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Transition for Foster Alumni. When Goodbye was all there was…. "While one may encounter many defeats, one must not be defeated." Maya Angelou Lesson 1- Go talk to people. Don’t just give up. This is more difficult then it sounds. Asking for help shares vulnerability and that can be scary.
Transition for Foster Alumni When Goodbye was all there was…
"While one may encounter many defeats, one must not be defeated." Maya Angelou • Lesson 1- Go talk to people. Don’t just give up. This is more difficult then it sounds. Asking for help shares vulnerability and that can be scary. I am on my own….Now what?
2-1-1 Texas or www.211texas.org • Transition centers are one-stop places to serve the many needs of older youth, homeless youth, and other at-risk youth, ages 15½ to 25. • The centers serve as central locations for services such as Preparation for Adult Living (PAL), job readiness, job search help, exploring job options, help with enrolling in college, help with housing, and mentoring. Transition Centers can help
Lesson 2- Believe in Yourself. If you don’t, who will? Realize that the voices of the past who said you weren’t worthy are wrong. Step out of the Shame-based Silence and learn to advocate for you….and your future. Speak up for yourself. I think I can….I think I can…
Lesson 3- Set goals for yourself. • Do you want to get your GED? Go to college? Learn a trade? • Where do you want to live? • What do you see for your future? 3 years? 5 years? Long term? Know where you are going…or you will get lost along the way.
Lesson 4- Develop a good attitude. • "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." Maya Angelou • Learn to accept criticism. We all are a work in progress and have areas that are under construction. Accept help, explain yourself and learn from the interaction. Got a flat tire?
Transition Centers – are listed on the Texas Youth Connection website. Computer Pages- www.yourtexasbenefits.com www.texasyouthconnection.org www.facebook.com/TexasYouthConnection www.WorkInTexas.com Texas Youth Hotline- 1-800-210-2278 Resources
Get a notebook or file box to keep important papers safe. • Get a primary care physician. Make appointments for medication issues. • Set up a budget. Follow it. Pay for priorities first. • Be selective when making friends. • Have the phone number of one person you can call – anytime. Use it when needed. General Information
"One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.“ Maya Angelou
Peggy Roark, M.A., M.Ed., L.C.C.A. Director of Training & Professional Development Hill Country Youth Ranch P.O. Box 67 Ingram, Texas 78025 (830) 367-2131 Training@youth-ranch.org Contact Information