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Institute for Global and Regional Security Studies (IGRSS) INMM Annual Meeting July, 2006

Institute for Global and Regional Security Studies (IGRSS) INMM Annual Meeting July, 2006. K. Mark Leek, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory IGRSS Co-Director. IGRSS Principals. A Collaboration of the University of Washington and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Principals:

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Institute for Global and Regional Security Studies (IGRSS) INMM Annual Meeting July, 2006

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  1. Institute for Global and Regional Security Studies (IGRSS)INMM Annual Meeting July, 2006 K. Mark Leek, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory IGRSS Co-Director

  2. IGRSS Principals A Collaboration of the University of Washington and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Principals: • Jackson School of International Studies, UW • Department of Political Science, UW • Pacific Northwest Center for Global Security, PNNL 2

  3. The Concept of Global and Regional Security • Focus on “Traditional” and “Non-traditional” approaches to addressing challenges of the post-Cold War security environment. Traditional Approaches • International law, security and arms control on both regional and global levels • Monitoring, implementation and negotiation of arms control agreements • Preventing the spread of WMD weapons, materials and expertise Non-Traditional Approaches • The role of regional conflict in understanding and responding to global and regional security threats • The sources of instability (environmental, energy, and economic) that lead to global and regional conflict 3

  4. IGRSS Mission • Educate the next generation of nonproliferation specialists • Build a graduate and undergraduate curricula to support certificate and degree programs in global security and WMD nonproliferation • Provide UW faculty, graduate students and undergraduates with access to cutting-edge programs in the security area • Leverage resources of Pacific Northwest to build academic collaborations with universities throughout Asia Pacific and Eurasia • Promote greater understanding within the Pacific Northwest of issues affecting the national security of the United States 4

  5. Jackson School Curriculum Core Nonproliferation Courses: • International Law and Arms Control • Weapons of Mass Destruction • Arms Control Simulation • Russian Perspectives on Atomic Energy and Nonproliferation 5

  6. Jackson School Curriculum(continued) Security-related Courses: • International Law and Military Intervention • Peace and Security on the Korean Peninsula • Water and Security Issues in the Euphrates Triangle • Task Force on U.S. Security Policy • Security Alliances Among the Democracies: North American, Asia Pacific and Eurasia • Eurasian Security Policies of Moscow Since 1945 6

  7. Proposed New Degree Certificate in Nonproliferation Studies • Two required “global” courses • International Law and Arms Control • Weapons of Mass Destruction • Two elective courses, one “global” and one “regional” • Elective courses may be selected from a list over some 40 courses offered throughout the University of Washington 7

  8. International Law and Arms Control Instructor: Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. • Former Acting Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency under President George H. W. Bush • Special Representative with the rank of Ambassador for Disarmament and Arms Control during the Clinton Administration • Involved in negotiating every U.S. arms control agreement for past thirty years. 8

  9. Weapons of Mass Destruction Instructor: Dr. James L. Fuller • Former Director of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory • Founder and Director of the Pacific Northwest Center for Global Security • Served as a Technical Advisor to the Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation • Chaired several technical committees in various capacities since 1989 9

  10. IGRSSInternational Partnerships • Russia • Obninsk State Technical University for Atomic Energy • Visiting Russian Professors, Gennady Pshakin and Victor Sosnin, teach course at UW every other year: Russian Federation Perspectives on Atomic Energy and Nonproliferation • China • Fudan University, Program on Arms Control and Regional Security (PACRS) • Initiate faculty exchanges beginning fall 2006 10

  11. IGRSS Publications • Threats, Weapons and Common Sense, Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. UW Press, 2004. • Disarmament Sketches: Three Decades of International Law and Arms Control, Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. UW Press/IGRSS, 2002. • Cornerstone of Security: Arms Control Treaties in the Nuclear Era Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. UW Press/IGRSS, 2003 • Containing Missile Proliferation: Strategic Technology, Security Regimes, and International Cooperation in Arms Control, Dinshaw Mistry. UW Press/IGRSS, 2003. 11

  12. Conferences and Colloquia • NATO Enlargement and the Baltic States • Chornobyl: 15 Years Later. A roundtable discussion on Chornobyl’s anniversary, assessing its continuing medical, environmental, scientific, political and social challenges. • The Russian Far East: Regional Stability and Military Environmental Cooperation After Yeltsin • Civil-Military Relations in Emerging Democracies. This project looked at new democracies in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. 12

  13. IGRSS Speaker Series on Global Security • UW Speaker Series used by IGRSS to identify conceptual themes for establishing a security program at the UW. Speakers included: • John Ikenberry, Professor, Georgetown University • Patrick Morgan, Professor, University of California, Irvine • Nancy Gallagher, Office of Special Representative for CTBT, U.S. Department of State • Islam, Afghanistan, and the Issue of Terrorism. Pacific Northwest Center for Global Security Seminar Series, featuring four University of Washington professors. Seminar series for laboratory staff on issues surrounding the September 11 Terrorist Attack. 13

  14. Internships • PNNL/UW Independent Studies Program in Global Security • Graduate students paired with NSD staff who supervise independent research • Modeled after highly successful IGRSS independent study program at UW • Battelle Washington D.C. Global Security Internship • Open to Undergraduate Seniors • Work under the direction of senior PNNL manager • UW/PNNL Physical Science Internships in Global Security • Dedicated to graduate students in the Physics Department • Target graduate students but available to exceptional undergraduates 14

  15. Conclusion • IGRSS is a cornerstone of security studies within the Jackson School of International Studies and a signature program of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. • International Partners are a vital component of the IGRSS program. Faculty and student exchanges provide an opportunity for mutual learning about the policies, issues and concerns important to each other’s country, creating an improved climate for international cooperation. 15

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