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Provincial Government Transformation and Integrated Decision Making in the Natural Resources Sector Overview. Muskwa Kechika Advisory Board October 24, 2013.
Provincial Government Transformation and Integrated Decision Making in the Natural Resources SectorOverview MuskwaKechika Advisory Board October 24, 2013
The natural resource sector aims to bring about “a prosperous future for all British Columbians through sustainable economic development and shared leadership of our natural resources” Building on our collective successes under One Land Base, One Land Manager, our vision will ensure we are driving towards our future state: where we work together to create lasting value, protect the environment, and actively invest in economic and social prosperity for all British Columbians
Why is transformation needed? Management of today’s natural resources are increasingly complex, increased service delivery demands and with less human and financial resources available.
IDM enables the broader BC Government and NRS Transformations • IDM is a key piece of the NRS Transformation • The NRS transformation aligns to the over-arching government changes to people and systems to the end of Citizens @ the Centre Transformation Programs Supporting strategies & documents BC Government Transformation • Citizens @ the Centre : BC Government 2.0 People Change Systems Change Better Citizens’ Service NRS Transformation • One Land Base / One Land Manager Vision • NRS Transformation Plan People Process Systems IDM • IDM Addendum • Business Architecture • ISSS for the NRS People Process Legislation Systems & Data
NRS has been committed to integration with IDM being the next critical step in the transformation NRS has been long committed to integration with Integrated Decision Making (IDM) being the next critical step in the transformation 1992 Commission on Resources and Environment (CORE), a precursor to Land and Resource Management Planning (LRMPs), is established 2002 MSRM introduces joint work planning with sister NRS ministries in regions (various iterations of joint resource management up to NRO 2007 Resource Management Coordination Program (RMCP) is launched to increase natural resource management integration and efficiencies 2010 Structure impediments to full integration lead to the creation of the Ministry of Natural Resource Operations (MNRO), and in 2011 MFLNRO 2012 The NRS transformation plan is unveiled, including plans for Integrated Decision Making (IDM) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2010 2001 The Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management is created to improve the integration of natural resource policy and operations 2004 Creation of FCBC – One Window for NRS authorizations 2005 The Deputy Minister to the Premier and PSA tour province with demographics analysis: 40% will retire by 2020 and an equal amount will pursue other opportunities. Budget pressures will increase – key drivers of NRS integration 2009 In striving for a long-term sustainable service delivery, the Integrated Land Management Board (ILMB) board (a precursor to the NRS board) expands the scope of RMCP 2012 NRS Board approves a proposal to harmonize legislation and associated regulation and policy January Scoping and planning activities for IDM begin June A new cabinet is formed resulting in the introduction of a new ministry– MLNGD July Dave Nikolejsin is named the Transformation Executive Sponsor September The final business case wassubmitted to the OCIO for endorsement
Transformation of Management Regimes from Vertical to a balance of Vertical and Horizontal • Historical management of Natural Resources has been vertical by sector. This is necessary to provide economic development opportunities • Current (transformative) need is to balance public interest (e.g. Cumulative effects) and efficiencies with economic development Vertical Management Transformation of Management Regimes in NR Sector • Forest Sector • Recreation Energy Tourism Mining • Oil and Gas Move to Horizontal Management to better serve the public interest (integration of resource management) Move to Horizontal Management to increase efficiencies in sector administration
IDM is a seven year journey to align legislation, processes, people and technology for an integrated delivery of NRS services The IDM transformation is… “…a series of initiatives designed to align legislation, processes, people and technology to allow for the integrated management of BC’s natural resources” Purpose: To transform the way services are delivered, the way in which natural resources are managed, and the way in which decisions are made Key Benefit Areas: Economic Growth & Job Creation Improved Public & First Nations Engagement Lower Risk Exposure Integrated Resource Stewardship & Management Increased Workforce Productivity More Efficient Technology Infrastructure Improved Service Delivery Timeline: The IDM transformation, spanning 7 years with planning activities already underway, will deliver benefits early and often following a ramp up in effort in FY13/14
How will IDM be delivered? • IDM is large in scope—it will be delivered by breaking it down into manageable implementation programs and projects (8 programs shown below) • An estimated 190 internal staff will be involved in the transformation at the peak of year 4 • Additional NRS staff will be consulted and engaged throughout the transformation • Broad external engagement and communications will occur throughout the life of the project • A key goal will be to minimize impact to operational / business-as-usual activities • Discussions to determine how to best leverage cross-government capabilities will continue throughout the planning and implementation phase IDM Legislation, Regulation & Policy Resource Stewardship Authorizations Compliance & Enforcement First Nations Consultation & Engagement Support Functions Common IM/IT Infrastructure Portfolio 24 Projects 7 Projects 10 Projects 5 Projects 14 Projects 3 Projects 3 Projects 4 Projects
A substantial amount of IDM is focused on improving effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making activities, processes and systems • Efforts to streamline decision-making activities, processes and systems create the capacity for the sector to further invest in other high priority areas IDM Investment Investment spent to streamline… Make decisions related to natural resource development in line with desired state will enable greater focus on… Integrated Natural Resource Management Clearly establish the desired state and set objectives, priorities and expectations Check effects relative to desired state to embed quality and consistency Adjust development regime or desired state as necessary
A streamlined process will support the sector’s ability to make timely, durable authorization decisions Make decisions related to natural resource development in line with desired state • Application intake • Data entry • Legacy system costs • Physical document storage • Decision making • Data accessibility • Smart forms • Adaptable systems • Licensing • Permitting • Online review / comment Supported by NR Sector Legislation, Regulation and Policy Harmonization Integrated Service and Systems Strategy (Technical Solutions)
Authorizations Life Cycle IDM Key Messages - DRAFT
Additional functions are included to further NRS’s ability to act as an effective integrated manager and steward of BC’s natural resources Clearly establish the desired state and set objectives, priorities and expectations Check effects relative to desired state to embed quality and consistency • Resource focused strategic planning • Cumulative effects management • Sector plans • Land use plans • Harvest plans • Forest sector plans • Integrated resource monitoring • Stewardship decision support • Public feedback • Data analytics • Information • Compliance & enforcement Supported by NR Sector Legislation, Regulation and Policy Harmonization Integrated Service and Systems Strategy (Technical Solutions)
At different stages of the roadmap, the number of NRS staff will be required to support the transformation will vary • Each program will be led by program directors and program management resources, supported by seconded staff and external parties for project delivery • The degree of involvement of sector staff will be based on requirements and availability • A key goal will be to minimize impact to operational / business-as-usual activities • An estimated 190 internal staff will be involved in the transformation at the peak of year 3 • Additional NRS staff will be consulted and engaged throughout the transformation • Discussions to determine how to best leverage cross-government capabilities will continue 200190 400 External Resources 160160 350 190110 Internal Resources 300 15080 250 Number of FTEs 200 10050 7050 150 6030 100 50 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 * FTE requirements are subject to change as analysis may be refined to reflect latest updates
A number of planning activities are already underway Current Key Activities & Deliverables Over the course of the past six months, we have completed or are on track to complete a number of key activities that inform the long-term IDM planning • Business Architecture: Improving efficiency and management of the NRS delivery processes for both business and technology (maintain policies, deliver better) • Governance Model/PMO Design: A reporting, accountability and governing model to govern and manage the delivery of projects (logistical management of IDM) • Change Management and Communications Strategy: An internal and external framework to transition NRS staff and engage stakeholders • Implementation Roadmap: A seven-year timeline outline the sequence of priority projects and activities for transformation • Business Case: Supported by the benefits realization framework to detail value of IDM to NRS and the government • Application Disposition: An identification and prioritization process to classify systems for building a common infrastructure – Test Prototype under development. • Legislation Harmonization: A streamlining, consolidation and modernization effort to remove red-tape that prevents integration and coordinated decision making S
IDM leadership is committed to integration and is prepared to take the necessary steps to move IDM forward • A major milestone is approaching in the submission of the business case on Sept 20th • Leading up to the funding decision, key readiness activities will take place that are aimed at preparing the sector for transformation • Funding decision will determine whether or not additional prioritization of the implementation plan will be required in order to initiate IDM Initiate IDM IDM Funding IDM Long Term Planning Transformation Readiness a) If fully funded Sep 20 – Submission of Business Case TBD – Business Case Decision Reassess and Prioritize Implementation Plan End of Fiscal Year b) If notfully funded