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Unit 6. Guess. what. _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _?. 1.Read the next dialogue and report what the have said . Nisha: I´m going to India to visit my grandparents. Would you like to come? Laura: I have to ask my parents Laura´s Parents: out of the question
Unit 6 Guess what _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _?
1.Read the next dialogue and report what the have said. • Nisha:I´m going to India to visit my grandparents. Would you like to come? • Laura: I have to ask my parents • Laura´s Parents: out of the question • Laura: We won ´t be on our own. Nisha´s parents are coming • Laura´s Parents: Ok. You can go, but you have to keep in touch, have your injections before you leave and take your malaria pills • Laura´s mum: we must invite Nisha´s parents to talk about it. • 1. Nisasaidthatshewasgoingto India tovisithergrandparents and invited me togowithher. • 2. I toldherthat I hadtoask my parents • 3. My parentssaidtheitwasout of thequestion • 4. I answeredthatwewouldn ´t beonourown and thatNisha´sparentswerecoming • 5. theyagreed me togo, buttheyasked me tokeep in touch, tohave my injectionsputbeforeleaving and totake my malaria pills • 6. My mumsuggestedthatwehadto invite Nisha´sparentsto ….
"I'm going to the cinema now". REPORTED SPEECH He saidhewas going to the cinema then. changes 1. Reporting verb: He said 2. Pronouns: He 3. Verb: Was going 4. Adverbials: Then
If the sentence is ... • Affirmative and negative sentences • Questions • Commands or imperative • Requests, warnings, promises, ... Thereportingverb isdifferent
1. Reporting verbs A) Affirmative/ negative sentences 1.He said that ... 2.He told me that B) Questions 3.He asked me : - yes-no questions - if ... - wh- questions - who, what... C)Commands/orders 4. He told/ordered me to/not to ... D) Promises, invitations, suggestions, ... 5. Agreed, hoped, offered, refused - that/ to/ not to... 6. Promised, told, invited (me, him, ...) – that/to/not to ... 7. Suggested : - (that)I should ... - going ...
DIRECT SPEECH present simpleI'm a teacher. present continuousI'm having lunch with my parents present perfect simpleI've been to France three times present perfect continuousI've been working very hard. past simpleI bought a new car. past continuousIt was raining earlier past perfectThe play had started when I arrived. past perfect continuousI'd already been living in London for five years willI'll come and see you soon canI can swim under water for two minutes must All tickets must be bought in advance. shallWhat shall we do about it? mayMay I smoke? REPORTED SPEECH past simpleHe said he was a teacher past continuousHe said he was having lunch with his parents past perfect simpleHe said he had been to France three times past perfect continuousHe said he had been working very hard. past perfectHe said he had bought a new car. past perfect continuousHe said it had been raining earlier past perfectNO CHANGE POSSIBLE past perfect continuousNO CHANGE POSSIBLE wouldHe said he would come and see me soon. couldHe said he could swim under water for two minutes had toHe said that all tickets had to be bought in advance shouldHe asked what we should do about it mightHe asked if he might smoke. 2.Verb Changes – he said (that) Affirmative and negativesentences
DIRECT SPEECH positive imperative Shut up! negative imperativeDon't do that again! imperatives as requestsPlease give me some money. REPORTED SPEECH tell + infinitiveHe told me to shut up tell + not + infinitiveHe told me not to do it again ask + infinitive He asked me to give him some money Commands/ imperative Questions • Yes-no questions- if • Have you got a dog? • Heaskedif I had a dog • Wh-questions – wh.. • Where do you live? • He asked me where I lived
- He agreed no to talk about football An agreement - He invited me to stay for lunch An invitation A piece of advice - He adviced me that I should take a break An apology - He apologised for forgetting the shopping A suggestion - He suggested singing a few songs A reminder - He reminded me not to Forget to post the letter An admitter - He admitted that he had made a mistake A warning - He warned me not to touch the wires
What about these ones? • 1. “Please don ´t forget to do it before midnight ”. • He __________________________________ • 2. “Watch out for those strange people behind you”. • The police _____________________________ • 3. “but I want to show you the photos” • She _______________________________ • 4. “OK. I won ´t do that again” • He __________________________________ • 5. “Would you like to do it with me?” • He ______________________________ • 6. “You shouldn´t invite Fred to your party” • She __________________________ • 7. “Sorry I forgot to tell Margaret” • He ________________________ • He reminded me no to forget to do it before midnight • Warned me to watch out for some strange people behind us • She insisted on showing me the photos • He agreed to do it again • He invited me to do it with me • He adviced me no to invite Fred to my party • He apologised for forgetting to tell Margaret