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Vocabulary Lesson 6

Vocabulary Lesson 6. Honors English III. Sectarian. In the film Mean Girls , the sectarian group refuses to include any people that are not deemed cool. Peregrination.

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Vocabulary Lesson 6

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  1. Vocabulary Lesson 6 Honors English III

  2. Sectarian In the film Mean Girls, the sectarian group refuses to include any people that are not deemed cool.

  3. Peregrination In the film Forrest Gump, Forrest did not plan a peregrination, but rather, his initial run turned into a cross country adventure.

  4. Accoutrement NickiMinaj wears various accoutrements that consist of ice cream cones, pretzels, and other oddities.

  5. Contrive In the Hunger Games series, Katniss and Haymitchcontrive several plans to escape from the games themselvse.

  6. Hubris In The Odyssey, one of Odysseus’ flaws is that he full of hubris, especially when he fights the Cyclopes.

  7. Platitude In your writing, it is important not to overuse platitudesbecause you should always be original in your writing and ideas.

  8. Venerate The young boy venerated his favorite athletes by waiting in long lines to receive their autographs.

  9. Scullion In the Pirates of the Caribbeanfilms, Captain Jack Sparrow has several scullions who he orders around to fetch his liquor and food.

  10. Quotidian Rachael Ray enjoys the quotidian tasks of cooking dinner, decorating the house, and cleaning the laundry.

  11. Prognosticate Professor Trelawney prognosticated the prophecy that Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort would have to kill one so that the other could live.

  12. Antediluvian Antediluvian technology includes VHS tapes, cassette tapes, and Nintendo game systems.

  13. Stringent Female students at Paul VI High School must follow stringent dress code rules that include a long skirt, sturdy shoes, and navy blue stockings.

  14. Haughty The haughty Grayson family lies, cheats, and manipulates to project the appearance of the American Dream.

  15. Sanctimonious The sanctimonious athlete made generous contributions to various charities, however, she threatened to fire her manager on a weekly occasion.

  16. Imbroglio Emily created quite an imbroglio when she fell down the stairs after receiving her diploma.

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