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2 Kings 2:1-12 Sermon Slides

2 Kings 2:1-12 Sermon Slides

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2 Kings 2:1-12 Sermon Slides

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Elijah and the Transfiguration 2 Kings 2:1-12

  2. Introduction • Ascent of Elijah • Two persons who ascended into Heaven without death • Elijah was at the Transfiguration

  3. Physical Bodies do not enter Heaven (4 explanations of Elijah’s body) • 1. Radak  The fire consumed Elijah’s body, therefore only his spirit went to heaven. God will give him a “new body” when he returns. • 2. Ralbag  “up to heaven” meant God made him really tall. Then God took him to a secluded place on Earth where he lived out his days in seclusion. • 3. Maor Vashemesh  his body became purified, so it could enter Heaven. • 4. Tiferes Shlomo  Elijah’s spirit went to heaven while his body remained on Earth for future use.

  4. The Return of Elijah stores of the Talmud • The Leper at the Gates of Rome - Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 98a • The Leaves of Paradis - Babylonian Talmud, Baba Metzia 114b • The Trade of your ancestors - Pesikta d’Rav Kahanna 11:22 • Voices in the Ruins - Babylonian Talmud, Berachot 3a

  5. The Secret - Baba Metzia 85b • What is the Holy One doing? - Babylonian Talmud, Hagigah 15b • Take it up with the Master Craftsman - Babylonian Talmud, Ta’anit 20b • There work is Torah - Midrash Eliahu Zuta, ch. 14

  6. The number 50 • Two parts; a journey, a completion • Elijah knew he was to be taken up to heaven • He goes on a journey • Gilgal  12 standing stones of Joshua • Bethel  Jacob’s ladder • Jericho  place of Joshua’s first victory with God’s help • 50 prophets of Jericho tell us that the journey is over

  7. The Mantle • A “fancy” tallis • It represented the power of God through Elijah • Elijah passes it to Elisha: Elisha’s commissioning

  8. Elijah parts the Jordan River • A final demonstration of God’s power and Elijah’s status • Moses + Rod  Red Sea • Joshua + Ark of the Covenant  Jordan River • Elijah + Mantel  Jordan River

  9. For us Today – Connection to the Transfiguration

  10. MIKE -- put video in place of this slide Thanks pm

  11. For us Today – Connection to the Transfiguration • Transfiguration Story • Elijah handing over the leadership of God’s people • Jesus is our spiritual and life leader Last slide

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