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Birth and eruption of Paricutin Volcano. Geology formation of volcanoes; lava; comparing volcanoes; graphing active volcanic sites; pressure; heat ...
Science and Technology
Slide 2:Taxonomy of Technology Use
Learning about how to utilize technology Using a word processor, planning and organizational software, and communication tools Presenting of knowledge by using PowerPoint, web pages, multimedia, picture, video, and audio Manipulation of data through spreadsheets, data bases, and analysis software Social interaction: Blogging, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Second Life
Slide 3:Learning from Technology
Drill and practice: practicing materials learned through other curriculum sources followed by reward activities and remediation Tutorial programs: delivers both instruction and practice Demonstration software: demonstration of scientific principals Online teacher resources for science
Slide 4:Learning with Technology
Simulations: programs which involves the student in making decisions by interacting with a simulated real-world situations Frog dissections BrainPop Sim games (SimZoo, SimPlanet, SimPets)
Slide 5:Science Simulations
eduMedia Net Frog: This website provides a Virtual Frog Dissection Human Anatomy Online: Take tours of different body systems. MEDtropolis: an animated tour of different body parts.
Slide 6:Science Simulations
Discovery School: Check out the discovery school offered by National Geographic. They even have online expeditions with real live explorers! Brain Pop: Brain Pop is a great website. You can use on of their animated clips per day without charge. The license is not too expensive which gives you unlimited access. They offer many ways to enhance your lessons for all content areas. They even allow you to create online tests which can download to a gradebook.
Slide 7:Learning with Technology
Gaming Uses complex thinking Uses problem solving Motivational for students Funschool Science Games Ask.com Science Games Iknowthat Science Games Edheads Exploratorium Online activities
Slide 8:Games Continue
Nobelprize.org Kids Science SoftSchool
Slide 9:Learning Thinking Skills with Technology
Technology supports the development of cognition, meta-cognition, and problem solving skills Using video anchors to pose problems and puzzles for students Using technology to solve problems Using technology to conduct research Using technology to gather and analysis data Using technology to present what you have learned
Slide 10:Problem Solving
Problem solving is a goal directed sequence of cognitive actions starting from instructions to desired answers (Chi et al., 1982) Problem solving involves finding a solution path from the initial problem state (information in the problem plus knowledge) to the final goal state (answer) (Newell & Simon, 1972)
Slide 11:Problem Solving
Initial State + Solution Path + Goal State = Problem Space Differences in strategies and processes employed in the problem space are vital and differ between expert and novice problem solvers.
Slide 12:Problem Solving
Slide 13:Problem Solving Lesson Plan
Teacher create a problem for students to solve Students define the problem Students decide what the already know Students decide what they need to know more about the solve the problem Students begin to research Students brainstorm solutions
Slide 14:Problem Based Lesson Plan
Students decide if they need more information and research for that information Students develop solution Students test the solution Students analysis the data about the solution Students evaluate the success of the solution Students present the process and solution to class, members of the community.
Slide 15:Resource Selection Guidelines for Integration
The context must be readily available on videotape, videodisc, CB, virtual reality, or the internet The context must be suitable for student viewing at the elementary levels The context must contain information needed to gain student interest and attention
Slide 16:Resource Selection Guidelines for Integration
The information in the context must be in a language of communication familiar to students The science and language arts illustrated in the context must fall within a topic of instruction in the school curricula
Slide 17:Resource Selection Guidelines for Integration
The teacher should be able to explicitly identify the science concepts and the language skills embedded in the context The topic represented in the macro-context must be appropriate to the grade level
Slide 20:Video Anchors
Anchored Video Instruction A macro-context based instructional framework for engaging students in realistic complex problem solving, reflection, transfer, and critical thinking The anchors are stories or episodes developed around believable situation providing complex problem solving opportunities Raiders of the Lost Ark (Learning with Science replacing gold statue with sand.)
Slide 21:Video Anchors
Custom developed video episodes that begin the discussion about science The Golden Statuette Border Blues
Slide 22:Video Anchors
Science Counterintuitive Events: interactive video of selected counterintuitive (or discrepant) event-based problems in science HyperScience Perform additional investigations Collect data Read various materials Use clues to seek additional information Utilize gathered information and prior science knowledge to offer an explanation for the observed phenomenon.
Slide 23:Video Simulations
Videos are imbedded within the simulations to create interest and provide clues to solve the problems in the simulations “ The River of Life” simulation The River City Project
Slide 24:Evaluating Commerce Video for Science
Must be readily available in form Must be suitable for student viewing The topic represented must be appropriate for grade level Must contain real-world problem situation to gain student attention and promote interest in science Must be in a language familiar to students Must be able to identify the science concept and skills required The problem can be solved with the knowledge students have developed through class instruction
Slide 25:Volcanoes video