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Campus Sustainability Strategy Meeting

September 12, 2007. Campus Sustainability Strategy Meeting. Outline. Overview of Sustainability A Picture of Campus Sustainability What’s Happening at SJSU? Energy Water Waste Curriculum Student Activities What’s Next at SJSU? Interactive Discussion. Overview of Sustainability.

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Campus Sustainability Strategy Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. September 12, 2007 Campus Sustainability Strategy Meeting

  2. Outline • Overview of Sustainability • A Picture of Campus Sustainability • What’s Happening at SJSU? • Energy • Water • Waste • Curriculum • Student Activities • What’s Next at SJSU? • Interactive Discussion

  3. Overview of Sustainability • Long term resource management • Allowing future generations to prosper • Many aspects • Economic • Social • Environmental

  4. A Picture of Campus Sustainability • UC/CSU/CCC Sustainability Conference • 900 attendees • Entire campus as a place of learning • Collaboration is key

  5. What’s Happening at SJSU? • Energy • Water • Waste Management • Spartan Dining • Curriculum • Student Activities

  6. Energy • 18% Green Power • PG&E light bulb project 2004 • $600,000 Annual savings • MLK Library • Low E glazing on windows • More efficient insulation

  7. Water • Recycled Water at South Campus • Landscape irrigation • Athletic facilities • MLK Library Dual Plumbed

  8. Waste Management • 2006 Diversion Rate 59.2% • ½ offices on campus have mini bins • Recycle florescent tubes and batteries • MLK restrooms have 100% recycled paper

  9. Curriculum • EnvS Senior Seminar Class • Campus-based projects • Global Climate Change • New 9 unit GE course • Environmental Resource Center • EnvS 181

  10. Student Activities • Sustainability Week • Student Organizations • Environmental Club • Engineers Without Borders • Silicon Valley Clean Tech Alliance • Veggielution Student Garden Co-op

  11. What’s Next at SJSU? • Sustainability Action Plan • Sustainability Fund • Student Fee Referendum • Sustainability Council

  12. Questions?

  13. Interactive Discussion • What is sustainability? • What are our biggest obstacles to campus sustainability and what can we do to overcome them? • Looking back at the list of solutions from question #2, choose the 3 that would be most imperative to accomplish first.

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