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AgroTeleDiagnosis Scenario of use. ATD Development Tools. The AgroTeleDiagnosis platform has been developed in order to provide wireless mobile technologies to the agricultural sector. Tools used for the development of the ATD platform are: ASP JavaScript XML MS ACCESS
ATD Development Tools The AgroTeleDiagnosis platform has been developed in order to provide wireless mobile technologies to the agricultural sector. Tools used for the development of the ATD platform are: • ASP • JavaScript • XML • MS ACCESS • Designed for easy viewing on PDA screens Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
AgroTelediagnosis Index Page Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Registration Page • Users must be registered to the ATD platform before taking part to it. • Users’ personal information is going to be used exclusively by the ATD platform. • The registration consists of three steps. In the first step user must provide his personal information by submitting the available form Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Registration Page - Second Step • In the second step, the user provides his desirable login details ( a username and a four digit password) and chooses his account status. The user can choose to be a member user or an expert user of the platform – confirmation by the administrator of ATD. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Registration Page - Third Step • In the third and final step, the user can select the categories of interest. If he has chosen to participate to the platform as an expert, he also has to select his main occupational preference. • When the user completes his registration process, an email with his personal data is automatically sent to the administrator of the platform, who will confirm personal details & register the user. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Administrator’s Page For security reasons the administrator of the platform is managing all the available content.From the main page, the administrator can perform the following actions: • Users’ registration: The administrator is able to view all the pending registration accounts and to activate these accounts. • Users management: The administrator will be able to edit users’ and experts’ accounts after their request. He will also be able to deactivate their accounts. (under development) • Content management: The administrator will be able to delete pictures and text (questions/comments/answers) with inappropriate or irrelevant content. (under development) Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
User’s Login Page • The user provides his username and his 4 digit password, in order to enter the platform: Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
User’s main page After login, the user has the following options: • To add a new question • To watch a questions’ progress • To participate to the AgroTeleDiagnosis Forum Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Adding a new question (1) The user has the following options: • To choose a general category, related to his question. • To choose (if his question is not a general one) a subcategory and its relevant special category. • To write the title of the question (required) • To write the text of the question (required) • Uploading a picture (optional) – supported formats: GIFF, JPEG Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Adding a new question (2) Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Questions Progress Page In this page, the user has the following options ( if he has submitted any questions): • Edit his questions • Delete a question from his profile • View an answer ( if there is any) to his question by clicking the yellow button on the left. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Editing a question The user is able to • change his question’s title and text. • upload a new picture for this question. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Deleting a question • The user is able to delete a question from his profile, if he thinks that his question has been answered and he doesn’t want to view it in the Questions’ progress area. • The deleted question will still remain in the AgroTeleDiagnosis Forum, in order to be viewed by other users. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Viewing an answer(1) If there is an answer for a question, the user will notice a yellow image on the left column. He can view the corresponding answer by clicking that image. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Viewing an answer(2) • The user can view the expert’s answer and (if appropriate) submit a comment on that answer. • View the comments, related to his question. • Comments can also be submitted from other users/experts through the AgroTeleDiagnosis Forum. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Adding a comment • The user has the option of submitting a comment to an expert’s answer. • The comment field is required. • The picture uploading is optional - supported formats: GIFF, JPEG Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Expert’s Login Page The expert provides his username and his 4 digit password, in order to enter the platform: Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Expert’s main page After login, the expert has the following options: • To answer a users’ questions • To view his answers’ progress • To participate to the AgroTeleDiagnosis Forum • To create/edit e-Seminars Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Answering users’ questions (1) At the registration process, the expert can choose between two main categories, according to his expertise, and then answer any question that corresponds to that main category. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Answering users’ questions(2) • The expert can choose a subcategory through a drop down menu, in order to view any users’ questions that have not been answered yet. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Giving an answer (1) • The expert can view the question and its picture (if there is one) and then provide an answer. • The answer field is required, but the picture field is optional. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Answers Progress Page The expert has the following options: • Edit his answers • Delete an answer from his profile. • View comments to his answers ( if there are any) by clicking the yellow button on the left. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
e-Seminars submission (1) The expert is able to upload e-Seminars as well as to edit them. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
e-Seminars submission (2) • The expert must choose a subcategory and a special category (if there is one) where his e-seminar is going to be listed. • The title and description fields are required. • The uploading of an e-seminar file is required. Accepted types are:.pps, .ppt, .pdf, .doc, .wmv Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
Editing e-Seminars • The expert is able to edit and delete any e-seminars he has uploaded. • He can edit the title and the description of the e-seminar and also replace the e-seminar file by uploading a new one. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
AgroTeleDiagnosis Forum(1) • Experts and users can both participate in the Forum. First they must choose one of the main categories to see the existing questions. • In the next page, they can see all the existing questions of the chosen category, in which subcategory they belong to, and when was the last submission date. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
AgroTeleDiagnosis Forum(2) • After choosing a subcategory, they can view details about the questions which belong to this subcategory. • They can see who is the user who submitted this question, the question’s title, the question’s picture, if this question has been answered and if there are any comments about it. • By clicking on the question’s title they can proceed in the next page. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
e-Seminars downloading (1) • Experts and users can both view the e-seminars, by choosing one of the main categories, in order to see the existing e-seminars. • Additional information regarding the uploaded e-seminars can be viewed on the following page. (Subcategories, number of e-Seminars and submission dates) Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
e-Seminars downloading (2) • After a subcategory has been chosen, details about the e-seminars can be viewed. • Provided information: the name of the expert that submitted the e-seminar, the e-seminar’s title, the e-seminar’s description and the e-seminar’s submission date. • By clicking on the e-seminar’s title, the user can either “open” or “save” the corresponding file to his PC/PDA. Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Rural Wings Plenary Meeting Athens 7-8 / 01 / 2008