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Teaching Scholars Credentialing Program for UBC Okanagan Teaching Assistants and Grad Students

Join the Foundations Credential program at UBC Okanagan to improve your teaching skills through workshops and critical reflections. Dive into effective teaching practices and professionalism to excel in your role. Gain valuable insights to elevate your teaching approach. 8 Relevant

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Teaching Scholars Credentialing Program for UBC Okanagan Teaching Assistants and Grad Students

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  1. Teaching Scholars Credentialing Program for UBC Okanagan Teaching Assistants and Grad Students This PowerPoint can be downloaded at: http://ctl.ok.ubc.ca/tagrad/resources.html

  2. CREDENTIALING SKILLS SEMINAR John Parry Centre for Teaching and LearningUBC Okanagan asiasociety.org Monday, September 10, 2018

  3. The Foundations Credential contains the following components: Pedagogical Discussion and Training Participants will attend three CTL-approved workshops and prepare a critical reflection of their relevance.

  4. John Parry Centre for Teaching and Learning Who are you? Mention your name and re-affirm the most important fact about yourself such as your experience with the topic.

  5. I.S.S. What is your topic? Give a brief explanation of your topic, just a little longer than the title of your talk. Don’t give away the secret of your talk, but whet their appetite.

  6. To prepare you to teach at UBC-O Why is it important? Finally, tell the audience why the topic is important to them. What will they have gained by the time the talk is finished? The entire opening should only take a minute or two.

  7. Day 2 Overview

  8. Pcrest.com Participants will be able to integrate the four elements of lesson design into a 10 minute microteaching lesson.

  9. Effective Teaching Practices Think of a time when you were “learning well”. What were the conditions?

  10. Effective Teaching Practices Does everyone learn in the same way?

  11. Howard Gardner

  12. Brainstorm skills of a good teacher. Not traits cyber-kap.blogspot.com

  13. Knowledge of content

  14. Brain Tap What do you know about ??? What have you learned about ???

  15. Knowledge of content Evidence

  16. Knowledge of content Evidence Management

  17. Other considerations • don't spend all your time with just one student • help students learn without giving away answer • some students will push for your answer and not listen to your explanation • if the same question comes up a couple times: make a general announcement to entire class, write notes on the board, comment to instructor

  18. Knowledge of content Evidence Management Diversity

  19. business2community

  20. Knowledge of content Evidence Management Diversity Technology

  21. Centre for Teaching and Learning SCI 200 Tuesday afternoons http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/Nine_Elements.html

  22. Knowledge of content Evidence Management Resources Diversity Technology

  23. Knowledge of content Evidence Assessment Management Resources Diversity Technology

  24. Knowledge of content Planning Evidence Assessment Management Resources Diversity Technology

  25. 2. General context of the learning situation: a. What learning expectations are placed on this course or curriculum by: the university? Department? Profession? Society?

  26. 3. Nature of the subject: a. Is the subject primarily theoretical, practical or a combination of both? b. Is the subject primarily convergent or divergent? c. Are there important changes or controversies occurring within the field? d. Does your course relate to other courses in the dept? at UBC O?

  27. 4. Characteristics of the Learners: a. What is the life situation of the learners (working, family, professional goals)? b. What prior knowledge, experiences and initial feelings do students usually have about this subject? c. What are their learning goals, expectations and preferred learning styles?

  28. Professionalism Knowledge of content Planning Evidence Assessment Management Resources Diversity Technology

  29. The behaviours of professionalism

  30. The behaviours of professionalism

  31. The behaviours of professionalism

  32. The behaviours of professionalism

  33. The behaviours of professionalism

  34. respectful behaviour towards instructor, department administrators, students • don't joke about failing students • punctuality • no missed meetings without prior consent • responding to work emails in a timely manner (e.g. within 24 hours) • become aware of instructor's learning outcomes and teaching style • follow rules and guidelines outlined by the instructor, don't change them without permission • be consistent with the instructor's "voice" and style (e.g. don't say "the instructor's method is wrong")

  35. Communication Professionalism Knowledge of content Planning Evidence Assessment Management Resources Diversity Technology

  36. Communication Professionalism Knowledge of content Planning Evidence Connecting Assessment Management Resources Diversity Technology

  37. Communication Professionalism Knowledge of content Planning Evidence Connecting Effective Strategies Assessment Management Resources Diversity Technology

  38. Lesson Basics: What makes up a lesson?

  39. B.O.P.P.P.S. promotiontours.ca

  40. BOPPPS

  41. Bridge – In… undiscoveredscotland.co.uk

  42. Brain Tap What do you know about ??? What have you learned about ???

  43. Your turn … Think of the topic that you as a group of four will be teaching tomorrow and come up with a couple of Bridge-In possibilities.

  44. Deirdre Bonnycastle College of Medicine

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