1. The Roller Coaster Meaghan Gloede
Janet Hui
Marie Robson
2. The Roller Coaster Kingda Ka
Location: Six Flags Great Adventure in N.J.
3. The Stats Fastest and Tallest Roller Coaster on Earth
Top Speed: 128 MPH
Elevation: 465 ft (45 stories)
Length: 3,118
Duration: 50.6 seconds
4. The Deal On Roller Coasters Unlike trains, roller coasters do not have an engine to keep them moving. It relies on the fundamental forces in physics such as the inertial, gravitational and centripetal forces. The entire journey of the ride is driven by the energy which was given when the roller coaster was being pulled up the lift hill. The purpose of the lift hill is to provide a reservoir of potential energy for the entire ride. The higher the lift hill, the greater distance gravity can act on, and thus more potential energy the roller coaster is going to have. The potential energy that has been built up would transform into kinetic energy, energy of motion, as the roller coaster goes down the hill. Gravity acts on the roller coaster constantly as it falls. This force causes the roller coaster to accelerate. When the tracks tilt up, gravity would act on the center of mass of the coaster which pulls down while the ride is going up, so it would decelerate. When the coaster goes up the hill, its energy would convert from kinetic to potential energy. Therefore, the coaster keeps on converting from potential to kinetic and vice versa. The tracks are use for controlling where the roller coaster is going to fall.
5. The Deal: Newton Style According to Newton’s first law of motion, objects would stay in motion if there are no external forces acting on it. As friction and air act on the coaster, the total energy within the coaster decreases along its journey. The hills have to be smaller as the tracks go as the coaster has less energy to go up. It will eventually lose all of its energy and stop by the end of the ride.
6. Twists and Turns
7. Kinetic and Potential Energy Point A: All Potential Energy
Point B: Both Potential and Kinetic Energy
Point C: All Kinetic Energy
At Point B the Coaster is at its fastest speed because it has both Kinetic and Potential Energy acting on it
8. The Testimonial on Kingda KAby Meaghan When I went to six flags for my physics field trip, I didn't know very much about potential and kinetic energy. Now, when I look back at my experience on the steel roller coaster, Kingda Ka, I can understand my experience much more fully. When we started, we weren't moving, so we had no kinetic energy, but a high potential energy. However, they then shot the cars at a very high speed up to the top of the hill. If they didn't shoot us fast enough, or the cars were too heavy to make it to the top, they would have to remove people and start over. Now that I know about energy types, I can understand more fully why this happened. Once we got to the top of the hill, we had our highest potential energy of the entire ride. It, however, was a low kinetic energy, because we were barely moving on top of this hill. When we started to fall down this enormous hill however, we steadily lost all our potential energy as it transformed into kinetic. Now that I look back on it, it all makes more sense, and I wish I could go back on it with this newfound conservation of energy knowledge.
9. Conclusion In conclusion, Roller Coasters are a great example of how energy can change forms from kinetic to potential energy and back.
Throughout the ride, you have points with only potential energy, points with just kinetic energy, and the fastest points with both types of energy.
10. Works Cited http://www.sixflags.com/greatAdventure/rides/Kingdaka.aspx
http://www.vangani.co.za/articles/article/roller. html