The Light wins over the Darkness forever John 20:1-18
Introduction • Easter Morning • Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus’ tomb • Jesus’ body is gone • Peter and the beloved disciple race to the tomb • The Risen Jesus speaks to Mary
Culture • To understand the significance and actions we have to understand the culture • Third day – speaking to the deceased • Women would rush to kiss someone presumed dead but was alive • Women did not touch men in public and because it would make it appear that Jesus was never dead • ‘Ascend’ from the Peshitta means ‘transcend.’ Jesus’ body was transformed into a spiritual body (that is why He can materialize in a close room)
Scripture Points • 1st day of the week is Sunday • Hosea 6:1-2 – not understanding Scripture • 1 "Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. 2 "He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, That we may live before Him. (Hos. 6:1-2 NAU) • Mary stayed at the tomb wanting to find Jesus’ body • Mary has the first encounter with the Risen Jesus
For us Today • Light won over the Darkness • The World would start to change • The Light can return – the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) • Jesus’ resurrection is the foundation of the faith • He died to bring us the message of the Light • He implanted the Light in all believers • His message cleared the way for the return of the Holy Spirit