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WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT. Presentation Irregularities. Receipt of Regd. Bags without seal OR in torn condition Should be brought to the notice of H.S.A. and the contents checked with reference to Regd. List
Irregularities Receipt of Regd. Bags without seal OR in torn condition • Should be brought to the notice of H.S.A. and the contents checked with reference to Regd. List • If There is no discrepancy, error entry is to be made and articles disposed. • If there is any excess, the excess should be entered in the Regd. List as received without entry. Totals rounded off and new total struck. An Error entry made.
Irregularities • If any article is missing the entry relating to missing RL, the total should be rounded off. Actual total should be struck in the Regd. List. An Error entry is to be made. • Bag, label, seal, cord etc. should be stamped with date stamp and initialed by H.S.A and preserved. • Intimate to the office concerned through fastest available means. (Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed) Rule -193, 194 & 195 of Vol.V
Receipt of registered bag without seal Circumstance: 1: A Registered bag (TD) from Alagarkoil SO to Madurai RMS/2 received without seal but when opened found no discrepancy. Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ ‘Alagarkoil SO dated_____________. The Regd. Bag (TD) from Alagarkoil SO dated___________ for Madurai RMS /2 was received without seal. It was opened and the contents were found correct as per the Registered List. The contents were disposed “ Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Receipt of registered bag without seal Circumstance - 2 A Registered bag (TD) from Alagarkoil SO to Madurai RMS/2 received without seal. On opening 9 RLs were found against 10 entered in the list. Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ ‘ Alagarkoil SO dated_____________. The Regd. Bag (TD) from Alagarkoil SO dated___________ for Madurai RMS /2 was received without seal. It was opened and the contents were checked. 9 RLs were received against 10 RLs entered in the Registered List. The RL No……. of Alagarkoil SO entered at Sl.10 was not received. A revised Registered List deleting the entry and with total 9—0—0---0---9 is required for file. Material objects have been preserved. Date Stamp Signature of H.S.A
Receipt of registered bag without seal Circumstance - 3: • A registered bag (Non TD) from Alagarkoil HO to Madurai RMS/2 received without seal. On opening 11 RLs were found against 10 entered in Regd. List. Sample error entry : Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ ‘ Alagarkoil SO dated_____________. The Regd. Bag (Non TD) from Alagarkoil SO dated___________ for Madurai RMS /2 was received without seal. It was opened and the contents were checked. 11 RLs were received against 10 RLs entered in the Registered List. The RL No……. of Alagarkoil SO was received without entry. A revised Registered List adding the RL and with total 11—0—0---0---11 is required for file. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Irregularities Receipt of Reg. articles without Regd. List • Bring to the notice of H.S.A. • Inventory should be taken in duplicate. One copy filed and the other forwarded to the office of closing. • Intimation to be issued to the office of closing concerned through fastest available means. (Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed) • Entry should be made in the Error Book • The bag to be preserved along with the label, seal and cord. All should be stamped with date stamp and initialed by H.S.A. Rule 144 & 193 to 195 of Vol.V
Receipt of registered article without Registered List Circumstance: 19 RLs, 2 RB, 1 INS, 1 HVMO list with MO, MO bundle were received without Regd. List in the registered bag (Non TD) from Vilakuthoon SO for Madurai RMS/2.Sample error entry : Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Vilakkuthoon SO dtd________________ In the Regd. Bag (Non TD) from Vilakkuthoon SO dated_____ for Madurai RMS/2, 19 RLs, 2 RBs, 1 INS, 1 HVMO list with MO, MO bundle were received but the Regd. List was not received. An inventory was taken. A copy of the inventory is enclosed for issuing Regd. List with total 19-2-1-0-22 is required for file. Material objects have been preserved. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Irregularities Wrong total in the Regd. List • Bring to the notice of H.S.A. • Total should be rounded off and correct total struck up • Entry should be made in the Error Book Rule 144 (5) of Vol.V
Receipt of registered list with wrong total Circumstance: • In the Registered bag (Non TD) from Simmakkal SO for Madurai RMS/2, 20 RLs, 3 RBs 1 INS, 1 HVMO List with MOs and 1 MOB were entered in the Regd. List and received. But totaled as 21-3-1-0-25 Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Simmakkal SO dtd________________ In the Regd. Bag (Non TD) from Simmakkal SO dated_____ for Madurai RMS/2, 20 RLs, 3 RBs, 1 INS, 1 HVMO list with MO, 1 MO bundle were received as entered in the Regd. List . But totaled as 21-3-1-0-25. Hence revised Regd. List with total 20-3-1-0-24 is required for file. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Irregularities Non-receipt of RL entered in the Regd. List • Bring to the notice of H.S.A. • Entry in the registered list should be rounded off with suitable remark about the non-receipt and the total should be rounded off and correct total struck. • The bag in which the articles were received, the label, cord and seal should be preserved after impressing with the date stamp and initialed by the H.S.A. • Error book entry to be made • Intimation should be issued to the office of closing concerned through fastest available means. (Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed).
Non-receipt of RL entered in the registered list Circumstance: • In the Registered bag (TD) from Railway Colony SO for Madurai RMS/2, 1 RL, was not received. Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Madurai Railway Colony dtd___________ In the Regd. Bag (TD) from Madurai Railway Colony dtd__ For Madurai RMS/2, 18 RL, 2 RBs were received against 19 RLs, 2 RBs entered in the Regd. List. On verification RL____ of Madurai Railway Colony entered at Sl.9 was not received. Hence, revised Regd. List deleting the above entry and with total 18-2-0-0-20 is required for file. Material Objects preserved. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Irregularities Receipt of RL excess without entry in the Regd. List • Bring to the notice of H.S.A. The RL should be entered in the Regd. List and noted as “received without entry” and the total rounded off and new total struck. • Error Book entry to be made. Rule 144 of Vol.V
Excess receipt of RL without entry Circumstance • In the Registered bag (TD) from Arasaradi HO for Madurai RMS/2, 2 RLs, & 1 RB were received without entry. • SAMPLE ERROR ENTRY Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Arasaradi HO dtd________ In the Registered bag (TD) for Madurai RMS/2 from Arasaradi HO dtd_____, 20 RLs, 3 RBs, 1 INS, 1 IB, 1 HVMO List with MO, 1 MOB were received against 18 RLs, 2 RB, 1 INS, 1 IB, 1 HVMO List with MO, MOB entered in the registered list. On checking 2 RLs and 1 RB as detailed below were received without entry. RL NO.____ of Arasaradi HO, RL No.____ of Arasaradi HO 3) RB No._____of Arasaradi HO addressed to Madurai HO. Hence, a revised Regd. List adding the above entries and with total 20-3-1-1-25 is required for file. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Irregularities Receipt of insured envelope / bundle without recording the weight • Bring to the notice of H.S.A. • The insured envelope / bundle should be weighed in the presence of H.S.A. and the ascertained weight should be noted on the article with remarks as ‘received without noting weight’ • Error book entry should be made
Irregularities • Intimation should be issued to the office of closing and controlling authorities of office of closing and reporting concerned through fastest available means. (Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed) • Bag, label, seal, cord should be stamped, initialed by the H.S.A and preserved Rule 96, 195 and 144(g) of Vol.V.
Receipt of insured envelope/bundle without recording the weight Circumstance • One INS envelope was received without noting the weight on the envelope in the Regd. Bag of Pudur (TD) for Madurai RMS/2 Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ K.Pudur dtd__________ In the Regd. Bag (TD) of K.Pudur dtd____ for Madurai RMS/2 one INS___ of K.Pudur was received as entered in the Regd. List. But the weight of the envelope has not been noted. The condition of the envelope was intact and weighed at Madurai RMS/2 as_____ grams. The same has been recorded on the envelope with remark “as weighed at Madurai RMS/2” and forwarded to destination. Material objects have been prepared. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Irregularities Receipt of insured envelope with difference in weight • Bring to the notice of H.S.A. • The insured envelope / bundle should be weighed in the presence of H.S.A. • the ascertained weight should be noted on the envelope / Regd. List with remarks. • Further, the envelope should be examined whether the seals are intact or tampered with.
Irregularities • If there is suspicion the envelope should be opened and the insured article should be examined and reclosed in a fresh cover, sealed with insured seal, weighed and the ascertained weight noted on the cover, Regd. List and Error book. • The original cover to be preserved after impressing the date stamp and initialed by the H.S.A.
Irregularities • The fact should be noted in the Regd. List of the office to which it is despatched as ‘reclosed by ……………office’ • Error book entry should be made • Intimation should be issued to the office of closing and controlling authorities of office of closing and reporting concerned through fastest available means. (Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed). Rule 96(6), 195 and 144 of Vol.V
Receipt of insured envelope / bundle with difference in weight Circumstance - 1 • One INS was received in the R bag (TD) from Thathaneri for Madurai RMS/2. It weighed 30 grams against 35 grams Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Thathaneri SO dtd______________ One INS NO.___ of Thathaneri SO was received in the Regd. Bag (TD) for Madurai RMS/2 from Thathaneri SO. It was weighed at Madurai RMS as 30 grams against 35 grams noted on the envelope. The condition of the envelope was examined and found to be in good condition. Hence, the ascertained weight was noted on the INS envelope “as weighed as Madurai RMS/2” and in the Regd.list. The INS envelope was forwarded to destination in the normal course. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Receipt of insured envelope / bundle with difference in weight Circumstance - 2 One INS was received in the R bag (TD) from Thathaneri for Madurai RMS/2. It weighed 30 grams against 35 grams and the envelope was in damaged condition. Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Thathaneri SO dtd______________ One INS NO.___ of Thathaneri SO was received in the Regd. Bag (TD) for Madurai RMS/2 from Thathaneri SO. It was weighed at Madurai RMS as 30 grams against 35 grams noted on the envelope. The condition of the envelope was examined and found two seals are damaged and one side of the envelope was open. Hence the INS article was taken out, examined and found to be good in condition. It was weighed and the weight noted on the article was found correct. It was reclosed in a fresh envelope, sealed with INS seal, weighed and recorded on the envelope. It was forwarded to destination with suitable remark in the Regd. List. Material objects have been preserved. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A
Irregularities Receipt of insured envelope/bundle in torn / without seal • Bring to the notice of H.S.A. • The insured envelope / bundle should be weighed in the presence of H.S.A. and the ascertained weight should be noted in the Regd. List • The condition and the weight noted on the article should be checked
Irregularities • If difference noticed the fact should be recorded and the article should be closed in a fresh cover, sealed, weighed and the ascertained weight should be noted on the cover and Regd. List. • The original cover to be preserved after impressing the date stamp and initialed by the H.S.A. • The fact should be noted in the Regd. List of the office to which it is despatched as ‘reclosed by ……………office’
Irregularities • The insured article is found damaged it should be weighed and the ascertained weight should be noted on the article and Error Book, • The article should be enclosed in a pro-cover/bag, sealed with INS seal and weighed and the ascertained weight to be noted on the pro-cover and the Error Book • Then the article in pro-cover/bag should be enclosed in a fresh envelope / bag, sealed with INS seal, weighed and noted on the cover / Error Book
Irregularities • The fact should be noted in the Regd. List of the office to which it is despatched as “reclosed by-----office” • Error book entry should be made • Intimation should be issued to the office of closing and controlling authorities of office of closing and reporting concerned through fastest available means. (Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed) • Bag, label, seal, cord original insured envelope are to be stamped with date-stamp initialed by H.S.A. and preserved. Rule 96(5), 195, 144 of Vol.V
Receipt of insured envelope/ bundle in torn / without seal Circumstance • One INS bundle was received from Anaiyur in damaged condition in Regd. Bag (TD) for Madurai RMS/2 Sample error entry Error Exract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Anaiyur dtd___________ Insured Bundle 3 of Anaiyur PO for Trichy HO was received entered in the Regd. List for Madurai RMS/2 from Anaiyur SO dtd ____. It was weighed at Madurai RMS/2 and found to agree with the recorded weight. The IB was torn on both sides and the INS articles were coming out. The INS articles were taken out, checked with the Regd. List inside the IB and found correct. The articles were examined, found to be in good condition and the weight was also correct. These three INS articles were enclosed in a fresh cover with the list and sealed with INS seal, weighed and ascertained weight _____was noted on the article and in the Regd. List. The same was forwarded to destination with suitable remarks. Material objects were preserved. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A.
Irregularities Article received missent • Received missent should be entered against the entry in the Regd. List • Article stamped and forwarded to destination. • Error book entry to be made Rule 29 & 89 of Vol.VII Non-preparation of RBs / M.O.bundles • Error book entry to be made • Rule 29(q) of Vol.VII
Articles received missent Circumstance • Two RLs destined to Trichy Fort were received from Coimbatore RMS/2 in the Regd. Bag for Madurai RMS/2 Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Coimbatore RMS/2 dtd_____________ RL No.____ of R.S.Puram and RL No______ Kuniamuthur, both addressed to Trichy Fort entered at Sl.7 & 8 from Coimbatore RMS/2 in the bag for Madurai RMS/2 were received missent. These articles should have been routed to Trichy RMS. The articles were subjected to delay. The articles were forwarded to Trichy RMS for further disposal. Date Stamp Signature of H.S.A.
Non Preparation of RBs Circumstance • Madurai HO did not prepare RBs for Chennai GPO, Anna Road HO, Tirunelveli Ind HO Sample error entry Error Extract No._____________ Dtd.___________ Madurai HO dtd___________ Madurai HO dtd_____ consigned 108 RLs in the registered bag for Madurai RMS/2. Out of 108 RLs, 10 were for Chennai GPO, 12 for Anna Road, 6 for Tirunelveli Ind HO. The office has failed to prepare RBs for the above offices. Details of RLs are furnished below: Chennai GPO : RL No. ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ of Madurai HO ---10 RLs Anna Road HO RL No ____ ____ ____ ___ __of Madurai HO ---12 RLs Tirunelveli Ind HO RL No.___ ___ ___ ___ ___of Madurai HO ---6 RLs Date stamp Signature of HSA