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Lisa Chan, Grace Win, Carmine See

Quiz Time!!!. Lisa Chan, Grace Win, Carmine See. QUESTION 1. What is the highway system within the cell that is involved in protein synthesis ? Hint: Acts as a conveyor belt in factories. . endoplasmic reticulum. QUESITON 2.

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Lisa Chan, Grace Win, Carmine See

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Quiz Time!!! Lisa Chan, Grace Win, Carmine See

  2. QUESTION 1 What is the highway system within the cell that is involved in protein synthesis? Hint: Acts as a conveyor belt in factories.

  3. endoplasmic reticulum

  4. QUESITON 2 What packages and sorts macromolecules for delivery to organelles or secretion? Hint: The shipping department in a factory

  5. Golgi apparatus

  6. QUESTION 3 What is the cell theory? (There are 3 parts) BOUNS: Who first discovered cells

  7. all organisms are composed of one or more cells b) the cell is the basic unit of organization of organisms c) all cells some from pre-existing cells. Robert Hooke

  8. QUESTION 4 Why is a high surface area to volume ration important?

  9. Important in cells that exchange a lot of material with surroundings

  10. QUESTIONS 5 What determines the amount of metabolic activity in a cell?

  11. VOLUME

  12. QUESTIONS 6 What is the cell membrane made of?


  14. QUESTIONS 7 What organelles are in an animal cell but not plant cell?

  15. Lysosomes and Centrosomeswith centrioles

  16. QUESTIONS 8 How are viruses different from cells?

  17. They must invade living cells in order to reproduce. When they invade, the cells are damaged or destroyed in the process releasing new particles to infect other cells

  18. QUESTION 9 What is binary fusion?

  19. Asexual reproduction in which an organism replicates its DNA and divides in half, producing two identical daughter cells

  20. QUESTION 10 What happens as a cell increases in size?

  21. The volume grows more than the surface area So a smaller object has a greater ratio of surface area to volume

  22. QUESTION 11 Why is there a need for cells to have a sufficiently large surface area?

  23. To make up the volume, which keeps the cell small. Larger organisms don't have larger cells but more cells

  24. QUESTIONS 12 What does the plasma membrane consist of?

  25. A double layer of phospholipids with various proteins attached or embedded within it

  26. QUESTION 13 What are the similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

  27. Both are cells, enclosed by plasma membrane, contain ribosomes, have DNA, and are filled with cytoplasm

  28. QUESTIONS 14 What does the mitochondria produce?

  29. ATP

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