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2006 Census Geography. DLI – Wolfville, Nova Scotia April 24, 2008 Marc Melanson Eastern Region Halifax, Nova Scotia Statistics Canada 902-426-6178. Geography provides the geographic definitions and tools to present data in a meaningful way
2006 Census Geography • DLI – Wolfville, Nova Scotia • April 24, 2008 Marc Melanson Eastern Region Halifax, Nova Scotia Statistics Canada 902-426-6178
Geography provides the geographic definitions and tools to present data in a meaningful way Data has little or no value without a geographic reference Dissemination and Analysis
Census Divisions (CD’s) Refers to • Counties Regional Districts • Regional Municipalities • 2006 Census: 288 Census Divisions • 47 CDs in Atlantic (Jan. 1, 2006) • Two digit code used with province/ territory code to uniquely identity (CDuid) • Halifax County is 12 09 • CDs are comprised of one or more lower level municipalities
Census Subdivisions Area that is a municipality or an area that is deemed to be equivalent to a municipality for statistical reporting purposes (e.g., as an Indian reserve or an unorganized territory). Municipal status is defined by laws in effect in each province and territory in Canada. CSDuid is PR-CD-CSD
Census Subdivision (CSD) • The number of CSDs has been declining since 1991 largely due to municipal restructuring • 6,006 CSDs in Canada (Jan 1, 1991) • 5,984 CSDs in Canada (Jan. 1, 1996) • 5,600 CSDs in Canada (Jan 1, 2001) • 5 418 CSDs in Canada (Jan 1, 2006) • 317 CSDs in NL • 113 CSDs in PEI • 100 CSDs in NS • 276 CSDs in NB • CSDs are grouped into CDs, • and can be included in CMAs and CAs
Dissemination Area (DA) • Smallest geographic level at which we disseminate all of our census data • DAs are defined by aggregating Block • UID is PR-CD-DA • More stable over time.
Large urban area including adjacent urban and rural areas which have a high degree of economic and social integration with the urban core. CMA is delineated around an urban core having a population of at least 50,000 with a total population of 100,000 Once a CMA always a CMA Four CMAs in Atlantic Census Metropolitan Areas
CMA, continued • Each CMA consists of one or more CSDs that meet at least one of the following criteria: • the CSD lies wholly or partly within the urbanized core • at least 50% of the employed labour force living in the CSD works in the urbanized core • at least 25% of the employed labour force working in the CSD lives in the urbanized core
Census Agglomeration (CA) • main labour market area of an urban region of at least 10,000 inhabitants • each CA includes one or more CSDs that meet the same criteria as those that apply to the CMA • if the population drops below 10,000 based on the previous census, that CA is eliminated from the CA program
Census Tract (CT) • permanent neighborhood or rural community in CMAs and most CAs over 50,000 population in urban area • 5,076 in Canada • Criteria: population between 2500 & 8000, preferred average of 4000; greatest possible social & economic homogeneity; and a compact shape
Geography Products Release Dates: September 29, 2006; October 18, 2006; January 16, 2007; February 14, 2007, March 13, 2007, October 19, 2007, November 22, 2007 • Reference maps; 10,000 .. many linked; • Standard Geographical Classification maps; • Thematic maps for each census release; • Cartographic and digital boundary files (780 files); • Census Division Population Ecumene (6 files); • Correspondence File; • Road Network Files (246 files); • Postal Code Conversion File; • Postal Code Federal Riding File; • Geography Catalogue; • Illustrated Glossary; • GeoSuite; • Geographic Attribute File; • GeoSearch with postal codes and thematic maps ..
2011 Census Dissemination Consultation, Fall 2008- Spring 2009 • Geo-Help • 613-951-3889 • fe-geohelp@a.statcan.ca