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Evaluating Small-Scale Results of Activity-Based Models

Evaluating Small-Scale Results of Activity-Based Models. Suzanne Childress Erik Sabina Robert Spotts Denver Regional Council of Governments. Transportation Planning Applications Conference Reno May 2011. Denver . 2010 Pop 2.9m Emp 1.6m 2035 Pop 4.5m Emp 2.6m Planning Goals

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Evaluating Small-Scale Results of Activity-Based Models

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  1. Evaluating Small-Scale Results of Activity-Based Models Suzanne Childress Erik Sabina Robert Spotts Denver Regional Council of Governments Transportation Planning Applications Conference Reno May 2011

  2. Denver • 2010 • Pop 2.9m • Emp 1.6m • 2035 • Pop 4.5m • Emp 2.6m • Planning Goals • Urban Centers • Urban Growth Boundary • New regional light rail • Transit Oriented Development

  3. Why small areas in Denver? Long-term planning goals 2010 to 2035 10% VMT per capita reduction 10% single occupancy vehicle mode share reduction 50% of new housing/75% of new jobs in urban centers Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Fund Allocation -Planning Funds for Transit-Oriented Developments And Urban Centers -Bicycle-Pedestrian Project Funds

  4. Why activity-based models Disaggregation allows for greater control and summarization (can slice and dice) More variables = more sensitivity Tracking households and people with unique characteristics

  5. All models are wrong. Some models are useful. In what ways is Denver’s activity-based model useful at depicting travel behavior on a small geography? In what ways is it not useful?

  6. Useful Models Tell Stories. The input variables cause outputs consistent with research and logic. Match reality in the base year (makes for a believable story) Tell a story across time, space, and types of people.

  7. Story Across Space

  8. Small Areas Story Across Space

  9. Introducing the characters:2010 Small Area Demographics

  10. Setting the scene:2010 Small Area Characteristics

  11. The action begins:Auto Ownership Story

  12. Mode Story

  13. VMT Story- The Denouement

  14. Is this story fiction?:Observed Versus Modeled Areas

  15. Observed Vs Modeled Trips By ModeCBD Fringe 1104 Observed Trips For Households in the Area

  16. Observed Vs Modeled Trips By ModeWealthy Urban Shopping 832 Observed Trips For Households in the Area

  17. More complex story:Across Time and Space

  18. Demographic Shifts

  19. Transportation Shifts

  20. Transit Share over time

  21. VMT per capita over time

  22. Small area analysis with ABM is useful (non-fiction?). Points out areas of weakness in the model Tells a story across time, space, and types of people. Guides planners and decision-makers Observed and modeled results in the same ballpark

  23. TIP Criteria Urban Center/TOD Evaluation Current VMT per Capita Multi-modal potential- Reduction in single occupancy vehicle percentage (2035-2010)

  24. Bike and Pedestrian Project Evaluation User Base- Trips X-Y origins and destinations in 1.5 mile buffer Cost Effectiveness- Cost per Person Mile Traveled

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