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1. Sav - ior, like a shepherd lead us: Much we need Thy tenderest care;

1. Sav - ior, like a shepherd lead us: Much we need Thy tenderest care;. In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare:. Blessed Je - sus, Blessed Je - sus,. Thou hast bought us Thine we are;. Blessed Je - sus, Blessed Je - sus,.

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1. Sav - ior, like a shepherd lead us: Much we need Thy tenderest care;

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. Sav - ior, like a shepherd lead us: Much weneedThytenderestcare; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare:

  2. Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, ThouhastboughtusThineweare; Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, Thou hast bought us Thine we are.

  3. 2. We are Thine;do Thou befriend us; Be theGuardian of our way; Keep Thyflockfromsindefendus, Seek us when we go a-stray:

  4. Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, Hear, O hear us when we pray; Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, Hear, O hear us when we pray.

  5. 3. Thou hast promised to re-ceive us, Poor and sin-ful tho we be; Thou hast mer-cy to re-lieve us,Grace to cleanse and pow’r to free:

  6. Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, Ear-ly let us turn to Thee; Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, Ear - ly let us turn to Thee.

  7. 4. Ear - ly let us seek Thy fa - vor, Ear - ly let us do Thy will; Bless-ed Lord and on-ly Sav - ior, With Thy love our bos-oms fill:

  8. Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. Blessed Je-sus,BlessedJe-sus, Thou hast lovedus,love us still.

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