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Project 2 Algorithm

General Overview of Algorithm: Iterative Process (20x): q=(I-PUU)/PUL q=q*Y Iterative Process (70x): Grab highest value unlabeled data for each labeled category. Remove from unlabeled data (PUL) and put in labeled data (Y). Touch up of True_LL data. Project 2 Algorithm.

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Project 2 Algorithm

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Overview of Algorithm: Iterative Process (20x): q=(I-PUU)/PUL q=q*Y Iterative Process (70x): Grab highest value unlabeled data for each labeled category. Remove from unlabeled data (PUL) and put in labeled data (Y). Touch up of True_LL data. Project 2 Algorithm

  2. Setup Step Y=zeros(1330,70);c=zeros(70,1); %temporary variable used later d=zeros(70,1); %number of new data for each category...for(q1=1:70) Y(q1,q1)=1;end..q=(I-PUU)/PULq=q*Y

  3. Grab Highest Value in Category For all 70 categories: max=0 Run through all available unlabeled data and find highest using max. Use 70 long hash vector for appropriate value and increase d(i), where i is the category number

  4. Remove from Unlabeled, Add to Labeled Basically remove the appropriate column for PUL, and add the value to the returned z value, which is based on True_LL.

  5. Touchup for i=1:1330 if(z(i)==0&&i>1) z(i)=z(i-1); endend

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