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SIOV ’s Sections and Departments. Institutional Council. Director. National Observatory. Director’s Section. International Cooperation & Youth Creativity Section. Education and Policy Section. Secretary. Educational Programs Department. International Cooperation Department.
SIOV’s Sections and Departments Institutional Council Director National Observatory Director’s Section International Cooperation & Youth Creativity Section Education and Policy Section Secretary Educational Programs Department International Cooperation Department In-service Teacher Training Department Youth Creativity Department Economics & Personnel Department Research & Career Counseling Department Training Firms Department
VET schooling in Slovakia (before versus now) • High level of schooling • Each school was connected with industrial sector • Everyone had to be employed, everything free of charge, also after school activities for young people • Production system destroyed, as well as tights between schools and factories • Companies are not able to say what do they need from schooling in order to be competitive at European level • But we trust our people. Some schools are doing their best (are active in looking for their own ways how to survive) • As for educational system, I believe that the best kind of vocational education is a proper academic education (math, physics, chemistry, languages, ICT, ... ), gained at secondary schools, followed by technical and vocational programmes which are built on regional stakeholders/companies´ needs
School°s competitions • 23rd year of ZENIT in Programming • 23rd year of ZENIT in Electronics • 8th year of ZENIT in Machinery • 29th year of SOČ (Secondary school free vocational activities) • 15th year of YUVYR (exhibition of products and sevices of schools and competition of students • What do these have in common? „Bottom up activities“ (school°s level, followed by district°s level, then regional°s level and a national°s level
JUVYR Celebrated it’s 14th year in the school year 2005/06 Is a school exhibition of products and services as well as competitions of secondary school students Is open to foreign participants
2007 National competition SOČ winners • 6355 participants from 357 schools • 17 branches (Informatics, Math & Physics, Chemistry & Food industry, Biology, Geo sciences, Health service, Agriculture & Wood and Water industry, Environment, Machinery & Heavy metal & Transport, Construction & Architecture, Electrical engineering & Electronics & Power engineering, Microprocessor, Computing and Telecommunication technology, History & Politics and Philosophy, Design of learning aids & Didactic techologies, Economics & Management, Theory of culture, art, art and fashion design, Pedagogy & Psychology & Sociology & Issues concerning free time utilization,
HELSINSKÉ KOMUNIKÉ o intenzívnejšej spolupráci európskych krajín pri odbornom vzdelávaní a príprave Skills for a strong Europe • definuje … NOVÉ PRIORITY... • rozvoj a zdôrazňovanie špičkovej úrovne zručností, napr. uplatňovaním ich celosvetovej klasifikácie alebo organizovaním súťaží zručností. Napríklad Európska súťaž zručností, ktorá sa má konať v Holandsku v roku 2008 http://www.euroskills2008.nl a svetová súťaž zručností, ktorá sa koná každé dva roky http://www.wsc2005helsinki.com/ V súvislosti s európskou prehliadkou zručnosti mladých ľudí participujúcich v systéme OVP Euroskills, ktorá sa uskutoční po prvýkrát v Rotterdame v septembri 2008,MŠ SR poveruje Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania aktívnou participáciou (vrátane prípravy účasti SR) na predmetnom projekte. Projekt Euroskills je podporovaný aj komisárom pre vzdelávanie Jánom Figeľom. V nadväznosti na uvedené Vás žiadam o zabezpečenie dôstojnej reprezentácie SR na podujatí Euroskills 2008. • ... a ÚLOHY ... • zlepšiť efektívnosť, kvalitu a príťažlivosť odborného vzdelávania a prípravy • navrhuje ... CESTY ... • investície do ľudského kapitálu a zručností • celoživotné vzdelávanie • príprava špičkových odborníkov