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Creating a pedagogical systems theory for early childhood and preschool education. Docent Ulla Härkönen Ph.D., Lecturer in Early Childhood Education University of Joensuu Savonlinna Department of Teacher Education 25.11.2005 Tallinn University.
Creating a pedagogical systems theory for early childhood and preschool education Docent Ulla Härkönen Ph.D., Lecturer in Early Childhood Education University of Joensuu Savonlinna Department of Teacher Education 25.11.2005 Tallinn University
IntroductionThis presentation gives a short overview about the key results of my studies made during thirty years And it shows the deepening understanding of the systemic, holistic, semiotic thoughts and the principles of gender equality and sustainability of early childhood education.
The figure 1. in the next slide shows 1. the basis and 2. the central theoretical approaches that have been influenced in the Finnish early childhood and pre-school education. The basis and 7 blocks of the theoretical approaches form the main construction blocks in my elaboration of the new systems theory.
The elaboration continues towards a theory which is educational, pedagogical, systemic, holistic, semiotic, sustainable Educational and pedagogical theories of the philosopher-pedagogues like Froebel, Steiner, Montessori, Parkhurst, Neill, Freinet, Dewey, Freire, Suchomlinsky, Malaguzzi. The focus is on the educational process including care, education, teaching, learning and development. Many of these pedagogues have also the developmental theory of their own. The critical theorypoints to inequality in society, being a societal theory,but how to outline care, education, teaching, learning and development? Constructivism has been generally used as a theory of learningbut how to show care, education, teaching and development? Piaget’s theory and Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory have been used as developmental theories but how is the process of care, education, teaching and learning presented? Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory has been used as a developmental theorybut where is the share of care, education, teaching and learning? Didactics has been used as a theory of teachingbut how to treat care, education, learning and development? Behaviorism has been used as a theory of learning but it is subject to criticism. And how to show the share of care, education, teaching and development? The basis of the Finnish early childhood and preschool education:*home upbringing, the kindergarten’s pedagogical tradition, school teaching, *impact of neighbouring and other countries all over the world*pedagogics, developmental psychology, psychology, philosophy, sociology Figure 1. The construction blocks for new systems theory of early childhood and pre-school education
The figure 2. in the next slide is a general systems model of educational thinking in early childhood and preschool education. The figure consists of different parts of the whole systems: 1. the philosophical background and 2. the educational elements that are goals, contents and methods.
In the figure 2 • methods are shown in details because these methods are essential in early childhood education and preschool education. • The figure also points out the main early childhood education science, related sciences, fields on knowledge and refers to the processes and planning of early childhood education and preschool education.
Views on world Views on human being Views on child Views on society Wies on knowledge Views on education Views on methods Views on contents Views on goals Views on work Views on teaching Views on celebrations Views on outdoor education Views on basic activities and care Views on play TourismSocial sciencesNatural sciencesInternationalism NursingHygieneMedicineNutritionHome economics Play pedagogy Didactics EntertainmentArts Work pedagogy educational science, developmental psychology, psychology, philosophy, sociologyearly childhood education science Views on pedagogical process of early childhood education Views on planning of pedagogical process of early childhood education Figure 2. General systems model of educational thinking in early childhood and pre-schooleducation
Käsitykset maailmasta Käsitykset ihmisestä Käsitykset lapsesta Käsitykset yhteiskunnasta Käsitykset tiedosta Käsitykset kasvatuksesta Käsitykset menetelmistä Käsitykset sisällöistä eli oppiaineista Käsitykset tavoitteista Käsitykset perus- toiminnoista ja hoidosta HoitotiedeTerveystietoLääketiedeRavitsemustiedeKotitaloustiede MatkailualaYhteiskunta- tieteetLuonnontieteetKansainväli-syyskasvatus Työ- peda-gogiikka Leikki- peda-gogiikka Viide- alat taiteet Didak-tiikka Käsitykset opetuksesta Käsitykset juhlista Käsitykset leikistä Käsitykset retkistä Käsitykset työstä Kasvatustiede, kehityspsykologia, psykologia, filosofia, sosiologiaVARHAISKASVATUSTIEDE Käsitykset varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogisesta prosessista Käsitykset pedagogisen prosessin suunnittelusta
The figure 3 in the next slide shows extensions and intensions of the concept of early childhood education. This is a semiotic approach to these concepts. The figure shows that this concepts has four extensions: 1.practice, 2.content, 3. science and 4.thinking.
The figure 3 in the next slide • Also these extensions together form the systems that can be analyzed. • All extensions should include the same intensions if we speak about early childhood education at the area of these extensions.
Figure 3. Extensions and intensions of the concept of early childhood education Härkönen 2005 Content on Early childhood education Early childhood education thinking Early childhood education science Early childhood education practice
My dear audience: • How to continue the elaboration of the new systems theory? • There are much to do but what and how and why? • The theory must be systemic, holistic, semiotic, creating gender equality and sustainability!
References: http://savonlinna.joensuu.fi/harkonen Thank you for your attention!