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Exploring Computer Science at USNA Summer Seminar 2002

Join us for a comprehensive seminar on Computer Science at U.S. Naval Academy. Discover the reasons to major in CS, skills you'll acquire, and the opportunities available. Learn about the USNA Computer Science Department and get hands-on experience. Find out how to search the web and delve into HTML basics.

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Exploring Computer Science at USNA Summer Seminar 2002

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  1. Summer Seminar 2002 Dr. Don Needham (USNA ’83) Computer Science Department U.S. Naval Academy

  2. Admin Notes • Restrooms – Next to the elevator • Please sign Name and Address Sheet • Login Procedures • Press <Ctrl>-<Alt>-<Delete> Keys simultaneously • User name: sseminar • Password: sseminar • Log on to: CS-STUDENTS • Press Ok Button

  3. Agenda • Why Computer Science? • USNA Computer Science Department • Searching the Web • Introduction to HTML

  4. Why Computer Science? • Why consider majoring in Computer Science? • A truly marketable degree, potential for growth • Can keep current with CS as a Naval Officer • Job availability (both in and out of the Navy!) • The #1 fastest growing field in the world • 5 of the 6 richest humans in the world in 1999 made their fortunes in computer-related fields

  5. Why Computer Science? • Skills you will learn while earning your degree • Programming skills in languages such as • C++ (the #1 industry computer language) • Java • LISP / Scheme • Assembler • HTML / XML • Working familiarity with powerful programming tools and environments such as • Microsoft Visual Studio (Visual C++, Visual Basic, InterDev) • Microsoft .NET • J++ Builder. • Linux

  6. Why Computer Science? • Skills you will learn while earning your degree (cont.) • Distributed computing solutions • Networking knowledge ranging from the hardware level to the application level • Experience with 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional graphics • Programming at the hardware level using assembly to control registers, input and output devices, etc.

  7. Agenda • Why Computer Science? • USNA Computer Science Department • Searching the Web • Introduction to HTML

  8. USNA Computer Science Dept • USNA Computer Science Department • B.S. in Computer Science • Nationally Accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) • Fourteen faculty members • Seven Civilian • Seven Military

  9. USNA Computer Science Dept • USNA Computer Science Department (cont.) • Strong Core Curriculum • Opportunities to explore the following areas in depth • Computer Networks • Software Engineering • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics • Computer Architecture • Computer Graphics • For more information, check out our website: • www.cs.usna.edu

  10. USNA CS Majors • Recent Activities of USNA CS majors: • Summer Internships • National Security Agency (NSA) • Naval Research Lab (Washington DC) • Information Assurance (Attacked by NSA!) • Beowulf Cluster • Netcentric Warfare (Trident Scholar) • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle competition

  11. AUV Competition • Competing against other universities • July 31st • Sunny Southern California • Goal: To broaden the interest in AUVs and associated technologies by challenging a new generation of engineers to perform realistic missions in the underwater environment

  12. U S N A NAVY ‘02 BEAT ARMY UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY Mission Camera takes picture and stores barcode in file – the depth of the barcode is also stored Depth Sensor and Altimeter work together to figure out depth of pinger

  13. Actual Course Control Algorithm Desired Course + _ Basic Control Sensors PC104 Thrusters

  14. USNA’s AUV Entry

  15. SEA TRIALS Watch the AUV in action . . .

  16. Agenda • Why Computer Science? • USNA Computer Science Department • Searching the Web • Introduction to HTML

  17. How big is the Web? • Conservative estimates place Web at 2-3 Billion pages of information • More liberal estimates place Web near 10 Billion pages of information

  18. How much of the Web is covered?

  19. Search Engines • Google (www.google.com) • Uses “Link Popularity” algorithm to rank Web pages • Customizable Toolbar add-on for MS-Internet Explorer • Altavista (www.altavista.com) • Includes directory results from LookSmart • Babelfish translation service • Excite (www.excite.com) • Includes directory results from LookSmart

  20. Search Engines • A Web page database system • System Elements • “Spider” or “Robot” • Software program that visits a Web page, records information within the page, and follows embedded links to other pages • Returns to sites on a periodic basis to update Index • Index (Database) • Contains copy of desired Web pages found by the Spider • Contains referencing information based on a set desired criteria to Web pages scanned by the Spider • Search Engine • Finds matches to queries • Ranks Web pages according to implemented algorithm

  21. Search Engine Queries • Natural Language Queries • Query looks like a normal question • What is a black hole? • Where can I find information about Navy sports? • Advantage • No difficult syntax to learn • Disadvantages • Imprecise • Many irrelevant results • Examples • www.askjeeves.com, www.altavista.com, www.excite.com

  22. Search Engine Queries • Pattern Matching • Form query using keyword or group of keywords • Use unique keywords • Avoid keywords that might be in irrelevant documents • Search engine returns any page that “contains” these keywords • May occur anywhere on the page • Within the first 100 words of the page • In the title of the page • Occur frequently on the page

  23. Improving Search Queries • Capitalize proper nouns and names • Wildcards • Usually use the “*” character • Help find: • Different forms of a word • Common misspellings • Alternate spellings • Examples: • wish*: Finds wish, wishes, wishful, wishbone • organi*ation: Finds organisation or organization

  24. Improving Search Queries • Specify “mandatory” keywords • To require that a word appears on page, use “+” character • Example: +peanut +origin • To ensure a word does not appear on page, use “-” character • Example: +peanut +origin -snoopy

  25. Improving Search Queries • Phrase Matching • Enclose a sequence of words in quotations “phrase” • Examples • “Yosemite camping reservations” • “Ken Griffey”

  26. Improving Search Queries • Restricting Search Domains • Domain Searches (e.g., .org, .com) • Domain:edu (MSN) • host:edu (Alta Vista) • site:edu (Google) • Site Searches • domain:microsft.com (MSN) • host:microsoft.com (Alta Vista) • site:microsoft.com (Google)

  27. Agenda • Why Computer Science? • USNA Computer Science Department • Searching the Web • Introduction to HTML

  28. HTML • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) • Set of "markup" symbols or codes (tags) • Inserted in a text file which is intended for display on a Web browser • Tells Web browser how to display a Web page's words and images

  29. Creating HTML Documents • Need: • A text editor to create an ASCII file with an extension of .html or .htm (use html for our purposes) • Notepad • Word Processor (save as an ASCII text file) • HTML Editor • A Web browser to test your pages

  30. Getting Started • Start Notepad • Do NOT use WordPad • Save empty document to • Click File/Save As… • Save in: S:\ drive • File name: May use any name BUT must append .html after name • Start Internet Explorer • Open file created with Notepad • Click File/Open…/Browse… • Select your file • Browser should appear blank

  31. HTML Syntax <TAG attribute1=”value1” attribute2=”value2”>Item to be formatted</TAG> • Number of attributes vary (may be none) • Best to put quotes around attribute values • Ending or closing tag same as starting tag with “/” in front of the tag name • Not all tags require closing tags • Not case sensitive • <HR> and <hr> are both okay

  32. Create basic HTML skeleton in Notepad document Only enter the <tags> <html> <head> head elements </head> <body> body elements </body> </html> Basic HTML Document

  33. The <title> tag Goes between <head> and </head> tags Should provide a concise description of page Displayed in title bar of browser window Used as default bookmark description Can affect how document is indexed by some search engines Example <title>Text</title> <html> <head> <title>…</title> </head> <body> body elements </body> </html> Creating a Title

  34. Save Notepad document Click File/Save Refresh browser Click View/Refresh Title text now appears in browser’s Title Bar <html> <head> <title>…</title> </head> <body> body elements </body> </html> Update Web Page View

  35. The <h> tag Six levels of headings (n is a value between 1 and 6) Goes between <body> and </body> tags Most prominent <h1>…</h1> Least prominent <h6>...</h6> <html> <head> <title>…</title> </head> <body> <h1>…</h1> <h4>…</h4> </body> </html> Creating Headings

  36. HTML Paragraph Formatting • Whitespace is ignored in HTML • Carriage Returns • Spaces (more than one) • Tabs • Use it in your HTML code to increase readability • In order to break up text use: • Paragraph tag: <p>Text</p> • Break tag: <br>

  37. HTML Paragraph Formatting • Centering text • Use <center> tag • Example: • <center>Text</center> • Use ALIGN attribute with heading or paragraph tags • Example: • <p align=“center”>Text</p> • <h3 align=“center”>Text</h3>

  38. Colors • Two ways of defining colors in HTML • Color Names • May vary from browser to browser • Color Numbering • 216 safe colors • www.usna.edu/Masters/Resources/colors.htm

  39. Setting Defaults • <body> tag attributes • Used within the <body> tag • To set the back ground color, use bgcolor • <body bgcolor = “blue”> • <body bgcolor = “0000ff”> • To set the default color for all text, use text • <body text = “red”> • <body text = “ff0000"> • To set the background as one image, use background • <body background = “usnalogo.gif”> • These attributes are deprecated(still used, but being phased out)

  40. Setting Fonts • Use <font> tag with desired attribute(s) • Font Tag Attributes • Size • Seven sizes (1 - smallest, 7 - largest, 3 - default) • <font size = “4”>This is some text</font> • Color • <font color = “blue”>This will be blue</font> • Face • <font face = “arial”> • Use with caution – User must have font installed on their computer • This tag is deprecated(still used, but being phased out)

  41. Syntactic-Based Styles • Specify how text should appear • <b> bold • <i> italic • <u> underline • <tt> teletype (fixed-width font) • <sub> subscript • <sup> superscript • Used in pairs (e.g., <b>U.S. Naval Academy</b>)

  42. Use <table> tag to help organize information or graphics Use <tr> tag to define a row Use one or more <td> within a row to assign contents to a particular column position in a particular row <table> <tr> <td> information </td> <td> information </td> </tr> </table> Tables

  43. Including Images • Image Tag Attributes • src - URL to retrieve image from • alt - Text to be displayed when moused over (or when using a text browser) • height - expressed in pixels or percentage of browser window • width - expressed in pixels or percentage of browser window • Example <img src=“usnalogo.gif” alt=“Naval Academy” height=”50" width=”100">

  44. Creating Hyperlinks • Anchor Tag • Tag used to place hyperlinks in hypertext documents • Browsers change hyperlink text color & underline • Three basic parts of a hyperlink • Beginning and ending anchor tag pair <a> ... </a> • href (hyperlink reference )attribute • URL of page to be loaded when hyperlink is selected • Text (or graphic) that appears on-screen as the hyperlink • Examples • <a href=“http://www.usna.edu”>U.S. Naval Academy</a> • <a href=“mailto:thogan@usna.edu”>E-mail me!</a>

  45. Resources • Tutorials • www.all-html.com, www.htmlgoodies.com • www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimerP1.html • www.webmonkey.com • Free Clipart • www.freegraphics.com • www.clipart.com • Free Counters, Guest Books, Chat Rooms • www.freecenter.com • www.thefreesite.com

  46. Summary • Computer Science is an exciting, rapidly changing field • Computer Science professionals are always in high demand • Many jobs • Top Salaries • The USNA Computer Science Department is a top-notch program which will prepare you for an exciting future in today’s technology-driven world

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