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Geography. Hungary is a landlocked country situated in the Carpathian basin and bordered by Slovekia to the north , Ukraine to the northeast , Romania to the east , Serbia and Croatia to the south , Slovénia to the southwest , Austria to the west .
Geography Hungary is a landlocked country situatedintheCarpathianbasin and bordered bySlovekiatothenorth, Ukrainetothenortheast, Romaniatotheeast, Serbia and Croatiatothesouth, Slovéniatothesouthwest, Austriatothewest. The area of the country is 93 000 km2 with a population of almost 10 millionpeople. (Accordingtoitsterritoryit is the 109th intheworld and bythepopulationit is the 4th.) Asfortheethnicity almost everybody is a Hungariannationality (92.3%), theRomas, whoareethnicminorities, makethesecondbiggestgroup (1.9%) and therearesomesmallerminoritygroupsaroundourbordersandtheotherswhowereinvitedintothe country duringtheMiddleAges.
Main GeographicalFeatures • Hungary is dividedintotwopartsbytheriverDanube. - The eastern part of the country is occupiedbythe Great HungarianPlain and therearesomelowermountainsinthenorth (theNorthHungarianMountainswiththehighestpeak of Hungary – Kékes (1015 metres) • The western part is calledTransdanubia and consists of somesmallerareas:
- The western part is calledTransdanubia and consists of somesmallerareas: - theTransdanubianmountainswith Mecsek - theTransdanubianhills - theSubalpineMountains - theSmallHungarianPlain • 2 main rivers: theDanube and the Tisza • Wehavethelargestfreshwaterlakeinthecentral Europe (Balaton – 76 km2) • Wehavequite a bigundersurfacewatersupply, sowecandrinkwaterfromthetap • The country is richinthermalspringswithmedicaleffects (Hévizisthe 2nd largestthermallakeintheworld) • The climate of the country is continental
Historicmilestones of the country • The land of the country has beenpopulatedsincetheancienttimes. • The area of theformerRomancolony (Pannonia) wasoccupiedbythebarbarictribesduringthe European Great Invension, amongthemtheHungariantribesarrivedinthe end of the 9th century • By 1000 ancientHungarianshavesettled down and formedtheHungarian Christian state. Thenourfirstking Stephen the 1st wascrowned.
During its medieval history the country had some splendid days. On the other hand, unfortunately, our independence was threatened many times (by barbaric Mongolians, by the Turkish and finally welostourindependence and becamethe part of the Habsburg Empire. • 1848/49 areimportantyearsinourhistoryastherewas a civil revolutiontochangeoursocietyinto a civil one and gain back ourindependence. Butweweren’tsuccesful.
The 20th centurybroughtus 2 cruelwars (World War I and II). The Habsburg Empire collapsed and Hungary becameindependent again butas a consequence of the Trianon Treaty Hungary lost 2/3 of itsoriginalterritory. The outcomes of thisdecisionwasfatalforthe country and tragicforthepeopleinsideandoutsidethenewborders. • As Hungary belongedtothepartsunderSowietinfluence, theCommunisttook over the country and webelongedtothe ‘Easternblock’ until 1989. • In 1956 theHungarianstriedtochangebuttherevolutionwasdefeated and theyears of revengecame
Only 1989 broughtusindependence and freedom again. Hungary wasdeclared a parlamentaryrepublic. And everything has changed…. • Officially Hungary becamethemember of the European Union in 2003.
Ournationalsymbols • National flag • National anthem • National coat of arms
Weareproud of our country because • It is beautiful • It has beenheroicmanytimesinthehistory • Ourtraditions and folkculture is infinite • The Hungariansarewarm-hearted, cheerfulpeoplewhoarealwaysinterestedinthelatestachievement of theworld. • Ournationaldrinks (wine and pálinka) and dishesareapprovedandappreciatedbytheworld. • OurHungaricumsarebecoming more and more and wetryhardtopreserveverythingwhich is trulyHungarian.
Wehavealways had an importantinfluenceoncultural life of theworld (letit be music, literatureorfinalarts) • Wehaveadded a lottothescientificdevelopment of theworld and have had some Nobel Prizewinnerscientists and theworlsuse a lot of thingsunder a Hungarianlabel. • Althoughweare a small country, theHungarianathleteshavealwayswonmanybiggernationsintheOlympicgames. • Wehavesometouristlandmarkswhichbecameparts of worldheritage.