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SCIENCE. Understanding the World Around Us. Polar Bear, Polar Bear. Clap your hands and stomp your feet after each of the Polar Bear’s tricks. Preparation: Bear shaped bottle; yellow, blue, red, food coloring; magic cleaner; water.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SCIENCE Understanding the World Around Us

  2. Polar Bear, Polar Bear • Clap your hands and stomp your feet after each of the Polar Bear’s tricks. • Preparation: Bear shaped bottle; yellow, blue, red, food coloring; magic cleaner; water.

  3. Children have a natural interest about the world around them andChildren act as scientists as they question their surroundings.

  4. Science is BEST LEARNED THROUGH: • Experiences of the senses: • eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and touch • First hand experiences • Simple experiments • Unplanned discoveries • Observations • Predictions • Exciting discussions • Effective questioning transformation

  5. Effective Questioning • CLOSED-ENDED QUESTIONS: • Single answer or Yes/No answers • What color is it? • What shape is it? • Do you like to look at the fish? • OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: • Promotes discussion - requires decision-making skills • ** What are you observing? • How could you group these? • What happens when you ….? • ** What do you think will happen if…. • What can you do to make that happen? • How does it look the same or different than it did yesterday? • ** How did you do that? • I wonder how _______ works? • What can you change to make ______ work/happen out? • When did this happen? What happened afterward? • ** I don’t know either. Let’s see if we can find out

  6. THE SCIENTIFIC PROCESS? • Observe: notice, wonder explore. • Ask questions • Create a hypothesis • Predict outcome • Perform experiment • Analyze results • Evaluate hypothesis

  7. The SCIENCE AREA • Allow the child to explore the world around them through hands on, activities, displays, and simple science experiments. • Place it near a window and away from active play • Have a table set up where a variety of materials are available for the child to examine with his/her senses.

  8. Sensory Table -Provide children opportunities to explore using their senses. -Sensory tables should be located near a sink for quick clean up. -Contain water wheels, funnels, plastic beakers, cups etc.

  9. GAK • 1/8c (2Tbl) Glue • 1/8 c (2Tbl) –Liquid Starch • a little less than this amount so it is not gooey. • 1 drop food coloring • Combine in a bag and mix until all absorbed.

  10. Suspension: Chemical reaction: Chemical change: CHEMISTRY

  11. 1. Suspension **Fireworks in a Glass 2. Chemical reaction **Volcano 3. Chemical change Shiny Penny Dinosaur Egg: Ice cube and salt Oobleck Video CHEMISTRY

  12. FLUBBER / Real Silly Putty In a zip lock bag, place 1 tablespoon Elmer's glue, 1 tablespoon water and 2 drops of food coloring Mix well. In a container mix 1/2 cup water and 1 tablespoon Borax. After the glue, water and food coloring have been mixed, add 1 tablespoon of the borax mixture. Close Ziploc and mix well. The result is a very, very close resemblance to the real silly putty.

  13. Balance Weight and Size Movements Gravity Water: Sink or Float Magnets Machines: wheels, gears, lever, etc. PHYSICAL

  14. Conductor/Insulator Ice cubes on a metal baking sheet vs. ice cubes on a piece of cardboard, which melts faster? **Electricity Static on hair with balloons. Crayon Melt on a hot plate Balance **Does air have weight? 2 balloons and a ruler. **Dominoes falling in a chain reaction Weight and Size **Lift a bottle with a stick Gravity Drop various objects to see how they fall Water: Test Sink or Float **Scuba Diver or **Dancing raisins Magnets **Dancing Socks Machines: wheels, gears, lever (nutcracker) PHYSICAL

  15. Living and non-living things Animals Habitats and Diets BIOLOGY

  16. Studying Living and non-living things Animals Care of pets Habitats and Diets Seashells, pet fish, watch tad poles develop, hatch chickens. Your Human Body Our 5 senses **Smelling jars, tasting table, sound cans, touch gel bags, hearing. Germs and Bacteria **Germy Hands (2 volunteers for this) Non-living things Does it breath? Does it move on its own? BIOLOGY

  17. Plants Germination Photosynthesis Purpose of plants: food, building, clothing, etc. BOTANY

  18. Plants and trees **Do leaves breath? Place a leaf in a glass of water and watch as bubbles form on the leaf. Matching leaves with the tree. Germination Sprout seed in plastic bag Grass Head Guys. Grow grass in a stocking and potting soil. Photosynthesis **Carnation /Celery in colored water Place one plant in sun, one plant in dark. BOTANY

  19. Sun Light and Dark: Shadows Stars Weather ASTROLOGY-METEOROLOGY

  20. Sun, Moon and Stars Make a sundial, sun prints on paper. Shapes, chart phases of the moon Light and Dark Shadow tracing Outdoors with the sun, indoors with the flashlight. The water cycle Make a cloud in a jar. Weather Tornado in a bottle. **Thunder in a brown bag Season changes ASTROLOGY-METEOROGY

  21. Conservation Recycling Erosion Care of the Environment Worms in soil ECOLOGY

  22. Science Activities • List preschool DAP science activity for each type of science. Use resource books if needed.

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