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Soaring Skyward

Soaring Skyward. Take off to Malta. Select Questions. Back to Questions. Wrong. OUCH!. WRONG ANSWER: You’re headed for a Crash. Scoring. Keep Playing. Yellow landing. Keep Playing. Rainbow Balloon lands. Keep Playing. Pink Balloon lands. Keep Playing. Select One Answer.

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Soaring Skyward

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Soaring Skyward Take off to Malta

  2. Select Questions

  3. Back to Questions Wrong OUCH! WRONG ANSWER: You’re headed for a Crash

  4. Scoring Keep Playing

  5. Yellow landing Keep Playing

  6. Rainbow Balloon lands Keep Playing

  7. Pink Balloon lands Keep Playing

  8. Select One Answer Can you help me? Fejnqegħda l-ispizerija? Ibqa' sejjerdritt. Tistatgħinni? Durfuq ix-xellug. A B C D Click to listen

  9. Select One Answer I’m lost. Intlift. Tistatgħinni? Ibqa' sejjerdritt. Ajjut A B C D Click to listen

  10. Select One Answer Where are you from? Min fejnint? Fejntoqgħod? X'nazzjonalitaint? Xi tfisser din? A B C D Click to listen

  11. Select One Answer Please speak slowly. Iktibilijekkjgħoġbok. Tkellembil-mod jekkjgħoġbok. Melale, mhuxproblema Mhuxqednifhem. A B C D Click to listen

  12. Select One Answer I don't speak Maltese. Jiennitkellemftitbissbil-Malti. Mhuxqednifhem. Iktibilijekkjgħoġbok. Jienma nitkellimxbil-Malti. A B C D

  13. Select One Answer Excuse me. Skużani Illum Għada Filgħodu A B C D Click to listen

  14. Select One Answer What's your nationality? Min fejnint? Fejntoqgħod? X'nazzjonalitaint? Xi tfisser din? A B C D

  15. Select One Answer What does this/that mean? Min fejnint? Xi tfisser din? X'nazzjonalitaint? X'tagħmel? A B C D Click to listen

  16. Select One Answer Can I join you? Nistaningħaqadmagħkom? Għalmin taħdem? Fejntixtieqtmur? X'qedtistudja? A B C D Click to listen

  17. Select One Answer Sure, let's go! Waranofs Iktibilijekkjgħoġbok. Mhuxqednifhem. Melale, ejjammorru. A B C D Click to listen

  18. Select One Answer Who are you here with? Ma min qiegħedhawnhekk? Kemmilektoqgħodhemmhekk? Qiegħedwaħdek? X'tagħmel? A B C D Click to listen

  19. Select One Answer Can you repeat that? Durfuq ix-xellug. Tistatirrepeti? Ibqa' sejjerdritt. Iktibilijekkjgħoġbok. A B C D Click to listen

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