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ISHTAR SUITE. Architecture. Initial situation. WP1 Tool. WP6 Tool. WP2 Tool. WP3 Tool. WP4 Tool. WP7 Tool. WP1 Tool. WP6 Tool. WP2 Tool. WP3 Tool. WP4 Tool. WP7 Tool. Necessary cooperation between tools. WP1 Tool. WP6 Tool. WP2 Tool. WP3 Tool. WP4 Tool. WP7

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ISHTAR SUITE Architecture

  2. Initial situation WP1 Tool WP6 Tool WP2 Tool WP3 Tool WP4 Tool WP7 Tool INRETS

  3. WP1 Tool WP6 Tool WP2 Tool WP3 Tool WP4 Tool WP7 Tool Necessary cooperation between tools INRETS

  4. WP1 Tool WP6 Tool WP2 Tool WP3 Tool WP4 Tool WP7 Tool One global tool : ISHTAR SUITE INRETS

  5. SW1 ISI SW2 SW3 SW4 SW6 SW7 ISHTAR SUITE composition ISM Ishtar Suite Manager Ishtar Suite Interface Ishtar Suite Softwares INRETS

  6. SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW6 SW7 ISHTAR SUITE composition ISM ISI Ishtar Suite Manager Ishtar Suite Interface Ishtar Suite Softwares Ishtar Suite DB ISDB Ishtar Suite GIS ISGIS INRETS

  7. Old Studies DB ISM SW1 ISI Current Study DB SW2 SW3 SW4 ISDB SW6 ISGIS SW7 ISHTAR SUITE exchanges INRETS

  8. Functionalities of ISM ISM • manages the current study • controls the run process of the suite • launches the SW of the suite • controls the process of each SW • manages the data exchanges between SW • controls the Ishtar User Interface • keeps trace of the current study • archives the studies INRETS

  9. Old Studies DB ISM Tool1 C1 ISI Current Study DB Tool2 C2 Tool3 C3 Tool4 C4 ISDB Tool6 C6 ISGIS Tool7 C7 ISHTAR SUITE softwares Data exchanges Software = Tool+ Connector INRETS

  10. Functionalities of a Connector A connector • Controls the exchanges between ISM and Tool • Data : • Sends to ISM information on data used by the tool • Receives, from ISM, information on data requested by the tool • Sends to ISM information on data created by the tool • Process : • Sends to ISM information on the status of the tool • Controls the execution of the tool • Prepares data requested by the tool • Controls the run of the tool according to ISM requests INRETS

  11. Exchanges between ISM et SW Data information exchanges = Objects exchanges • Classes of objects defined during the phase of WP8 specification (now) • Ex : a File class definition, with attributes : • Name • Description • Location • WP owner • Tool owner • Builder • Format type • Study parameter linked • Objects definitions are sent by SW to ISM at start and end of run • Ex : an object of File class • Name : compdef.cv • Description : fleet composition by type of road • Location : ……………. • WP owner : WP3 • Tool owner : TEE_2000 • Builder : Connector • Format type : ASCII4 • Study parameter linked : general fleet composition INRETS

  12. Work Plan for IS specification • Choice of tools for each WP (WP 1-2-3-4-6-7) • Analysis of data used by each tool (WP8) • Review of classes by interview of each tool editor or WP leader • Data model design • Definition of common Ishtar objects and classes (WP8) • Agreement with each tool editor or WP leader (all WP) • Specification of requirements for connectors (WP8) • Specification of ISM and ISI softwares INRETS

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