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Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher. Santiago Palacios Blanca Olalde, Lopez de Aretxabaleta Ainhoa Ezeiza. UPV/EHU Unversity of the Basque Country VirEval Assesment of Virtual Education.
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Santiago PalaciosBlanca Olalde, Lopez de AretxabaletaAinhoa Ezeiza UPV/EHU Unversity of the Basque Country VirEval Assesment of Virtual Education
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Introduction • Digital natives and competences of teacher Lifelong learning and professional development Research description • Course (Psychology of Education) • Module (Psychology of Virtual Education)) Sample Results • Quantitative Analysis of the participations of students • Qualitative Analysis of the messages of students Conclusions
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Introduction Life-long development is a main objective for professors who are implicated in formation of the teachers of the next decades. the first generations of digital natives The features of the students who start theirs studies Level of digital competences these students have currently The debate on the extent to which these characteristics of the digital native really will have on the implementation of new teaching methodologies It is necessary to address research that will enable us to know what are the different characteristics and peculiarities of the generation NET (native digital) and the actual implications that can or should have at the time to implement on the future teachers’ education.
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Digital natives and competences of teacher Imbalance between the training offer linked to the professional development and the digital competency of the future teachers Creating a paradigm shift in views of learning, coupled by applications of new information technologies, can play a key role in renewing educational systems to bring them into the needs of a Knowledge Society for All The extremely rapid growth and turn around in new technology and knowledge content mean that this emergent field is changing faster than education personnel can track
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Teacher Professional Development Matrix
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Teacher Professional Development Matrix
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher • Lifelong learning and professional development Lifelong Learning is essential when working in a challenging and changing environment Teacher Professional Development in ICT should equip teachers not just with basic ICT skills, but it should also encourage the evolution towards integrating technologies into teaching subjects and practices • The goals of professional learning about ICT can be centered on • learning how to use ICT and • learning with ICT
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher • Lifelong learning and professional development
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher • Lifelong learning and professional development The integration of ICT in teacher professional development involves two sets of activities or roles: One is training teachers to learn about ICT and its use in teaching as computers are introduced to schools.… The other role of ICT is as a means of providing teacher education, either as a core or main component of a programme, or playing a supplementary role within it
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Smart Classroom Professional Development Framework
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Research description Are aware future teachers of the involvement of ICTs in their professional development? We study 3 aspects • Assessment of the use of the educational virtual spaces and other resources and activities during the academic year • Assessment of the responses collected at a virtual forum and given to the 2 following questions: • - What role(s) could/should ICT play in teacher development? • - How could ICT be exploited to facilitate teacher development? • Assessment of the answers to other items (video Book and ICT and methodology)
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Course (Psychology of Education)
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Module (Psychology of Virtual Education)
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Module (Psychology of Virtual Education) Ten reasons to choose 'free software' in schools Digital Natives and leaning
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Module (Psychology of Virtual Education) ICTs and teacher´s professional developmnet
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Module (Psychology of Virtual Education) Other items: Video BOOK Forum Video BOOK Other items: Technology or methodology Forum: Technology or methodology
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Sample Course (Psychology of Education) 230 students • Child Education (ChE): 66 students • Primary Education (PE): 92 students • Physical Education (PhE): 72 students Number of student and messages on forum of Psychology of Virtual Education by group
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Results Quantitative Analysis of the participations of students Number of messages in each forum of whole virtual space
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Results Quantitative Analysis of the participations of students • These results point to • High levels of participation of students in all forums of virtual space. • However, the differences found among forums and groups can be explained in terms of familiarity of student with virtual learning space and pedagogical design of activities An overall analysis… conclusions • Messages were not only board postings but true conversations. • Students tended to agree or disagree with a previous posting • Students also provided mentoring, questioning, scaffolding, feedback and task structuring for one another.
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Results Quantitative Analysis of the participations of students A piece of information confirms that students are currently digital natives Virtual official exam Current students prefer virtual form for assessment and a challenge for educators is how virtual systems in this direction can be improved and generated . Maybe our current students will develop these systems in a better way if they have been previously participants of assessments systems in spite of several difficulties and worries about supervision in the current design of virtual assessment activities.
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Qualitative Analysis of the messages of students Results • what role(s) could/should ICT play in teacher development?, • how could ICT be exploited to facilitate teacher development? Some remarkable ideas appear in the majority of answers • Society is changing due to new technologies. ICT has a pervasive presence in all everyday life´s aspect. • Long life learning is a condition of teacher development according to the view of ongoing changes in the future too. • Education can not be out of this phenomenon. ICT has got a initial integration. ICTs provide schools with new paradigm. Teachers must obtained the best of ICT to apply and improve education • They thinks that can/must be leaders of changes in this aspect (implementation of ICT in education) • Teacher must be trained on new technologies • ICTs are a good tool for teacher development due to some reasons. So ICTs • Make easier his job • Let to (instant) access to al kind of information • Let to access and broader social contact (email) • Let to sharing with others knowledge and materials • Let to access to new methods for learning • Let to apply these new methods for achieving more active students • Provide new tools and techniques as audiovisual materials • Let to access from house (No time / No place)
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Qualitative Analysis of the messages of students Results Student 1 Teknologia berriek irakaslearen formakuntzan paper garrantzitsua izan dezakete kontuan izanik gaur egun bizi garen gizartea. Hau da, denbora aurrera doan heinean aldaketak batzuk ematen dira, aldaketa horiek gizartean eragiten dute eta gizarteak aldaketa horietara moldatu behar izaten du. Honela, teknologia gaur egungo gizartearen ardatz bilakatu da eta horrek hezkuntzan eragin zuzena izan du. Teknologia hezkuntzan barneratu da eta ondorioz, irakaslea/irakaskuntza egoera berrietara moldatu behar izan da. Student 3 Teknologiak irakasleen garapena bultzatzen du, hau da, irakasleen lana errazten duen tresna bezela ulertu dezakegu, hau da, erosotasuna ematen du: informazioa eskura, email-a, lankideekin harremanetan, etxetik konektatuta egoteko aukera... Honela, teknologia irakasleen ezagupenak handitzeko modu bat da. Metodologia berriak ezagutu eta egokiena praktikan jartzeko aukera ematen diguna, beti ere, lortu nahi ditugun helburuetara helduaz. Hain zuzen ere, ikasle aktibo, partehartzaile eta kritikoak lortuaz. Student 4 Orain arte, agian, teknologia berriak ez dira gehiegi erabili irakasgai ezberdinen edukiak lantzeko, metodologia berriak erabiliz. Irakasleak ez dira, nire ustez, ondo prestatuak egon orain arte. Pixkanaka, unibertsitatean batez ere eta eskoletan gero eta gehiago, ikusten goaz teknologia berriak eskolan gero eta gehiago aplikatzen direla, eta ez soilik power point bat egiterako orduan, edota proiektore bat telebista baten ordez edukitzerako orduan. Edukiak lantzeko modu berriak agertzen ari dira, eta hori oso positiboa da. Gero eta aukera ezberdin eta abersgarri gehiago eskaintzen dituzte irakaskuntzaren munduan, eta irakasleak aukera hauek erabili eta aprobetxatzeko gai izan behar dira, formakuntza ezinbestekoa izanik, beraz.
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Qualitative Analysis of the messages of students Results However this analysis is not completed if we don’t pay attention to answers of the students in other forums of this module. So, when the students watch above mentioned 2 videos (Book and ICT or methodologies) we ca see how they modulate and balance their initial support of new technologies. In the first case, the vast majority of students claim that books are a good tool or technique to learn. In spite of current lack of prestige, books are considered as complementary tool. In the same way, when the students watch the 2nd video they give priority status to methodological aspects over ICTs as mere artefacts. That is, the students recognize that the use of ICTs doesn’t lead to an improvement on educational process directly. On the contrary, the students appreciate that the changes on pedagogical aspects are the prior challenge for teachers and then they choose ICTs as the best tool to achieve them.
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Conclusions Current students belong to NET generation and have a high level of informational literacy resulting in major changes in high education and opening a hopeful way to ICT at professional development service According to Resnick (202), while new digital technologies make a learning revolution possible, they certainly do not guarantee it To take full advantage of new technologies, we need to fundamentally rethink our approaches to learning and education— and our ideas of how new technologies can support them
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Conclusions The models in e-learning for teacher education and professional development • renewal of delivery of information with online repositories and courses • rise of web-supported classrooms • participation in learning networks and communities • knowledge creation in knowledge-building communities.
Digital natives and the role of ICT for professional development of teacher Santiago Palacios Navarro santiago.palacios@ehu.es Ainhoa Ezeiza ainhoa ezeiza@ehu.es Blanca Olalde bolalde@irakasle.net VirEval Assesment of Virtual Education www.vireval.net UPV/EHU Unversity of the Basque Country