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FRP for Real. Paul Hudak Yale University Department of Computer Science April 2001 Joint work with: Zhanyong Wan Walid Taha. FRP. Fran is a DSL for graphics and animation. Frob is a DSL for robotics. FranTk is a DSL for graphical user interfaces .
FRP for Real Paul Hudak Yale University Department of Computer Science April 2001 Joint work with: Zhanyong Wan Walid Taha
FRP • Franis a DSL forgraphics andanimation. • Frobis a DSL forrobotics. • FranTkis a DSL forgraphical user interfaces. • FRP(functionalreactiveprogramming) is theessenceof Fran, Frob, and FranTk: • Fran = FRP + graphics engine + library • Frob = FRP + robot controller + library • FranTk = FRP + Tk substrate + library • FRP has two key abstractions: • Continuous time-varying behaviors. • Discrete streams of events.
Domain-Specific Languages Graphics, Robotics, GUIs, Vision Applications Specialized languages FranTk FVision Frob Fran Continuous behaviors and discrete reactivity FRP Functional Programming Functions, types, etc. (Haskell)
Behaviors • Continuous behaviors capture any time-varying quantity, whether: • input (sonar, temperature, video, etc.), • output (actuator voltage, velocity vector, etc.), or • intermediate values internal to a program. • Operations on behaviors include: • Generic operations such as arithmetic, integration, differentiation, and time-transformation. • Domain-specific operations such as edge-detection and filtering for vision, scaling and rotation for animation and graphics, etc.
Events • Discrete event streams include user input as well as domain-specific sensors, asynchronous messages, interrupts, etc. • They also include tests for dynamic constraints on behaviors (temperature too high, level too low, etc.) • Operations on event streams include: • Mapping, filtering, reduction, etc. • Reactive behavior modification (next slide).
Reactive Control of Continuous Values One animation example that demonstrates key aspects of FRP: growFlower = stretch size flower where size = 1 + integral bSign bSign = 0 `until` (lbp ==> -1 `until` lbr ==> bSign) .|. (rbp ==> 1 `until` rbr ==> bSign)
Frob • Recall that:Frob = FRP + robot controller + robot/vision library • Programming robots is a lot like programming an animation! • … except that: • The robot doesn’t always do what you want it to do. • Error / anomalous conditions are more common. • Real-time issues are more dominant. • Sensor input is critically important, but unreliable. • Robots have different response characteristics: • Often must react more quickly. • Often are slower than graphics hardware.
Nomadic Technologies SuperScout (our old robots) Vision Wheel Controls 16 Sonars Bumpers Computing: PC running Linux Hugs Radio Modem
Autonomous Coordinated Motion • Natural behavior amongst living animals: • flocking, herding, schooling, swarming • Specific tasks of interest to us: • congregation, navigation, “escortation”, formation motion, obstacle avoidance, dispersion, etc. • Key technologies of interest: • computational vision and control • FRP
Example of Coordinated Motion • Problem: • Specify local control strategy for two differential-drive robots in interleaving trajectories, where each robot only knows the relative position of the other. • Can be achieved by two-step simplification: • Non-holonomic constraint on differential-drive robot is eliminated by considering a moving frame of reference. • Relative to that frame, each robot exhibits identical behavior: simply circle the other robot. • Frob permits abstract formulation of solution. • Two independent critically-damped PI controllers. • Local motion assumes holonomic vehicle; i.e. differential drive robot can be treated as omni-directional robot.
Local Behavior vFrame desired distance desired rotation moving frame of reference vLat vRot
Code Snippet interleaveC dist omega0 vFrame = let … distError = distOther - dist vLat = vector2Polar (kpDist * distError + kiDist * integralB distError) angOther vRot = vector2Polar (omega0*distOther/2) (angOther - pi/2) in velocityV(vFrame+vLat+vRot)
History of FRP Research • TBag, Active VRML: Conal Elliott, ’95-97. • Fran: Elliott & Hudak, ICFP ’97. • Various implementations: Eliiott, DSL ’97, PLILP ’99. • Semantics: Anthony Daniels, PhD Thesis ‘99. • Frob: Peterson, Hager, Hudak, Elliott, ICRA ‘99, PADL ’99. Used in robotics course at Yale in ‘99, ‘01. • Fvision: Peterson, Hager, Hudak, Reid, ICSE ’99, PADL ’01. • SOE’s “FAL”: Hudak, stream-based implementation of Fran-like language, ’00. • FranTk: Fran-based GUI, Meurig Sage, ICFP ’00. • Frappé: Java-based FRP, Antony Courtney, PADL ’01. • Yale FRP: core language + growing library of graphics, robotics, simulator, etc. code, ’00-01 (public release planned soon). • Semantics: Wan, Hudak, PLDI ’00, showed correspondence of denotational and operational semantics.
Real-Time FRP • How do we make FRP runfast? • How do we make guarantees about both time and space behavior? • How does FRP relate to other models of hybrid automata? • Can FRP be used for embedded systems? • And at a more abstract level: What is an operational semantics for FRP? Our goal: Real-Time FRP, an abstract, restricted subset of FRP, with guaranteed bounds on execution time and space, and deadlock free.
Syntax of RT-FRP • Syntax of lambda terms:(“lifted” terms are just “Maybe” type) • Syntax of values: • Syntax of signals:Note: “Event a” in FRP is isomorphic to “Behavior (Maybe a)”. In RT-FRP we just combine them and call them “signals”.
Types • Syntax of types: • Contexts: • Judgments:“e is a functional term of type g”“s is a signal carrying values of type g”Or in Haskell: e :: g, and s :: Behavior g
More typing rules • Reactivity: • Non-recursive binding: • Recursive binding:
Recursion • There are two “prototypical” kinds of recursion in FRP:(1)(2) • Using recursive signals these can be expressed as:(1)(2)
But what about integral? • Define using a delay in arecursivesignal. • By way of example, here is the running maximum of a signal:
Definition of Integral … using the forward Euler method:
Operational Semantics • A program is executed in discrete steps, driven by time-stamped input values. • Given a time t and input i, a term s evaluates to a value v and transitions to a new term s’. • We write this as: andor, more compactly as:where:
Program Execution • A proper RT-FRP program never terminates.Its meaning is the infinite sequence of values, or “observations” that it yields. • The sequence: s0 s1,v1 ; s1 s2,v2 ; s2 s3,v3 ; …is abbreviated:s0 v1, s1 v2, s2 v3, s3 … • Meta-comment: Program meaning depends on the time-stamped input pairs (tj,ij). t0,i0 t1,i1 t2,i2 t0,i0 t1,i1 t2,i2
More Eval Rules (ev-signal)
and more… (tr-switch-noc) (tr-switch-occ)
Tail Signals • Recursive signals are nice, but we’d like something better: • With let-continuation, we can define tail-recursive signals that can also pass values. • Similar to standard model of hybrid automata. • Note: the syntax prevents unbounded term growth as in: letcont k x = s0 until x=ev then k x + 1 not possible
For Example • A simple model of a thermostat: let signal temp = let cont k1 () = <heating-model> until when (temp>t) => k2 k2 () = <cooling-model> until when (temp<t-hys) => k1 in t0 until startev => k1 in ext temp
Key Results • Type safety / preservation • thus no core dumps! • Each step takes constant time • thus no time leaks! • Term size cannot grow • thus no space leaks! • In addition, with a notion of well-formedrecursion, progress is guaranteed. • thus no deadlock!
Preventing Deadlock • FRP programs are naturally “infinite” – signals are streams of values with unbounded extent. This is a good thing! • With recursion, however, terms can become “stuck”: • let signal x = ext x in ext x • Solution: define notion of well-formed recursionthat disallows “direct” recursions, and thus prevents deadlock. • Key idea: in “let signal x = s1 in s2”, we require that s1 is in W{x}, where:Wx = input | time | ext e where e contains no X |delay v s | let signal y = Wx in Wx | Wx switch on x = ev in Wx | … • In other words, a delay must appear somewhere.
Future Work on RT-FRP • Enrich language for practical use. • Compile into lower-level code (C, etc.). • Examine sensor / behavior fusion. • Consider embedded systems. • Better formulation of well-formed recursion. • Test case: compile to PIC microcontroller on our “soccer-bots”.