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Review for Bio EOC 2013

This is a review for the Bio EOC 2013 exam. It covers topics such as heterotrophs, ADP molecule, ATP molecule, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. Study hard to grasp these difficult concepts!

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Review for Bio EOC 2013

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  1. Review for Bio EOC 2013 Study hard Difficult concepts!!!!!

  2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a heterotroph? • mushroom • Grass • Leopard • human

  3. Look at Figure 8-1. All of the following are parts of an ADP molecule EXCEPT structure A structure C structure B structure D Figure 8-1

  4. Which structures shown in Figure 8-1 make up an ATP molecule? A and B A, B, C, and D A, B, and C C and D Figure 8-1

  5. Energy is released from ATP when • a phosphate group is added • ATP is exposed to sunlight. • adenine bonds to ribose. • a phosphate group is removed.

  6. Which of the following is an autotroph? • Mushroom • Dog • Monkey • tree

  7. In Figure 8-1, between which parts of the molecule must the bonds be broken to form an ADP molecule? A and B C and D B and C all of the above Figure 8-1

  8. Most plants appear green because chlorophyll • does not absorb green light. • absorbs green light. • reflects violet light. • none of the above

  9. The light-collecting units of a chloroplast are the • Electron carriers. • stroma. • photosystems. • high-energy sugars.

  10. What are the products of the light-dependent reactions? • oxygen gas • NADPH • ATP • all of the above

  11. Which of the following are used in the overall reactions for photosynthesis? • carbon dioxide • Light • Water • all of the above

  12. A granum is a(an) • stack of chloroplasts • membrane enclosing a thylakoid • stack of thylakoids. • photosynthetic pigment molecule.

  13. Which step is the beginning of photosynthesis? • Pigments in photosystem I absorb light. • Pigments in photosystem II absorb light. • High-energy electrons move through the electron transport chain. • ATP synthase allows H+ ions to pass through the thylakoid membrane.

  14. If carbon dioxide is removed from a plant’s environment, what would you expect to happen to its production of high-energy sugars? • More sugars will be produced. • No sugars will be produced. • The same number of sugars will be produced but without carbon dioxide. • Carbon dioxide does not affect the production of high-energy sugars in plants.

  15. Organisms that cannot make their own food and must obtain energy from the foods they eat are called • autotrophs. • thylakoids. • heterotrophs. • plants.

  16. Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are called • autotrophs. • thylakoids. • heterotrophs. • pigments.

  17. Plants gather the sun’s energy with light-absorbing molecules called • pigments. • chloroplasts. • thylakoids. • glucose.

  18. The Calvin cycle is another name for • light-independent reactions. • light-dependent reactions. • photosynthesis. • all of the above

  19. Plants take in the sun’s energy by absorbing • high-energy sugars. • Chlorophyll. • chlorophyll a. • sunlight.

  20. If you continue to increase the intensity of light that a plant receives, what happens? • The rate of photosynthesis increases with light intensity. • The rate of photosynthesis decreases with light intensity. • The rate of photosynthesis increases and then levels off. • The rate of photosynthesis does not change.

  21. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into • oxygen. • ATP and oxygen. • high-energy sugars. • oxygen and high-energy sugars.

  22. Which of the following is NOT a stage of cellular respiration? • Calvin cycle • Glycolysis • electron transport • Krebs cycle

  23. What is a product of the Calvin cycle? • oxygen gas • high-energy sugars • ATP • carbon dioxide

  24. The starting molecule for glycolysis is • ADP. • citric acid. • pyruvic acid. • glucose.

  25. Which of the following affects the rate of photosynthesis? • Water • light intensity • Temperature • all of the above

  26. All of the following are sources of energy during exercise EXCEPT • stored ATP. • lactic acid fermentation. • alcoholic fermentation. • cellular respiration.

  27. What are the reactants in the equation for cellular respiration? • oxygen and lactic acid • glucose and oxygen • carbon dioxide and water • water and glucose

  28. Which process is used to produce beer and wine? • lactic acid fermentation • alcoholic fermentation • Glycolysis • the Krebs cycle

  29. One cause of muscle soreness is • alcoholic fermentation. • lactic acid fermentation. • glycolysis. • the Krebs cycle.

  30. Aerobic cellular respiration uses one molecule of glucose to produce • 2 ATP molecules. • 36 ATP molecules. • 12 ATP molecules. • 100 ATP molecules.

  31. Photosynthesis is to chloroplasts as cellular respiration is to • chloroplasts. • mitochondria. • cytoplasm. • nucleus.

  32. Which process does NOT release energy from glucose? • Glycolysis • Fermentation • Photosynthesis • cellular respiration

  33. Plants cannot release energy from glucose using • glycolysis. • the Krebs cycle. • photosynthesis. • cellular respiration.

  34. Cellular respiration releases energy by breaking down • food molecules. • carbon dioxide. • ATP. • water.

  35. Which of the following is released during cellular respiration? • Oxygen • Energy • Air • lactic acid

  36. Lactic acid fermentation occurs in • bread dough. • any environment containing oxygen. • muscle cells. • mitochondria.

  37. Which of these is a product of cellular respiration? • Oxygen • Glucose • Water • all of the above

  38. The two main types of fermentation are called • alcoholic and aerobic. • alcoholic and lactic acid. • aerobic and anaerobic. • lactic acid and anaerobic.

  39. Aerobic cellular respiration is called an aerobic process because it requires • light. • oxygen. • exercise. • glucose.

  40. In the presence of oxygen, glycolysis is followed by • Lactic acid fermentation. • photosynthesis. • alcoholic fermentation. • the Krebs cycle.

  41. The products of photosynthesis are the • products of cellular respiration. • products of glycolysis. • reactants of cellular respiration. • reactants of fermentation.

  42. Unlike photosynthesis, cellular respiration occurs in • animal cells only. • all but plant cells. • plant cells only. • all eukaryotic cells.

  43. Pathway A represents which type of cellular respiration? • aerobic cellular respiration • alcoholic fermentation • lactic acid fermentation • Photosynthesis • Pathway A Glucose Pyruvic acidLactic acid + 2 ATP • Pathway B Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide + Ethyl alcohol + 2 ATP • Pathway C Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide +Water+36 ATP

  44. The energy of the electrons passing along the electron transport chain is used to make • lactic acid. • alcohol. • citric acid. • ATP.

  45. Pathway B represents which type of cellular respiration? • aerobic cellular respiration • alcoholic fermentation • lactic acid fermentation • Photosynthesis • Pathway A Glucose Pyruvic acidLactic acid + 2 ATP • Pathway B Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide + Ethyl alcohol + 2 ATP • Pathway C Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide +Water+36 ATP

  46. Pathway C represents which type of cellular respiration? • aerobic cellular fermentation • alcoholic fermentation • lactic acid fermentation • Photosynthesis • Pathway A Glucose Pyruvic acidLactic acid + 2 ATP • Pathway B Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide + Ethyl alcohol + 2 ATP • Pathway C Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide +Water+36 ATP

  47. Pathway A • Glucose Pyruvic acidLactic acid + 2 ATP • Pathway B • Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide + Ethyl alcohol + 2 ATP • Pathway C • Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide +Water+36 ATP

  48. Without gas exchange, a plant would be unable to • make food • make minerals • absorb sunlight • absorb water from the soil.

  49. Which term below is LEAST closely related to the others? • Fruit • Ovary • seed • cone

  50. Living on land required that plants • evolve photosynthetic pigments • conserve water • exchange gases • have cell walls.

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