, Warsaw), Warsaw, Poland • CEMIM Centrum Edukacji Miedzykulturowej i Medialnej (Centre of Multicultural and Media Education), Warsaw, Poland • Centre de Recherche et d’Information sur la Littérature pour la Jeunesse, CRILJ, Paris, France • Colexio Seminario Menor da Asunción (Assumption Minor Seminary High School for Boys), Santiago de Compostela, Spain • Commquest, Vienna, Austria • Drachenfelsschule, Königswinter, Germany • Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Educational Institute at the Politechnical Institute of Castelo Branco), Castelo Branco, Portugal • Helsingin Kaupungin Kanslia / Helsingin Kaupungin Kirjasto (Helsinki City Library), Helsinki, Finland • Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, Departement Lerarenopleiding in Heverlee (Catholic University of Leuven, Teacher Training Department), Leuven, Belgium • Kooperative Mittelschule (Co-operative Secondary School), Vienna, Austria • National Centre for Research in Children's Literature (NCRCL), Roehampton University, London, UK • Panepistimio Aegaiou (Aegaian University), Rhodes, Greece • Regionalna biblioteka "Lyuben Karavelov" (Regional Library "Lyuben Karavelov"), Rousse, Bulgaria • Scoala NR. 97, Bucuresti, Romania • 32 Sredno uchilishte "Sv. Climent Ohridski" (23 Secondary School "St. Climent Ohridski"), Sofia, Bullgaria • Universidad de Murcia (University of Murcia, Faculty of Education), Murcia, Spain • Universza Ljubljana (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education), Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Electronic Digital Media Reporter (EDM Reporter)is a Comenius 3 Network funded by the Socrates educational programme of the European Union. EDM Reporter is active in the field of Multicultural Education aiming to promote the educational Use of ICT in this field.During its three year duration the EDM Reporter will: • In Year I: Develop a questionnaire for interviews in schools and libraries in order to check whether and how children use the Internet for intercultural education and reading promotion; carry out empirical research in schools, libraries, teacher training institutions and universities to select the most visited and user-friendly websites suitable for use in multicultural education; • In Year II: Determine criteria for evaluating websites for children and adults working with children; compile a database of selected European web sites suitable to teach multiculturalism, intercultural education and promote reading; develop pedagogical approaches for use in schools and libraries; test materials in selected educational institutions in all partner countries; create analytic in-service on-line materials for teachers/librarians. • In Year III: Conclude testing, evaluation and modification of all materials; publicise/disseminate results through EDM Reporter website, conferences, publications, contact seminars etc.; make final products universally available through the Internet.