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INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL Business Development of Research , Transfer of Technology and Creation of Spin-offs Sabin Boily, Ph.D . President - Director General Alexandria, Egypt , 22 november 2010. Outline. _______________________________________________________. History
INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL Business Development of Research, Transfer of Technology and Creation of Spin-offs Sabin Boily, Ph.D. President-Director General Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Outline _______________________________________________________ • History • Context • SQRI in brief • Vision • Axes • Conclusion Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
History ________________________________________________________ • 1999-2006 : Research Valorization in Quebec (Valorisation recherche Québec VRQ) • 2007-2010 : Quebec Strategy for Research and Innovation: A prosper and innovating Quebec (Stratégiequébécois de la recherche et de l’innovation : Un Québec innovant et prospère) • 2010-2013 : Quebec Strategy for Research and Innovation: Mobilize, Innovate and Become Prosperous (Stratégiequébécois de la recherche et de l’innovation : Mobiliser, Innover, Prospérer • Acknowledgements : Mrs GenevièveTanguay, Assistant Deputy Minister, Directorate General for Research, Innovation, Science and Society, MDEIE Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Context _______________________________________________________ • Innovation is a keysuccess factor in terms of economic, social and cultural development. • Innovation contributes to increase the productivity. • A competitiveQuebec must bet on innovation. • Innovation forms an integral part of our vision of economicdevelopment, that to say: a creative, innovative entrepreneur and warm Quebec. • The SQRI (2007-2010) has allowed to support innovation in Quebec, but we must follow on with more effort. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Goingforwardwith a renewedstrategy ________________________________________________________ • We must continue the efforts begun by the SQRI in 2007 mainly to: • consolidate the gains of SQRI while adjusting some steps to produce their full benefits; • adopt a new approach and adopt new measures more focused on priority sectors and mobilizing projects; • build on our strengths to accelerate innovation in priority sectors in Quebec companies; • remain competitive vis-à-vis our partners and competitors; • contribute to making Quebec a place with the smallest footprint. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
The vision of SQRI 2010-2013 ________________________________________________________ • - A follow-on from the first strategy • - The result of a reflectedexercise of priotization • Maximizethe economic and social investments from the Government of Quebec. • This renewed vision aimsat: • Consolidation of our gains in public research • Acceleration of innovation in ourcompanies • The mobilization of the actorsaround the projects for the future for Quebec society. • Mobilize, innovate and becomeprosperous to enhance the quality of life of the Quebecers. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Four axes and one condition for success _______________________________________________________ Transparent gouvernance Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
A more competitiveresearchrecognizedinternationally ________________________________________________________ • Objectives • Obtaina significant proportion of funding from the federal governmentto finance Quebecuniversitiesresearchfrom a more competitive Canadian perspective. • Ensurethat the research in Quebecstaysat a competitive international level and thatourresearcherscollaborateextensivelywith the best researchersthroughout the world. • Increase the competitiveness of ourresearch system by havingbetterequipment and the latest infrastructures. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Égypte, 22 novembre 2010
A more competitiveresearchrecognizedinternationally ________________________________________________________ • Expected results • Maintain a market share corresponding to our demographic weight for federal funding of research. • Increaseco-authored publications withforeignresearchers by at least 45% (43.5% in 2008). • Maintainouraverageannualinvestmentabove 114 M$ for ourequipment and research infrastructure. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
A more competitiveresearchrecognizedinternationally Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Research in Quebec ________________________________________________________ • Research Quebec is now the banner that brings together interventions from the Quebec government regarding public research. • The creation of Fonds Recherche Québec whichencompasses FRSQ, FQRNT and FQRSC. • The creation of the position for a chiefscientistwhowillbe in charge of Fonds Recherche Québec. • Support the development of strategic technologies. • Encourage international collaborative projects. • Finance research infrastructures. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
A more competitiveresearchrecognizedinternationally ________________________________________________________ Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Details: www.mdeie.gouv.qc.ca/sqri 2 Budget allocated by MDEIE towards research and innovation Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
A more creative and entrepreneurial population ________________________________________________________ • Objectives • Ensure the succession, training and employability of the workforce, and this in the context of a globalized knowledge economy. • Increase the industrial R&D personnel. • Increase the number of top foreignstudentswishing to carry on studying in Quebec. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
A more creative and entrepreneurial population ________________________________________________________ • Expected Results • Awardat least annually: • »» 300 more meritscholarships • »» 114 international internships • »» Double the scholarships and internships in practical milieu (actually: 71). • Increase the number of industrial R&D employees by 7500, representing an increase of 15%. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
A more creative and entrepreneurial population ________________________________________________________ Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Details: www.mdeie.gouv.qc.ca/sqri 4 Budget allocated by MDEIE towards research and innovation Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
An increase of ourproductivity and ourcompetitivenessthrough innovation ________________________________________________________ • Objectives • Increase the commercialization of industrial innovations. • Ensure a better usage of ourresearchresults. • Stimulateindustrialresearch. • Encourage greater collaboration between SMEs and intermediary organizations. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
An increase of ourproductivity and ourcompetitivenessthrough innovation ________________________________________________________ • Expected Results • More than 30 commercializationprojects. • 40 projects in seedcompanies. • Increase the number of university/industry collaborations by at least 10% (CF 6000 collaborations observed over the pastthreeyears). • 40 projectsissuedfrom public research, aiming maturation and penetration of the market. • Increase the number of active companiesfrom 8000 to 10000 by 2013. • 120 technology intensification projectscarried out betweenindustry and public research. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Business and industrialresearch ________________________________________________________ • New measures have been added on top of existingones for industry: • Support commercializationfor the realization of a marketing plan for a technological innovation. • Marketing of products with low carbon footprint for a cleaner product that replaces a more polluting one or which allows for a less polluting one. • Specialized support services offered by technology incubators which follow and guide any start-up. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
An increase of ourproductivity and ourcompetitivenessthrough innovation ________________________________________________________ Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Details: www.mdeie.gouv.qc.ca/sqri 6 Budget allocated by MDEIE for research and innovation 7 Does not include taxes on R&D expenditure Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Bigmobilizing projets ________________________________________________________ • Characteristics of mobilizingprojects • An inspiring project consists of a set of concrete activities implemented by several partners (companies, research centers, universities, etc.) but carried through by the vision and leadership of industry and its users. • BesidesfundingfromQuebec, this type of project relies on an important fundingfromindustry, federal programs and international organizations. • It has a multiplicative effect on the Quebec economy, the quality of life and the development of critical masses of researchers and innovation with global reach. • It requires the collaboration of partnersfromdifferentkeysectors of Quebec, industrial and academicresearch milieu as well as intermediationorganizations. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Bigmobilizing projets ________________________________________________________ • Objective • Bring the various actors in the innovation system of Quebec to work together to achieve developmental projects promoting the economic benefits of research results. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Bigmobilizing projets ________________________________________________________ • ExpectedResults • The realization of five mobilizingprojects. • Participation of differentsactors (major players, SME, valorization and transferorganizations, research institutions, universities) in the realization of thesemobilizingprojects. • Participation of actorsfromdifferentfields of innovation dependingupon the project. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Bigmobilizing projets ________________________________________________________ Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Details : www.mdeie.gouv.qc.ca/sqri 6 Including 20 M$ forecasted for 2013-2014 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
A transparent gouvernance ________________________________________________________ • Strategiccommittee in science and innovation • Science and technologyethiccommittee • An orientation committee and committeedirectors for all mobilizingprojects • Better indices to measure the return in investment for research and innovation Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Conclusion: SQRI 2010-2013 ________________________________________________________ • Major efforts to sustainemergingmobilizingprojectswhichwillbringtogether the major forces of Quebec in research and innovation; • Efforts to support projects in social and organizational innovation, so as to improve productivity in organizations; • New measures to support the emergence of technology from SMEs; • Important efforts to support commercialization of Quebec innovations, especially the green ones; • The adjustment of measures to favorattracting the best foreignstudents and researchers; • A major restructuring to strengthen leadership in Quebec regarding research and innovation. Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010
Thankyou ! Any questions ? sabin.boily@valeosec.com Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation / 2010-2013 Alexandria, Egypt, 22 november 2010