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JEALOUSY. By: Anthony Martinez, Daja Norvell , Robbie Beazley. Jealousy. Negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over anticipated loss of something that person values particularly in reference to human connection. . Things that make people jealous. Appearances Money

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Presentation Transcript

  1. JEALOUSY By: Anthony Martinez, DajaNorvell, Robbie Beazley

  2. Jealousy • Negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over anticipated loss of something that person values particularly in reference to human connection.

  3. Things that make people jealous • Appearances • Money • Great job • Good looks • Big houses • Good athletic abilities • Nice Cars

  4. Jealousy • Green is the main color associated with Jealousy.

  5. Jealousy • The TV program that shows Jealousy is Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. The others are jealous of him because he is the head deer for Santa, and he has a bright red nose.

  6. Jealousy • Defense Mechanisms • Compensation, doing something your good at and their not. • Daydreaming, pretending your in their shoes. • Ex- hitting like Albert Pujlos in the World Series • Denial, refuse to accept reality. • Ex- not excepting that your on JV baseball. • Repression, blocking out painful thoughts or feelings.

  7. Jealousy • Daja has been jealous of this girl who played basketball, she was ranked 9th in the state and she was only a freshmen. • Robbie is jealous of the underclassmen “sophomores” that are on varsity football, he says that gives him less chances to play Friday nights. • Anthony has always been jealous of all the really good baseball players, even though he works hard, and never gives up, they still say he is not up to bar with the other players.

  8. Jealousy • This emotion can not be good, the reason being is that your always thinking of that one person that is way better then you.

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