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What you are about to see are facts…

What you are about to see are facts…. Your choice, what you want to do. Now that you also know. What can you do??. Share the information with others Do your best to beat the Zionist propaganda that misleads Americans Write to your Representatives to stop funding this genocide

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What you are about to see are facts…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What you are about to see are facts… Your choice, what you want to do. Now that you also know.

  2. What can you do?? • Share the information with others • Do your best to beat the Zionist propaganda that misleads Americans • Write to your Representatives to stop funding this genocide • Remember that in a democracy all citizens are responsible for what their government does In the end we will all be called to account For what we did, and for what we failed to do

  3. The pictures you are about to see are shocking… But only for those whose hearts are still alive…who are still human at heart…

  4. As you look at these pictures, ask yourself… What is their crime??

  5. إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ "Verily, unto Allah do we belong and, verily, unto Him we shall return."

  6. That was a short seminar in how to create suicide bombers The Zionists are the world’s greatest experts in this. Ask yourself, “Do I want to fund this kind of education?”

  7. Now let’s look at Women’s Rights and Human Rights But first ask, “Which women and which humans?”

  8. Lesson # 1: How to treat Muslim women. Taught by Zionist mothers to their kids.

  9. Young woman, Old woman Soldier woman, Civilian woman Israeli woman, Muslim woman Ask yourself, “What would I say if this picture was reversed. With a Muslim soldier clubbing a Jewish woman in the face.?”

  10. Who is braver? But see the terror on their faces?? This is what you are supporting with your taxes.

  11. First the Zionists do this. Then?? Yet it is the Palestinians who are violent, remember?

  12. Weapon of Mass Destruction – You want one?

  13. “Home Sweet Home”, they call it!

  14. Jenin – When the Zionists finished building a graveyard

  15. Maybe they are right to fear these kids. For these kids know no fear.

  16. Look at their eyes!! Children’s eyes are so beautiful. Even when they are dead!!

  17. Prayer in the shade of the ‘sword’ What is he asking Allah? Ironically it is his god also. The God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad

  18. Israeli soldiers; American rifles Muslim trophy

  19. And who funds all this?? Apart from the American taxpayer of course…

  20. After all Johnson & Johnson is a baby products company, right?

  21. He was killed but the Zionists had to use a tank. How can you defeat a people, whose kids need a tank to kill them? Keep trying!!

  22. But how can I live without Coke or Pepsi? Right? We buy, so that these kids may die

  23. As I said…It’s your call. For one day, the bell will toll for you also.

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