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21 st Century Learning Tools for the Classroom. Howie DiBlasi, I.T. Director Durango School District 9-R Durango Colorado C.A.S.B. – 2006 (Colorado Association of School Boards).
21st Century LearningTools for the Classroom Howie DiBlasi, I.T. Director Durango School District 9-R Durango Colorado C.A.S.B. – 2006 (Colorado Association of School Boards)
Thanks to the following for content, data and statistics:Karl Fisch –for the original Did You Know – Arapahoe High SchoolDavid WarlickThomas FriedmanAlan NovemberIan JukesRay KurzweilAngus King Milken Conference Dan SchmidtHowie DiBlasi
American teenagers today are utilizing the interactive capabilities of the Internet as they create and share their own media creations.
Fully half of all teens and 57% of teens who use the Internet could be considered “content creators.”
They have created a blog, wiki or webpage, posted original artwork, photography, stories or videos online.
There are over 70 million blogs and counting. The blogosphere is over 60 times bigger than it was 3 years ago.
China has 17 million blogs * • 35% of all internet users in China have a blog. * The Blog Herald-2006
6 million American adults have listened to podcasts. There are 100,000 podcasts and subscribers are growing @ 20 % per month.
What the average teen is doing outside of school on an average day:
6.5 hours with media outside of school33% of on the Internet 26% on TV 21% telephone 15% radio
YouTube serves 100 million videos per day. It served 2.5 billion videos to nearly 20 million unique visitors in June of 2006.Do you know what YouTube is?
The 25% of the population in China with the highest IQ’s . . .
Translation for teachers:They have more honors kids than we have kids.
China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world.
If you took every single job in the U.S. today and shipped it to China . . .
60 babies will be born in the U.S. • 244 babies will be born in China. • 351 babies will be born in India.
The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today’s learner will have 10-14 jobs . . .
1 out of 4 workers today is working for a company they have been employed by for less than one year.
More than 1 out of 2 are working for a company in which they have worked for less than five years.
According to former Secretary of Education Richard Riley . . .
We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist . . .
In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.
The U.S. is 20th in the world in broadband Internet penetration.(Luxembourg just passed us.)
In 2002 alone Nintendo invested more than $140 million in research and development.
The U.S. Federal Government spent less than half as much on Research and Innovation.
1 out of every 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met online.
Online users tune into TV • 1 in 10 online consumers are watching TV shows on a computer
2006 DVD Storage = 4.7gb (67 CD’s) • 2008 DVD Storage = 800 gb (10,720 CD’s) • 2010 DVD Storage = 20,941 CD’S
"In 2010 the volume of accessible online data is expected to approach a Yottabyte… or 1 trillion terabytes.”(yotta- septillions 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) *IBM Unveils Storage Capacity on Demand for Growing e-businesses Business Wire, October 27, 2000
There are over 100 million registered users of MySpace.(August 2006)