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Introduction of DESIRE Desertification mitigation and remediation of land

Introduction of DESIRE Desertification mitigation and remediation of land a global approach for local solutions – 《 土地荒漠化减缓与治理研究 》 简 介. 李 锐 LI RUI 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 (ISWC). 目 录 CONTENTS. 一、立项背景 BACKGROUND 二、研究方案 APPROACHES 三、预期目标 OUTCOMES. 立项背景 BACKGROUND.

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Introduction of DESIRE Desertification mitigation and remediation of land

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  1. Introduction of DESIRE • Desertification mitigation and remediation of land • a global approach for local solutions – • 《土地荒漠化减缓与治理研究》 • 简 介 李 锐 LI RUI 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所(ISWC)


  3. 立项背景BACKGROUND Approximately 40% of the global land area is considered dryland. Drylands are inhabited by over 2 billion people worldwide 全球40%的土地是旱地,涉及到20亿人 (World Resources Institute) Land degradation and desertification threatens over 1 billion people in more than 110 countries around the world 土地退化和荒漠化威胁到110个国家10亿人口 (The Global Mechanism, UNCCD) Desertification makes 12 million hectares of land useless for cultivation every year 每年因荒漠化有1200万公顷耕地不能再耕种。 (Atlas of Population and Environment)

  4. 立项背景BACKGROUND Drylands are mainly found along two East-West fringes at 15-350 latitude in both the north and south hemispheres 旱地主要分布在南北半球的纬度15-35度 范围

  5. 立项背景BACKGROUND EU launched a call for an Integrated Project on the topic of “Combating land degradation and desertification” in the last FP6-2005 Global Change and Ecosystems Program 针对上述需求,欧洲共同体2005年提出要加强综合集成研究,准备列专项研究土地荒漠化与土地退化。 The DESIRE proposal has been submitted in this context, and thereupon granted for funding in 2006 2006年来自20个国家,30个单位联合提出DESIRE(土地荒漠化减缓与治理)项目申请,并获得欧洲共同体批准立项。

  6. 研究方案APPROACHES Project duration will be 5 years, Total project budget is > 9 million Euro, of which around 7 million from the EU and the remainder part from different national governments. 项目执行时间为5年,总投资900多万欧元,其中700万由欧共体提供,其余部分由几个国家提供.

  7. 研究方案APPROACHES CARI, IRD France Alterra, WU, BothEnds, ISRIC, ITC The Netherlands CNR, MEDES Italy MSUEE Russia UL, UWS United Kingdom KUL Belgium UB-CDE Switzerland AUA, Duth Greece EOU Turkey EEZE-CSIC Spain UA, ESAC Portugal ISWC China CU USA DU Australia IRD Mexico INIA Chile INIDA Cape Verde UM Morocco IRA Tunisia UB Botswana

  8. Universities Research institutes 研究方案APPROACHES EU and national governments Policy level 政策层 Research level研究层 NGOs and SMEs NGO level 非政府层 Stakeholders and end-users Community level 用户层

  9. 研究方案APPROACHES • The project distinguishes three phases (三个阶段) • Diagnostic phase (诊断阶段) • biophysical, socio-economical, political and institutional evaluation of the 18 hotspot sites • 2. Synthesis and implementation phase(综合集成与实施阶段) • assessment of stakeholder needs, know how, realities, and selection and testing of promising prevention and remediation strategies • 3. Dissemination phase,(宣传推广阶段) • focusing on developing a harmonized information system, preparation of guidelines, recommendations, and practical handbooks for end-users etc.

  10. 研究方案APPROACHES The WOCAT database will be used as a starting point for selecting potentially available soil and water conservation measures for the DESIRE study sites, and for adding new technologies developed during the course of the project 项目将应用WOCAT数据库作为起点选择可用的措施,研究开发新的技术. The WOCAT methodology was originally developed for solving problems related to soil erosion and fertility decline WOCAT是为防治水土流失开展的一个国际性合作项目. (www.wocat.net)

  11. 研究方案APPROACHES 耕作措施Agronomic measures such as mixed cropping, contour cultivation, mulching, etc. 生物措施Vegetative measures such as grass strips, hedge barriers, windbreaks, etc. 工程措施Structural measures such as terraces, banks, bunds, constructions, palisades, etc 管理措施Management measures such as land use change, area closure, rotational grazing, etc. 综合措施Combinations in conditions where they are complementary and thus enhancing each other. Any combinations of the above measures are possible.

  12. 研究方案APPROACHES Diagnostic phase Synthesis and implementation phase Dissemination phase

  13. 研究方案APPROACHES In 18 countries, hotspot study areas have been selected Loess Plateau

  14. Loess Plateau locates at the middle reaches of Yellow River Basin North Water and Wind Erosion Central Hilly with Gully SouthTableland with gully

  15. South Region---Tableland with gully (高原沟壑区)

  16. Eroded Tableland ISWC, CAS/MWR, YANGLING ,CHINA

  17. Middle Region---Hilly with Gully

  18. Eroded loess landscape

  19. Hilly and Gully Region (丘陵沟壑区) ISWC, CAS/MWR, YANGLING ,CHINA

  20. Ephemeral gully distribution at hill-slopes

  21. North Region---Water and Wind Erosion

  22. Wind erosion region

  23. Wind Erosion

  24. Deforestation Forested land occupies less than 12% of total land, only 6.5% of forestland can control soil erosion.

  25. Pasture Degradation Grassland occupies about 30.5% of total land, 69% of grassland is degraded caused by overgrazing.

  26. Cropping on the Slope Land On the hilly-gully region, above 60% of cropland located at more than 15 of slope land, including above 20% located at more than 25of slope land.

  27. Soil erosion rate on the Loess Plateau. Source: Tang Keli (lecture notes on soil erosion and conservation in China for the 2nd International Training Course on Soil and Water Conservation, September 1993.

  28. The Loess Plateau considered as one of the national key projects of SWC

  29. Establish Experiment and demonstration sites to provide different models for SWC

  30. Planting trees in fish-scale pits

  31. Vegetation Restoration

  32. Vegetation Restoration

  33. 预期目标OUTCOMES • To develop prevention and remediation strategies against desertification and land degradation in 18 hotspot areas in the world • 提出全世界选定的18个研究区土地荒漠化与退化防治战略对策 • 2. To develop new preventing and curing strategies and expand the WOCAT database. • 研究开发新防治技术,丰富和扩展WOCAT数据库 • 3.To disseminate results to different fora, amongst others using a web-based harmonized information system • 通过建立网络信息系统等方式宣传研究成果,扩大效果.

  34. Thank you for your attention

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