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I. Global Petrochemical Industry II. Iran Petrochemical Industry III. Petrochemical Cooperation with Korea-Iran. NH Investment & Securities Global Credit Strategist: Hwan Jong (Louis) Shin tel 02) 768-7590 │ e-mail louis.shin@nhqv.com.
I. Global Petrochemical Industry II. Iran Petrochemical Industry III. Petrochemical Cooperation with Korea-Iran NH Investment & Securities Global Credit Strategist: Hwan Jong (Louis) Shin tel02) 768-7590 │e-maillouis.shin@nhqv.com
1. Situation and Outlook of the Global Petrochemical Industry Global Linkage – GDP to Petrochemicals Demand Growth Global Energy Prices (US$/mm BTU) Source: BMI, NPC Source: BMI, NPC
China demand is continuously increasing Global ethylene price China’s ethylene imports Source: BMI, NPC Source: BMI, NPC
China’s coal chemistry structure and outlook Structure of China’s coal chemistry Outlook for China’s CTO production capacity Source: Wood Mackenzie Source: Wood Mackenzie
China’s increasing self-sufficiency rate is a negative factor Trends of Exports and Imports (TPA, EG) % change of imports and self-sufficiency rate Source: Wood Mackenzie Source: Wood Mackenzie
Feedstock: Directly related to profitability Capacity expansion per raw materials Polymer supply growth trends per countries Source: BMI, NPC Source: BMI, NPC
New ethylene investments forecasted next 10 years Global Ethylene Additions by Region Global Ethylene Additions by Feedstock Source: BMI, NPC Source: BMI, NPC
Global investment strategy based on local status Outlook for productions of feedstocks in North America Net Trade per materials in China Source: BMI, NPC Source: BMI, NPC
35% of all investments concentrated in US (Base Chem.,2016~2020) Global Base Chemicals Capacity Outlook Source: NPC
Middle East: Main point of investment strategy is Iran Middle East Ethylene Capacity Source: NPC
2. Oil Price Volitility: Oil price remains in a range of $40~60/bbl Trends of Naptha and Crude oil price Source: Cischem
Oil price expected to remain in a range of $40~60/bbl Number of Us oil rigs and WTI price Supply-demand outlook for global oil (supply-demand balance) (left) (Oil Price) (right) Source: Baker Huges, Bloomberg Source: International Energy Agency, World Bank
Appearance of US LNG, a substitute for oil Factors determining the directions of oil price Source: KPIA
Competitiveness of NCC is somewhat superior in case of low oil price Correlation between Brent Crude Oil and chemical products (1990~2016) Source: Wood Mackenzie
Competitiveness of NCC is somewhat superior in case of low oil price Comparison of ethylene production cost, cracker margins by areas cracker margins by areas Source: Wood Mackenzie
Exports dependency on China is still high Trends of exporting petrochemical products to China Composition of Exports to China per products Source: KPIA Source: Wood Mackenzie
Oil price affects supply and cost-competiveness High oil price Low oil price Source: KPIA Source: KPIA
Upstream/Downstream features and EBITDA Margin Rate Upstream vs. Downstream EBITDA Margin Rate Source: KPIA Source: KPIA
3. Distinction of Chemical Products: Products derived from Naphtha are susceptive to the change of oil price Correlation between Brent Crude Oil and chemical products (1990~2016) Source: Wood Mackenzie, ArgusMedia, PetroChem Wire
Ethylene & Butadien price is increasing Trends of feedstock and Material-in-process spread Source: Cischem
Benzene: China’s Import volumes will be shrunk 2016-2017 Korea Monthly Export Volumes Source: NPC
Petrochemical product’s spreads weaken Olefin and Benzene Spread Source: Cischem
Outlook for each products’ supply Outlook for supply per products Source: KPIA
Supply-demand of ethylene expected to be deteriorated ECC Project in North America Trends for Global Ethylene Cracker expansion Source: Bloomberg, Platts, IHS Source: Bloomberg, Platts, IHS
Propylene’s supply & demand Outlook for expanding production capacity (Global propylene) Source: Cischem, Bloomberg, Platts
Propylene in China Outlook for propylene production Propylene demand and self-sufficiency rate Source: Wood Mackenzie Source: Wood Mackenzie
Butadien supply outlook Butadien expansion status Trends for Global butadien expansion Source: Bloomberg, Cischem, Chemlocus Source: Bloomberg, Cischem, Chemlocus
Butadien price Outlook for Downstream Demand Outlook for global tire market Source: IHS Chemical Source: LMC International
Outlook for P-X Supply P-X Expansion Trends for P-X Expansion Source: Wood Mackenzie Source: Wood Mackenzie
I. Global Petrochemical Industry II. Iran Petrochemical Industry III. Petrochemical Cooperation with Korea-Iran NH Investment & Securities Global Credit Strategist: Hwan Jong (Louis) Shin tel02) 768-7590 │e-maillouis.shin@nhqv.com
1. Iran Energy Industry: Due to economical disruption, operating rate of petrochemical plant is still low Map of wells in Iran Source: Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC)
Oil production and consumption Trends of oil production and consumption in Iran (1965~2014) Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy
Natural gas production and consumption Trends of natural gas production and consumption in Iran (1970~2014) Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2015
Comparison between Buy-back contracts and IPC Comparison between Buy-back contracts and IPC Source: Dongbu Securities Co.Ltd(2016.1.12)
Locations of gas pipeline in Europe, Turkey, Iran Locations of gas pipeline in Europe, Turkey, Iran Footnote: Dot lines represent pipelines under progress Source: JOGMEC
2. Status of Petrochemical Industry in Iran • 1) Status of Industry • -Operating rate of petrochemical plant is still low due to economical disruption • -Feedstock is Ethane • -Olefin is the most productive feedstock • -Petrochemcial hurbs areMahshahr PETZoneandAssaluyeh PSEEZ • -Interruption by government is the factor lagging the development of petrochemical industry • 2) Structure of Industry • NPC is a monopoly in Iran • Branches of NPC are under process of privatization • 3) Current Issues • -5 Petrochemical complex would be arranged as five-year term development plan • In Mahshahr PETZone,7plants are being constructed • In Assaluyeh PSEEZ, 22plantsare being constructed • -Otehrs: Olefin, Polyethylene producing-facility expansion • -West Ethylene pipeline construction project • -Central Ethane-Ethylene pipeline construction project
Feedstock for Petrochemical industry in Iran is Ethane Composition of cracking material Cracking plant status and production capacity Source: BMI Source: BMI, NPC
Olefin is the most productive material among others Estimated production capacity in 2015 (Total) Estimated production capacity in 2015 (Olefin) Source: BMI Source: BMI
BTX and Polyethylene Estimated production capacity in 2015 (BTX) Estimated production capacity in 2015 (Polyethylene) Source: BMI Source: BMI
Iran Petrochemical Hurb: Mahshahr PETZONE & Assaluyeh PSEEZ Petrochemical complex status in Iran Locations of Mahshahr PETZONE & Assaluyeh PSEEZ Source: NPC Source: Google Earth
Hurb: Mahshahr PETZONE & Assaluyeh PSEEZ Petrochemical complex: Mahshahr PETZONE Petrochemical complex: Assaluyeh PSEEZ Source: NPC Source: NPC
Other locations Petrochemical complex: others Locations of petrochemical complex in Iran Source: NPC Source: NPC
Iran’s Petrochemical project: Mahshahr & Assaluyeh Mahshahr PETZONE: 7 plants under construction Assaluyeh PSEEZ: 22 plants under construction Source: NPC Source: NPC
Iran’s Petrochemical project: others Other ongoing projects in Iran Source: NPC
West Ehylene Pipeline project West Ethylene pipeline construction project West Ethylene pipeline map Source: NPC Source: NPC
Central Ethane-Ethylene Pipeline project Central Ethane-Ethylene pipeline construction project Central Ethane-Ethylene pipeline map Source: NPC Source: NPC
3.Outlook and plan • (1) A development plan • -In ChabaharFTIZ, Mokran petrochemical complex, a hurb of petrochemical industry, are to be constructed • (2) Outlook • -NPC, Petrochemical products supplied 10% more in 206 • -A smooth supply of feedstock due to natural gas expansion • Developments of car, construction/infra sector are a basement to increase domestic demand • China’s economy slow-down, a risk of disruption as uncertain factors • -Outlook for production: focused on increasing production volume of ethylene
Plan to build Mokran petrochemical complex as a hurb in Chabahar FTIZ Locations of FTIZ Blueprint for Mokran complex Source: NPC Source: NMDC
Outlook for the Industry Outlook for production & consumption of Natural Gas (2014~2021) Factors related to petrochemical products consumption (2014~2020) Source: PMI Source: NMDC
Capacity: focused on increasing productions of ethylene Trends and forecasts of Olefin produced (2014~2018) Source: BMI, NPC