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SUPPORT TO CIVIL SOCIETY. Call for Proposals Deadline 10 th March 2011. Content. The context and the Project. Introduction. Introduction. Support to Civil Society project - 1. Overall project objective To support active civil society participation in Serbia’s EU-integration.

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  1. SUPPORT TO CIVIL SOCIETY Call for Proposals Deadline 10th March 2011

  2. Content

  3. The context and the Project Introduction

  4. Introduction Support to Civil Society project - 1 Overall project objective To support active civil society participation in Serbia’s EU-integration. Specific objectives of the project • Building social cohesion and overcoming discrimination in Serbian society by promoting tolerance and cultural diversity. • Active civil society participation in socioeconomic development.

  5. Introduction Support to Civil Society project - 2 Thematic priorities Specific objective 1 • Anti-discrimination and tolerance; • Cultural diversity and pluralism. Specific objective 2 • Local socio-economic development; • Public polices and EU standards at local level

  6. Introduction Support to Civil Society project - 3 Grant amount allocated: Rules of co-financing: The Project is:

  7. Applicants, partners, actions, activities, costs Eligibility criteria

  8. Eligibility criteria The eligible Applicant - 1 • A legal person, and • non profit making, and • civil society organisation such as: • NGO or grassroots organisation, or • professional organisation, or • cultural, artistic club or association, or • media associations, or • organisation representing social and economic players at large, or • labour-market actor, and

  9. Eligibility criteria The eligible Applicant - 2 • national of a Member State of EU, or a beneficiary country, or a country covered by the Regulations on access to Community external assistance, and • directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners, not acting as an intermediary, and • not being in any of the situations listed in Section 2.3.3 of the PRAG.

  10. Eligibility criteria The eligible Partnership/Partners Specific objective 1: Specific objective 2 : local self-government • Applicants must act in partnerships: • consisting of at least two members,and • with at least one Serbian CSO among them. • educational institution, or • cultural institution In addition to the categories eligible for the applicants, the following are also eligible for project partners:

  11. Eligibility criteria The eligible action • with a duration between 6 and 12 months; • must take place in the Republic of Serbia; • fitting within the thematic priorities of the Project: Specific objective 1: • Anti-discrimination and tolerance, • Cultural diversity and pluralism; Specific objective 2: • Local socio-economic development, • Public polices and EU standards at local level.

  12. Eligibility criteria Eligible actions (thematic examples) – 1 • Specific objective 1: • Increasing knowledge on inequality, • Combating all discriminative practices in public life, • Cooperation with the relevant public bodies, • Contributing to social cohesion through development of non-discriminative policies, • Mainstreaming of non-discrimination policies, • Identification and dissemination of good EU practices in combating discrimination, • Enhancing expertise of civil society organizations in the field of anti-discrimination through partnerships with EU CSOs • Increasing public understanding about cultural pluralism, • Fostering intercultural respect by mainstreaming cultural diversity in public policies and practice, • Enhancing public knowledge for cultural diversity through cultural production, events and education, • Increasing the inter-cultural dialogue among different communities, • Contributing to regional cooperation by exploring common values and issues of concern, • Promoting European cultural diversity in partnership with EU CSOs;

  13. Eligibility criteria Eligible actions (thematic examples) – 2 • Specific objective 2: • Minimising the long term unemployment , • Increasing youth employment and employability of socially disadvantaged , • Mediate for an efficient social dialogue at local level , • Enhance local socio-economic development through promotion of innovation and alternative economy, • Enhancing expertise of civil society organizations in the field of socio-economic development, • Ensuring citizens, and in particular small scale producers, consumers and specific professionals are aware of the EU Aquis in socio-economic sphere and also relevant EU standards, • Supporting implementation of local development strategies and action plans, • Enhancing the effectiveness of local development strategies and action plans, • Ensuring public participation in decision-making processes on measures, programs and investments with potentially significant environmental and/or socio-economic impacts, • Ensuring greater transparency, openness and accountability of public administration at local level.

  14. Eligibility criteria Eligible activities • awareness raising and campaigning, • carrying out research and analysis, • convening and debating, • creating and promoting products of arts and culture, • drafting strategic policy documents, • educating and capacity building, • exchanging know-how and applying best practices, • information gathering, processing and dissemination, • introducing innovative models and approaches, • monitoring public policies implementation, • networking and partnership building, • organisation of public events, performances and competitions, • promoting citizens participation and exercising public control, • other activities in the context of the general purpose of the Programme.

  15. Eligibility criteria Visibility activities Obligatory minimum of visibility activities per action: • production and distribution of promo materials (e.g.: leaflets, stickers, etc.); • media coverage of at least one key project event (conference, round table or another public event); • a press conference to promote the results achieved by implementing the action supported by EU.

  16. Eligibility criteria Ineligible actions • Concerned only or mainly with: • individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, • individual scholarships for studies or training courses, • study visits or participation in international fora; • Actions essentially focused on: • construction activities, • purchase of equipment, • purchase and/or renovation of buildings or offices; • Actions aiming predominantly at: • charitable donations, • profit making activities; • Activities which are: • already funded by other Community programmes, • undertaken before the date of contract signature.

  17. Eligibility criteria Eligible number of applications An applicant may not submit more than one application under this Call for Proposals; An applicant may not at the same time be a partner in another application; Partners may take part in maximum two applications; The number of partners per applicant is not limited

  18. Eligibility criteria Eligible project costs • Direct costs: must comply with the provisions of Article 14 of the General Conditions to the Standard Grant Contract (see Annex F of the Guidelines). • 4. Local office:only costs necessary for the operation of a local office established especially for the implementation of the Action and different than the offices of the applicant, project partner(s) and associates, • 5.8 Visibility actions: the communication and visibility costs must be as a minimum EUR 1,000 and maynot exceed 10% of the direct eligible costs of the action; • Contingency reserve: not exceeding 5% of the estimated direct eligible costs of the action (excluding taxes); • Indirect costs (overheads): may be eligible for flat-rate funding fixed at not more than 7% of the estimated total eligible direct costs (excluding taxes); • Contributions in kind: are not considered actual expenditure and are not eligible costs.

  19. Eligibility criteria Ineligible costs • debts and debt service charges; • provisions for losses or potential future liabilities; • fines, financial penalties and expenses of litigation; • any leasing costs; • depreciation costs; • interest owed; • costs declared by the beneficiary and covered by another action…; • remunerations paid to public employees and/or officials…; • purchases of land or buildings, except where necessary…; • purchase of second hand equipment; • currency exchange losses; • taxes, including VAT; • credit to third parties.

  20. Preparation and submission of the proposal Application procedure

  21. Application procedure Registration in PADOR - 1 Potential Applicant Data On-line Registration (PADOR) is an on-line database in which grant’s applicants and their project partners register themselves. The registration process consists of encoding, saving and submitting consistent information on all the PADOR screens. In PADOR, organisations introduce thesamedata that is requested in the chapters II (for the applicant) and III (for the partners) of the Application form. This data concern the organisation itself. Data provided by organisations in PADOR is used by the European Commission for checking their eligibility. After having completed the registration process organisations obtain their Europe Aid ID.

  22. Application procedure Registration in PADOR - 2 Applicants and partner(s) (of any) have to indicate on the paper version of the proposal their EuropeAid IDs (EID). To get this identification they must register, save and "sign" (committing their responsibility) in PADOR obligatory data (on each screen the fields written in orange) and the related documents (see section 2.4 of the GfA). Prior registration in PADOR for this Call for Proposals is obligatory. PADOR registration is obligatory for both applicants and partners. PADOR registration has to be done before the deadline for submission of proposals. Therequested supporting documents (statuses, financial reports, audit reports) must be uploaded in PADOR before the deadline fixed in the notification letter for the final eligibility check. Before starting the registration of your organisation in PADOR, please read the "Quick guide" available on the website. It explains in details the registration process.

  23. Application procedure The PADOR web site

  24. Application procedure Application form Part A: Concept note • Instructions for drafting of the Concept Note Part B: Full application form • General information • The Action (1. Description; 2. Budget; 3. Sources of funding; 4. Experience) • The Applicant (1. Identity; 2. Profile; 3. Capacity; 4. Management board) • Partners of the Applicant (1. Description; 2. Partnership statement) • Associates of the Applicant • Checklist for the Full Application Form • Declaration by the Applicant • Assessment grid for the Full Application Form

  25. Application procedure Attach to the Application form! • Annexes to the Guidelines for applicants: • annex B: Budget for the action • annex C: Logical framework • The consent of an associate to contribute to the action as described in Part B section V of the Grant Application Form shall be confirmed by a Letter of commitment duly signed by an authorised representative of the respective associate.

  26. Application procedure Submitting the application When? By 10 March 2011, 15:00 hours (local time) Where? To the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia What? • 1 original and 2 copies (in A4 size, each bound) of the: • complete application form, • budget, and • logical framework; • exact electronic copy (on a CD and in a separate and unique file) of the: • complete application form, • budget, and • logical framework; • separately stapled and enclosed in the envelope with the application: • the Checklist (Section 6 of part B the grant application form), and • the Declaration by the applicant (Section 7 of part B of the grant application form).

  27. Application procedure Questions and answers Info sessions Deadline for questions –17February 2011 Send your questions in English to: darko.popovic@ec.europa.eu Deadline for answers –27February 2011 https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome, www.europa.rs and www.civilnodrustvo.rs

  28. Selecting the best applications Evaluation of proposals

  29. Evaluation of proposals Step 1: AC & CN-evaluation Opening & Administrative checks If the submission deadline has been respected. In case the deadline has not been respected the application will automatically be rejected. If the Application Form satisfies all the criteria specified in points 1-6 of the Checklist (section 6 of part B of the grant application form). Concept Note evaluation The Concept Notes of the applications that have passed the first administrative check will be evaluated for relevance and design of the action.

  30. Evaluation of proposals Concept Note evaluation - 1

  31. Evaluation of proposals Concept Note evaluation - 2 Only the Concept Notes which have been given a score of a minimum of 30 points will be considered for pre-selection. The list of Concept Notes will be reduced in accordance to the ranking to those whose sum of requested contributions amounts to twice the available budget for this Call for Proposals, taking into account the indicative financial envelopes foreseen by lot. By 29.04.2011, the Contracting Authority will send a letter to all applicants, indicating whether their application was submitted prior to the deadline, informing them of the reference number they have been allocated and whether the Concept Note were evaluated and what are the results of that evaluation.

  32. Evaluation of proposals Step 2: FAF-evaluation • Selection criteria: • Applicants have stable and sufficient sources of finance to maintain their activity throughout the period during which the action is being carried out and, where appropriate, to participate in its funding; • Applicants and their partners have the management capacity, professional competencies and qualifications required to successfully complete the proposed action; • Award criteria: • relevance of the action and its consistency with the objectives of the Call for Proposals (the score of the CN-evaluation!), • Effectiveness and feasibility of the action, • Impact on target groups, multiplier effect, sustainability • Cost-effectiveness. By 24.05.2011, a table listing the applications ranked according to their score and within the available financial envelope will be established as well as a reserve list following the same criteria.

  33. Evaluation of proposals Step 3: Verification of eligibility Will only be performed for the applications that have been provisionally selected according to their score and within the available financial envelope. Applicants who have been provisionally selected or listed under the reserve list will be informed in writing to supply the necessary documents in order to allow the Contracting Authority to verify the eligibility of the applicants and their partners. Supporting documents must be provided through PADOR. Based on the verification of the supporting documents by the Evaluation Committee it will make a final recommendation to the Contracting Authority which will decide on the award of grants. By 18.06.2011 the selected applicants will receive from the Contracting Authority award letters. The contract signature is planned for 23.06.2011.

  34. Basic documents and additional information Annexes to the Guidelines

  35. Annexes to the guidelines Annexes to be completed Annex A(submit by 10.03.2011) Grant Application Form Annex B (attach to Annex A) Budget Annex C (attach to Annex A) Logical Framework Annex D (submit the original when requested by the Contracting Authority) Legal Entity Sheet Annex E (submit the original when requested by the Contracting Authority) Financial identification form Annex F (attach to Annex A, only if objectively impossible to register in PADOR) PADOR off-line form (corresponds to sections 3 and 4 of Part B of the AF)

  36. Annexes to the guidelines Annexes for information Annex G Standard Grant contract • Annex II General conditions • Annex IV Contract award procedures • Annex V Standard request for payment • Annex VI Model reports: Narrative and Financial • Annex VIII Expenditure verification template Annex H Daily allowances rates (per diems) - http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/implementation/index_en.htm

  37. Annexes to the guidelines The Checklist

  38. Thank you for your attention! SUPPORT TO CIVIL SOCIETY Project GOPA Consultants 20a/3 Palmotićeva St. 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia tel./fax: +381 11 324 42 01 http://www.civilnodrustvo.rs e-mail: office@civilnodrustvo.rs

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