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The Nehemiah Process

The Nehemiah Process. Province IV Leadership Marks for Creating & Growing Vital Congregations April 30, 2010. Introduction to the Nehemiah Process. Our Purpose is to challenge, enrich, educate, & expand the Parish’s Culture. W. Edwards Deming,

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The Nehemiah Process

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  1. The Nehemiah Process Province IV Leadership Marks for Creating & Growing Vital Congregations April 30, 2010

  2. Introduction to the Nehemiah Process • Our Purpose is to challenge, enrich, educate, & expand the Parish’s Culture. • W. Edwards Deming, • “Your system is perfectly designed to give you the results you’re getting.” • Our system was not enriching the diocese to the degree that we desired.

  3. Introduction to the Nehemiah Process • It’s a Process NOT a Program • Tools (Modules) will help but won’t get you where you are called to go! This is Culture Change! • Ezra & Nehemiah = Prophet & Strategist! • Ezra in Jerusalem 13 years before Nehemiah • Nehemiah: The Strategist • My Ancestors - Compassion • Mourned – Fasted - Prayed • Waited – 4 months • Commissioned: $, letters, soldiers – A Plan • Knew how to deal with adversity & conflict

  4. “ I sat down and wept…” Nehemiah 1:4 Nehemiah Passion For My People

  5. “ For several days I mourned and did not eat…” Nehemiah 1:4 Nehemiah Fasted

  6. “ I prayed to God…” Nehemiah 1:4 Nehemiah Prayer!

  7. “ One day four months later…” Nehemiah 2:1 Nehemiah Wait!

  8. “ Let’s rebuild the city walls…” Nehemiah 2:17b Nehemiah Strategy!

  9. “ The men of Jericho built…” Nehemiah 3:2 Nehemiah Teams!

  10. “ Sanballat, Tobiah, and the people…became angry…” Nehemiah 4:7 Nehemiah Dealing with Conflict!

  11. “Give them back their fields…” Nehemiah 5:11b Nehemiah Corruption & Justice!

  12. “After 52 days the entire wall was finished…” Nehemiah 6:15 Nehemiah Rejoice!

  13. “…all the people of Israel-settled in the towns and cities of Judah…”Nehemiah 7:73b Nehemiah The Covenant has a place!

  14. Nehemiah Process:What can we do? • Growing Healthier Parishes • It’s not impossible or easy! • Like Remodeling a Kitchen • Takes far longer • Costs lots more • Messier than imagined • Renewing a Parish’s Ministry & Culture takes from 5-7 years

  15. Nehemiah Process:Basic Principles! • Ministry is an ART FORM • Ministry is CONTEXTUAL • Ministry is SELF-Motivated

  16. Nehemiah Process:How Does It work? • First, • “It begins with the recognition that something is wrong – that congregational life, while adequate, is missing something.”Smith & Sellon, Pathway to Renewal, p. 28. • Second, • “No pastor, no program, no resource can make renewal happen. On the other hand, almost any pastor, program, or resource can help renewal…The hard part can be developing the desire.”Ibid. p. 8

  17. Nehemiah Process:How Does It work? • Third, • Grace & Prayer • Wanna • WIT

  18. Nehemiah Process:What to Expect! • Modules: 10 Systems of the Church • Prayer & Discernment • Assimilation: HII Process • Worship & Sunday Morning • Renewal Events • Small Groups/Ministry Groups • Developing a Parish Ministry Plan • 12-24 month calendar • Stewardship • Youth • Administration • Dealing with CHANGE & CONFLICT!

  19. Nehemiah Process:What to Expect! • Clergy & Lay Leaders • Build on your Gifts ( Strength Finders) & Manage your weaknesses • Develop a Personal Ministry Plan • Recruit & Train a Leadership Team • Develop a Parish Ministry Plan • Establish Goals: AWA, Plate & Pledge, Ministry Groups, Renewal Events, etc. • Create a 12/24 month calendar • Increase Administrative Skills • Dealing with CHANGE & CONFLICT!

  20. Nehemiah Process:What to Expect! • Clergy & Lay Leaders • Creating a Ministry Council • Social Media • Webinar Bible Studies & Meetings • Spiritual Development Events • Parish Leadership Retreats • Learning Fundraising Tools from Nonprofits • Domestic & Foreign Missions • Discerning the Parish Life Cycle • Discerning the Life Cycle of ministry groups

  21. Nehemiah Process:What to Expect! • Clergy & Lay Leaders • S.W.O.T. Process: PMP • Strengths • Weaknesses • Opportunities • Threats • S.M.A.R.T. Process: Event Planning • Specific • Measurable • Achievable • Realistic • Time - Line

  22. Nehemiah Process: Additional Resources

  23. Nehemiah Process:Life Cycle!

  24. Brutal Facts • The reality is that for the average parish to stay above the STRESS level, it takes approximately: • AWA: 125 - 200 or • Budget: $230,000+ • How do we reach and grow past these barriers?

  25. Vision Intersection Profile Leaders Passion J I M C O L I N S Community Needs Passion/Gifts Of Parish VISION Vitality in Parish Ministry Plan

  26. Diffusion of Innovation Dr. Everett Rodgers (the ability of any given group to accept innovative change) 32% 32% 16% 16% 2% 2% 2% 16% 32% 32% 16% 2% Innovators Early Adapters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Resisters

  27. Dynamics of Change 60% 20% 10% 8% 2% 2% Visionaries 10% Leaders Who Will Catch Vision 60% Most Will Follow Leaders

  28. Beauty of Ministry Groups Vestry Ministry Council Volunteer & Paid More Leaders: More Ministry Groups: More Growth!

  29. Leadership Transitions

  30. The Nehemiah Process Province IV Leadership Marks for Creating & Growing Vital Congregations April 30, 2010

  31. Nehemiah Process:Reality! • First, • “Everyone is in the midst of trying to find a way to be faithful to the Gospel while adapting to the cultural norms.” • Second - Leaders are… • “Learning what no one can teach.”Gil Rendle • Third – What are the barriers? • “Most churches don’t like to be rocked; they prefer to lie at anchor rather than go places in stormy seas.” William Sloane Coffin, Credo, p. 140-141.

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