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Top 50-75 Modules by Mitchell R.K. Shelton. Drupal@OSU February 2011. Guided Discussion. If you have used a module, please feel free contribute. Presentation will be available on http://drupal.osu.edu early next week.
Top 50-75 Modulesby Mitchell R.K. Shelton Drupal@OSU February 2011
Guided Discussion • If you have used a module, please feel free contribute. • Presentation will be available on http://drupal.osu.edu early next week. • Corrections are welcome, this is the first time I’ve seen most of these modules. • Suggestions or Volunteers for Future Presentations
Views Bulk Operations (VBO)http://drupal.org/project/views_bulk_operations • This module augments Views by allowing bulk operations to be executed on the nodes displayed by a view. It does so by showing a checkbox in front of each node, and adding a select box containing operations that can be applied on the selected nodes.
Better Formatshttp://drupal.org/project/better_formats • Better formats is a module to add more flexibility to Drupal's core input format system.Features • Set the default format per role. • Set the default format per content type. • Control allowed formats per content type. • Hide format tips. • Hide more format tips link. • Hide format selection for nodes, comments, and blocks seperately, forcing the default to be used. • Expand the selection fieldset by default. • Disable the expand/collapse of the selection fieldset. • Set selection fieldset title. • Set more format tips link text. • Set default formats for nodes and comments separately. • Sensible defaults and fail overs for ease of use. • Works with CCK textareas. • Works with Panels comment form. • i18n module support for user defined strings.
Automatic Nodetitleshttp://drupal.org/project/auto_nodetitle • "auto_nodetitle" is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of the content title field in the form. To prevent empty content title fields one can configure it to generate the title by a given pattern. • When the token module is installed it's possible to use various node data for theauto generated title - e.g. use the text of a CCK field (since 5.x). • Advanced users can also provide some PHP code, that is used for automatically generating an appropriate title.
Internationalizationhttp://drupal.org/project/i18n • This is a collection of modules to extend Drupal core multilingual capabilities and be able to build real life multilingual sites. Some features: • Taxonomy translation (both, per language terms and translatable terms) • Multilingual variables • Multilingual blocks (control visibility per language and translate title and content) • Language selection (when you switch the site language you'll see only the content for that language)
Ubercarthttp://drupal.org/project/ubercart • Ubercart is an e-commerce suite developed for Drupal. It has been designed with the end user in mind, focusing on usability in three key areas: store configuration, product and catalog creation, and order administration. On the front end, all major systems are configurable and integrate with the standard Drupal systems (node, taxonomy, user, etc.). On the back end, the settings pages and order administration pages have been designed with ease of use in mind, and we are constantly working to lower the barrier to entry for new Ubercart users. • Ubercart out of the box is a great solution for stores that sell physical goods, digital product downloads, and site memberships. All these features can be previewed on the demo site, Ubercart Livetest. Feel free to check it out and post your thoughts in the forums. Read more about testing here. • The community at Ubercart.org is active and growing. Check it out to find forum support, a contributions directory holding modules, snippets, Views tutorials, and more submitted by your friendly fellow Ubercart users, and a site directory showcasing live Ubercart sites.
Fivestarhttp://drupal.org/project/fivestar • The Fivestar voting module adds a clean, attractive voting widget to nodes in Drupal 5 and 6. Developed by Lullabot and an officially supported module in Acquia Drupal.It features: • jQuery rollover effects and AJAX no-reload voting • Configurable star sets • Graceful degradation to an HTML rating form when JavaScript is turned off • Support for anonymous voters • Spam protection to keep users from filling your DB with bogus votes • Easy-to-use integration with Views module for lists sorted by rating, or filtered by min/max ratings • A Fivestar CCK field for use in custom node types • An easy-to-use Form API element type for use in other modules • Compatible with all versions of jQuery (1.0 - 1.3.2)
Adminhttp://drupal.org/project/admin • The admin module provides UI improvements to the standard Drupal admin interface. The 2.x branch focuses on the following goals: • Sustainability - avoid excessive overrides of code, markup, and interface strings to ensure the module keeps the workload overhead on the maintainers and community to a minimum. • Pluggable/extensible architecture - ensure that admin serves as a starting point for other modules in contrib to implement admin interfaces. • Expose Drupal's strengths and downplay its weaknesses where possible. An honest approach to the underlying framework and architecture of Drupal will be less confusing to the user down the road.
Simplenewshttp://drupal.org/project/simplenews • Simplenews publishes and sends newsletters to lists of subscribers. Both anonymous and authenticated users can opt-in to different mailing lists. HTML email can be send by adding Mime Mail module.
Vertical Tabshttp://drupal.org/project/vertical_tabs • Provides vertical tabs on the node add form. • This module provides the following features: • Vertical tabifying all node forms. • Vertical tabifying the content type forms. • Vertical tabifying the block forms. • Specialized CSS for Garland, as well as generic CSS for other themes • Color module support when both Garland and color.module are used • Vertical tabbed forms and fieldsets are over-ridable by using your site's settings.php and $conf. • When used in combination with Form module allows you to configure vertical tabs on all possible forms.
Menu blockhttp://drupal.org/project/menu_block • So… have you ever used the Main and Secondary menu links feature on your theme and wondered “how the hell do I display any menu items deeper than that?” • Well, that’s what this module does. It provides configurable blocks of menu trees starting with any level of any menu. And more! • So if you’re only using your theme’s Main menu links feature, you can add and configure a “Main menu (levels 2+)” block. That block would appear once you were on one of the Main menu’s pages and would show the menu tree for the 2nd level (and deeper) of your Main menu and would expand as you traversed down the tree. You can also limit the depth of the menu’s tree (e.g. “Main menu (levels 2-3)”) and/or expand all the child sub-menus (e.g. “Main menu (expanded levels 2+)”). • Pretty simple, eh?
Admin rolehttp://drupal.org/project/adminrole • This module is a little helper to maintain an administrator role which has all available permissions. By default, Drupal only has one super user and this module helps improve this drastically.
Locationhttp://drupal.org/project/location • The Location module allows real-world geographic locations to be associated with Drupal nodes, including people, places, and other content. The Location module allows admins to collect addresses, geocode them (translate addresses to lattitude/longitude), and associate locations with Drupal nodes and users. Location data is automatically used to generate GeoRSS within your existing RSS feeds. Location also provides an API so that other modules may take advantage of its address storage and geocoding features.The Location package has changed significantly since the previous release. Location now includes the following modules: • Location: provides the Location API; handles address storage and geocoding. Allows users to attach locations to nodes. • User Locations: allows admins to associate locations with users. • Location Phone and Location Fax: add phone and fax fields to Location's address fieldset. • Location Search: Integrate locations and proximity searching into the core Drupal search functionality • Location CCK: provide a Location behavior as a CCK field. • Location Generate: Programmatically generate locations for testing (integrates with the Devel package). • Location Add Another: Allows you to quickly add new locations to a node. • Location itself also integrates with Views; in addition to providing fields and filters for Locations, it also offers basic proximity filtering and sorting features. • In addition to the underlying Drupal modules, the Location package contains a machine-readable table of postal codes for several countries.
External Linkshttp://drupal.org/project/extlink • External Links is a small module used to differentiate between internal and external links. Using jQuery, it will find all external links on a page and add an external icon indicating it will take you offsite or a mail icon for mailto: links. • Configuration options: • Apply icons to either mailto: or external links or both. • Configure external links to open in a new window. • A confirmation message when leaving the site (Section 508 compliance). • Regular expression inclusion and exclusion of links considered external.
GMap Modulehttp://drupal.org/project/gmap • The GMap module provides an interface to the Google Maps API within Drupal. It integrates with the Location module to provide users a clickable map for entering latitude and longitude, as well as to display maps of Drupal nodes and users. GMap can be used to create interactive maps with various map markers and content in map bubbles, taking advantage of Drupal's other content management features. The module also provides a Views display plugin which allows users to display the results of a view on a Google map. • The GMap package consists of the following modules: • GMap: provides the GMap API, integration with Views and Location, and GMap macros. • GMap Location: Provides a map of all a site's nodes and a map of all of the site users. • GMap Taxonomy: Allows you to display different map markers based on taxonomy of a specific node. • GMap Macro Builder: Provides a GUI for building "macros" (a text-based way of describing arbitrary GMaps).
Mollom http://drupal.org/project/mollom • Mollom is an "intelligent" content moderation web service. By monitoring content activity on all sites in the Mollom network, Mollom is in a unique position to determine if a post is potentially spam; not only based on the posted content, but also on the past activity and reputation of the poster. In short, Mollom handles incoming posts intelligently, in much the same way a human moderator decides what posts are acceptable. Therefore, Mollom enables you to allow anonymous users to post comments and other content on your site.
Content Taxonomy http://drupal.org/project/content_taxonomy • This module provides a CCK field type for referencing taxonomy terms.The fields are independent from vocabulary settings. For every field you can specify following settings: • widget type (see list below) • general CCK settings (label, description, fieldgroup, weight, single/multiple, required, ...) • the vocabulary to use • further settings for hierarchical vocabularies, like the depth of the tree or a parent term for sub-trees • storage settings: storage is done in the CCK tables. But for many modules it's necessary, that the saved values are also available to the core Taxonomy system. In this case it's possible to save values additionally to the core taxonomy database table. (Drupal 6) • widget-specific settings • Content Taxonomy is going to hide all form fields from the core Taxonomy module from vocabularies, which are handled by a Content Taxonomy field (since Beta 6). • Further Content Taxonomy Fields have Views and Token support and can be used with Rules.
SWF Tools http://drupal.org/project/swftools • SWF Tools allows you to easily embed flash content on your pages. You can use CCK filefields, use an input filter with [swf file="mymovie.swf"], or use PHP and call print swf('mymovie.swf');. The module consists of a number of components that you can choose to install. For example, you can choose a variety of embedding methods, such as direct embedding markup, or SWF Object 2 JavaScript. You can also enable support for a number of common media players, such as Wijering Player or FlowPlayer. When you enable those you can easily add video and audio content to your site simply by writing [swf file="myAudio.mp3"] or [swf file="myVideo.flv"]. SWF Tools will take care of everything to create your player.
Skinrhttp://drupal.org/project/skinr • Skinr's main purpose is to allow the theme to define a set of reusable and modular CSS styles, and to make those styles available in Drupal's UI. Skinr was developed for themers to allow them to tap into the power of Drupal's modularity and apply those same principals to theme development. It does not provide any styles of its own. These styles are defined in the .info file of the theme (or subtheme), by the themer and end up in various places in Drupal's UI, such as: • Block Configuration • Node Type (and Comment) Configuration • Panel Panes • Views Displays • It also provides a CSS class field, where you can manually add custom classes.
getID3() http://drupal.org/project/getid3 • The getID3() Drupal module facilitates the installation and management of the getID3() PHP library, used to extract useful information from MP3s and other multimedia file formats.
Content Access http://drupal.org/project/content_access • Yet another node access module. • This module allows you to manage permissions for content types by role and author. It allows you to specifiy custom view, edit and delete permissions for each content type. Optionally you can enable per content access settings, so you can customize the access for each content node. • In particular: • it comes with sensible defaults, so you need not configure anything and everything stays working • it is as flexible as you want. It can work with per content type settings, per content node settings as well as with flexible Access Control Lists. • it trys to reuse existing functionality instead of reimplementing it. So one can install the ACL module and set per user access control settings per content node. Furthermore the module provides conditions and actions for workflow-ng / rules, which allows one to configure even rule-based access permissions. • it optimizes the written content node grants, so that only the really necessary grants are written. This is important for the performance of your site. • it takes access control as important as it is. E.g. the module has a bunch of simpletests to ensure everything is working right. • So the module is simple to use, but can be configured to provide really fine-grained permissions!
DHTML Menu http://drupal.org/project/dhtml_menu • DHTML Menu uses Javascript to reduce the number of page loads when using nested menus; this is particularly useful with Drupal's administration system. • Ordinarily in Drupal, in order to see the sub-items in a menu, you need to click the link of this item and wait for a full page load. After enabling DHTML Menu, clicking a menu link once will expand it to reveal its sub-items without reloading the page. A double-click on the item will load the page normally. Additionally, a cookie stores which menus are open and which are closed, so that the state of the menus remain consistent as you navigate around the site.
Features http://drupal.org/project/features • The features module enables the capture and management of features in Drupal. A feature is a collection of Drupal entities which taken together satisfy a certain use-case. • Features provides a UI and API for taking different site building components from modules with exportables and bundling them together in a single feature module. A feature module is like any other Drupal module except that it declares its components (e.g. views, contexts, CCK fields, etc.) in its .info file so that it can be checked, updated, or reverted programmatically. • Examples of features might be: • A blog • A pressroom • An image gallery • An e-commerce t-shirt store
jQuery plugins http://drupal.org/project/jquery_plugin • The jquery_plugin module provides miscellaneous jQuery plugins, which can be loaded from any module or theme by calling jquery_plugin_add($plugin) in Drupal 6 or drupal_add_library('jquery_plugin', $plugin) in Drupal 7. The Drupal 6 version supports jQ, a jQuery plugin registry.
Thickbox http://drupal.org/project/thickbox • The Thickbox module is a wrapper for the jQuery plugin ThickBox.
Taxonomy Manager http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_manager • This module provides a powerful interface for managing taxonomies. A vocabulary gets displayed in a dynamic tree view, where parent terms can be expanded to list their nested child terms or can be collapsed. • The Taxonomy Manager has following operations and key features: • dynamic treeview • mass deleting • mass adding of new terms • moving of terms in hierarchies • merging of terms • fast weight changing with up and down arrows (and AJAX saving) • AJAX powered term editing form • simple search interface • CSV Export of terms • i18n support for multilingual vocabularies (per language terms) • Double Tree interface for moving terms in hierarchies, adding new translations and switching terms between different vocabularies • For using the Taxonomy Manager you should have JavaScript and automatically load of images enabled in your browser.