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NORWEGIAN COURSES AUTUMN 2008 Pay courses University of Oslo. Admission Which level to register for? Semester registration Course fee / Semester fee Rules for attending the courses Practical information Important to remember (Summary). Admission / Opptak.
NORWEGIAN COURSESAUTUMN 2008Pay courses University of Oslo Admission Which level to register for? Semester registration Course fee / Semester fee Rules for attending the courses Practical information Important to remember (Summary)
Admission / Opptak • You have been accepted to Norwegian courses with a course fee. You have been accepted for one semester. If you wish to continue next semester, you have to let me know in writing before November 1st. Current prices: http://www.hf.uio.no/iln/studier/evu/norskkurs/norsk/Engelsk-info-soknad-betH08ver2.pdf
Payment / Betaling • You will get an invoice for 3000,- within the next 4 weeks. The rest of the course fee will be sent after the course has started (in installments). • If you do not get a seat in the class of your choice, and you don’t want to attend courses, you have to let me know before the courses begin so I can give the seat to someone else. If you don’t let me know before the courses begin, you have to pay the entire course fee.
Semester registration To register for courses, you need to go on the internet and find the StudentWeb. • Logging into the StudentWeb is done with your 11-digit personal ID-number and your PIN code. • If you don’t know your PIN-code, we will get it for you.
Please note that you are not guaranteed a seat in the class of your preference. On August 19th, the class lists will be posted on the 1st floor of Henrik Wergelands house. You need to find your name on a class list to have gotten a seat. If your name is not on the list of your preferred class, we were unfortunately not able to give you a seat. Check to see if your name is on the list of another class. Time: 12.30 If you are unable to attend the class you’ve been placed in, you need to withdraw from it
Semester fee / Semesteravgift Everyone needs to pay the semester fee in addition to the course fee. You can find your payment information in StudentWeb, or request that the bill be sent you in the mail, also in Student web. The Semester fee MUST be paid by September 1st. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to sit the exam.
Rules for the courses / Regler • First day of class: Everyone has to show up for the first day of class. If you are unable, you need to let us know, in writing, before class starts. Otherwise, you risk losing your seat. • Attendance: All Norwegian courses have mandatory attendance. This means that if you attend less than 75% of class, you will not be allowed to sit for exams.
Rules for the courses / Regler • Withdrawing from class: There is a limited number of seats in Norwegian courses. This means that if you know you won’t attend the course, please come to the front office and withdraw. If you don’t withdraw, you will be charged the entire course fee. You withdraw by filling in a form and handing it in. • Withdrawing from exams: Deadline for withdrawing from exams is 2 weeks before the exam. If you do not withdraw in Student web, you will be registered with a ”Not Met for Exams” in the Student Database and it is considered as one of your three attempts at the exam. If you withdraw from exams, you will still have to pay the entire course fee.
Practical information / Praktisk informasjon EXAMS NORINT0110BK: December 15th. NORINT0120BK: December 15th NORINT0130BK: December 15th Oral exams will be given in the weeks before or after the written exam. The dates are not set yet. ACCESS TO COMPUTERS All students attending Norwegian courses will get access to the University computers. You must confirm you exam registration and pay the semester fee to get access to the computers. STUDENT I.D. After semester registration on the internet, you can get a student card. Make sure to bring your semester card and ID, and go to the Card center in the Akademika bookstore. The Student card gives you discount on public transportation.
Important to remember • Check the class list on August 17th to see which class you are in. You have to attend the first lesson, otherwise, you may lose your seat. Minimum attendance for the courses is 75%. Contact information / kontaktinformasjon • We can be contacted at: frontoffice@iln.uio.no, by phone: 22 85 62 27, or by visiting the front office at Henrik Wergelands house, 1st floor.
Important to remember • You have to use your university e-mail address. All information will be sent to this address. • You have to check the semester page on the internet before class, just to be sure that the class is not cancelled due to illness or for some other reason. An example: http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/hf/iln/NORINT0130BK/h08/ • You will get information about which books to buy when you attend the first class. • Good luck!