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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders. Lauren Triboletti. ATTENTION High School Students!!!. What Is An Eating Disorder?. A Psychiatric illness Desire to be thin Fearing weight gain Limiting food/laxatives/vomiting Occurs during preadolescence/adolescence . Types of Eating Disorders. Anorexia Nervosa

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Eating Disorders

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Eating Disorders Lauren Triboletti ATTENTION High School Students!!!

  2. What Is An Eating Disorder? • A Psychiatric illness • Desire to be thin • Fearing weight gain • Limiting food/laxatives/vomiting • Occurs during preadolescence/adolescence

  3. Types of Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating Disorder

  4. Anorexia Nervosa • Refusal to maintain normal body weight • Two Ways: Restricting Body experiences starvation/depressed mood Binge-eating and purging Eating followed by self-induced vomiting 1 2

  5. Anorexia Nervosa Affects

  6. Bulimia Nervosa • Reoccurring binge eating followed by: • Self-induced vomiting • Misusing laxatives • Diuretics/fasting/excessive exercise • Usually maintain average body weight • Difficult to detect

  7. Bulimia Nervosa Facts • Purging threatens physical health: • Dehydration • Hormonal imbalance • Depletion of minerals • Damage to vital organs

  8. Binge Eating Disorder

  9. Binge Eating Disorder • Indulging without purging • UnlikeBulimia • Foods high in fat and sugar • Individuals tend to be obese • Some keep average weight • Maintain weight by binging and starving

  10. Eating Disorders Are Serious!! • Considered a life-threatening illness • Commonly overlooked or ignored

  11. Causes • There are internal and external factors that contribute to eating disorders

  12. Internal Causes *Distorted thoughts *Depression *Teasing *Abuse *Body Dissatisfaction

  13. External Causes • Family pressures • School cliques • Having need to control the uncontrollable. • Sport related pressures • Television/radio/magazines

  14. Symptoms • Physical • Behavioral • Emotional

  15. Physical Symptoms • Quick weight loss or fluctuation • Abdominal pain • Feeling full or bloated • Feeling faint or feeling cold • Dry hair/skin & blue hands/feet • Lanugo hair (fine body hair)

  16. Behavioral Symptoms • Dieting or chaotic food intake • Pretending to eat, throwing away food • Exercising for long periods • Constantly talking about food • Frequent trips to bathroom • Baggy clothes hiding thin body

  17. Emotional Symptoms • Complaints about being or feeling fat • Making comments about feeling worthless • Depression • Perfectionist attitudes • Family conflicts

  18. Females and Eating Disorders • 3%–10% females between 5-29 years old • 1% female adolescents have anorexia nervosa • 4% college females have bulimia • 1% women have binge-eating disorder

  19. Males and Eating Disorders • Less likely to seek treatment • 1 man to every 10 women • Have anorexia/bulimia • 10% of American’s with eating disorders are men

  20. To learn more about Eating Disorders… • http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/ • www.bodypositive.com

  21. RESOURCES http://www.namedinc.org http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/ www.bodypositive.com http://www.anad.org Thank You For Watching!

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