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A guide to... NCEA National Certificate of Educational Achievement. Text me a question. 021948442. 1 W hat is NCEA?. How does NCEA work? How can we support our children?. W hat is NCEA?. N ational C ertificate of E ducational A chievement. New Zealand’s national qualification.
A guide to... • NCEA • National Certificate of Educational Achievement
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1 What is NCEA? • How does NCEA work? • How can we support our children?
What is NCEA? • National Certificate ofEducational Achievement • New Zealand’s national qualification • Introduced between 2002 and 2004 • Standards based • Goes from level 1 to level 3 • Internally and externally assessed
What is the difference between the old system and NCEA? • Old system – School C and Bursary • 50% or above = PASS 49% or below = FAIL. • NCEA works differently • Students are assessed using national standards which describe particular skills or knowledge in subjects • Atraditional school subject is made up of a range of national standards
Why is NCEA best? Independent research has shown that if you do well in NCEA, you are likely to do well in your first year at university. “We find that the students who get the Excellences really optimize their learning; and when we follow those students who get Excellence in the NCEA into university they do the very best in their tertiary qualifications.” John Hattie, university of Auckland
“I’ve employed a lot of young people over the last couple of years and reading through their papers and credits you do get a good indication of where they’re at. NCEA tells you a bit more about the person; if they’re hands-on or computer skilled or good at fault finding.” Jud Dwyer, Manager at Westland Milk Products
“The transition from school to uni was very smooth. Under NCEA, you’re working hard all through the year, so you’re always aware of your assessments you’ve got at the moment, and then the next ones. You’ve got a plan and you know that there’s more coming, which is quite similar to uni, where you know when your assessments are and when they’re due.” Olivia Burt, student at Auckland University
How does NCEA work? 3 • level 3 – Year 13 2 • level 2 – Year 12 1 • level 1 – Years 10 +11
How does ncea work? 3 • Level 3(60 credits at level 3 + 20 credits at any other level) 2 • Level 2 (60 credits at level 2 + 20 at any other level) 1 • level 1 (80 credits at level 1 or higher • 10 must be literacy credits + 10 numeracy credits)
How do students earn credits? Students earn credits when they achieve a standard in a subject. Each subject usually consists of around 18-24 credits
How do students earn credits? A STANDARD is a unit of work Internal example (In class) Standard 1:5: Write a piece of formal writing = 3 credits External example (In a November exam) Standard 1:1: Study written texts = 4 credits
How do students earn credits? • Credits can be achieved at the level of: • Achieved • Merit • Excellence
How does NCEA work in a subject? • 90195 • consumer demand 4 • producers • 90196 5 • supply • 90197 3 • the market • 90198 5 • 90199 • the economy 2 • level 1 economics • 90200 • research 1 2 • 90201 • research 2 3 24 credits at level 1
How does NCEA work? A student example • economics (24 credits) • maths (24 credits) • English (22 credits) • Japanese (20 credits) • science (24 credits) • = 114 credits • Level 1 NCEA • 80 credits at level 1 or higher
A summary so far… • Students are assessed against national standards in their 5 • different subjects • Each subject is usually made up of 5 to 7 standards • Students earn credits when they achieve a standard • Standards can be a combination of internal and external • assessments • Students can gain N, A, M, E • ALLcredits go towards their NCEA qualification
A summary so far… 3 • Level 3 (60 credits at level 3 + 20 credits at any other level) 2 • Level 2 (60 credits at level 2 + 20 at any other level) 1 • level 1 (80 credits at level 1 or higher • 10 must be literacy credits + 10 numeracy credits)
Endorsed Merit or Excellence • 50 credits at merit/excellence for merit certificate • 50 credits at excellence for excellence certificate
Course Endorsements • 14 or more credits at Merit or Excellence in that course (in one year) • At least 3 credits from an external exam • At least 3 credits from an internal assessment
University Entrance (minimum entry)Level 110 numeracy creditsLevel 25 reading and 5 writing creditsLevel 314 credits in 3 approved subjectsMust pass L3 – 60 L3 credits and 20 credits at any other level
University Rank score system using the best 80 credits • 4 points for Excellence • 3 points for Merit • 2 points for Achieved + Many individual universities and individual courses have their own entrance criteria
How to read a results notice • N not achieved • A achieved • M merit • E excellence
NZQA Learner login Students can login at any time to; • Change their details • Review their results • Order certificates and records of achievement Google= NZQA learner login
Moodle Parent/student login Parents or students can login at any time to: • Track attendance • Track results • Read reports • Review co-curricular involvement
Fees$76.70$20.00 if eligible for financial assistance/ community services card
How can you help? Discuss with your child what are their plans when they leave school? Find out what they will need to achieve their dream Help them set goals
How can you help? Track your child’s attendance and Track your child’s total credits
How can you help? Regularly ask: • When is your next standard coming up? • How many credits is it worth? • What do you need to do to get Merit or Excellence?
How can you help? If they do not know the answers, please email or call your child’s teachers
Further help for your child?Read the websites:http://nzqa.govt.nzhttp://www.tki.org.nzSearch for assessment tasksModerator’s reportsExcellence exemplarsben@pakuranga.school.nz
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