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Chp . 16 Transformations in Europe. By Chad Brubaker Pd. 6/7. New Impacts. Violent war resulting from theological controversies within the Latin Church Witches became a scare as “an example of the devil’s evil.” Printing press has huge impact in Europe. Religion reformation.
Chp. 16 Transformations in Europe By Chad Brubaker Pd. 6/7
New Impacts • Violent war resulting from theological controversies within the Latin Church • Witches became a scare as “an example of the devil’s evil.” • Printing press has huge impact in Europe
Religion reformation • Papacy- central government of Latin Christianity • Papacy quickly receiving stature and corruption • Indulgence- forgiveness of the punishment received for sins
Martin Luther • 1483-1546, Invented new way for preaching indulgence • Dedicated to monastic life and prayer • Protested that money shouldn’t be given to pay for sins, rather faith
More Luther • Protestant reformation- the beginning of rejecting the pope’s authority • Luther called those who relied on good deeds for salvation “Romanists” • He stated that the Christian belief is from the word of God from the Bible
John Calvin • Inspired by Martin Luther, he was a well educated French theologist • He published The Institutes of the Christian Religion, which was a book of Christian teachings • Believed salvation was “a gift from God” and that everyone was predestined for their salvation
Calvinists • Congregations elected their own committees and synods • Showed simplicity in dress, life and religious worship • They worshipped in churches empty of statues, instruments, stained glass, incense, and vestments
Catholic Reformation • Catholic Reformation- the activities of a new religious order-The Society of Jesus “Jesuits” • Well-educated Jesuits helped the protestants win back some of their adherents by teaching and preaching them • Certain Jesuits became important missionaries
Witch hunts • Began in the late 1500’s and early 1600’s • Folklore about magic and spirits were passed around causing extreme fear of their evil • 100,000 tried as witches
Scientific revolution • The conception of the universe was originally viewed as the earth being at the center • Nicholas Copernicus came up with the idea that the sun was the center of the universe • Galileo Galilei built a telescope and wrote about what he saw in The Starry Messenger
Enlightenment • The advances in scientific ideals sparked certain individuals to question everything • Enlightenment- the beginning of the belief that science governed physics and natural laws • Scientific methods and discoveries became a model for changing European society
The Bourgeoisie • Bourgeoisie- The urban class that dominated manufacturing • In The Netherlands the manufacturers and craftsmen made a variety of goods in factories and workshops like around Europe • The expansion of the Maritime trade contributed to the new design of ships, an example was the fluit
More Bourgeoisie • Joint-stock companies- the Dutch tried these giving them monopolies over trade in the Indies • Stock exchanges- an Italian inovation transferred to the cities of N. west Europe in the 1500’s • Gentry-landowners that affected the lifestyle of the old aristocracy
Peasants • Serfdom deeply dropped from the plague • Legal freedom didn’t much affect peasants’ lives • Little Ice Age- The slight dropping of temperatures that contained massive effects
Women • Status of women affected by her husband’s career and her family • A woman’s lifestyle was better or worse depending on class and family wealth • Women in modern Europe were more prominent in culture than any other women in the world
Political Innovations • Efforts of making a European empire failed • Monarchs flourished however • Holy Roman Empire- The empire in the German Heartland that was that was city-states and principalities put together
Religious Policies • Spain and France successfully saved the catholic traditions from the Protestant reformation • French Calvinists gained military advantage in the French wars of Religion • King Henry VIII used his power to deplete monasteries and convents
England and France Monarchies • King Charles I never summoned the parliament • English Civil War- the war caused by King Charles arresting his lead critics, Charles lost the war • Versailles- the symbol of the French monarch victory over traditional rights of of nobility, clergy, and towns
War and Diplomacy • Monarchs expanded vast sums of money and caused a lot of devastation and mass death • Prussia’s army placed them as one of Europe’s major powers • Victory of wars depended on Navy power
Costs of War • To pay for war, Europe was forced to raise their revenues • Silver and gold imports from Spain’s American colonies filled the tresurury • Anglo-Dutch War debts helped persuade the English monarch to increase the size of the government’s role