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PURPOSE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF A HUMAN RESOURCE. Human Resource department provides key functions within an organization. Human Resource management exists to ensure organizations have the right people at the right job. ACTIVITY. What are the function of Human Resource department?. ANSWER.

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  1. PURPOSE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF A HUMAN RESOURCE Human Resource department provides key functions within an organization. Human Resource management exists to ensure organizations have the right people at the right job.

  2. ACTIVITY • What are the function of Human Resource department?

  3. ANSWER • Recruit suitable worker • Ensure the workers receive appropriate training • Establish systems for compensation and rewarding employees. • Assist heads of department keep their subordinate free from injury. • Design and implement appropriate disciplinary systems so workers will follow.

  4. SIZE OF ORGANIZATION • The larger the organization in terms of number of employees, the more likely to have more than 1 human resource department. • As long, the companies has staff, the HR will exist. • Every head of department or manager need to ensure that he has the worker he needs, worker with the right skills and who are willing to work. • Once the organization gets larger, the recruitments, training and record keeping may become to heavy for the HR hence the job will be given to the specialist.

  5. OWNERSHIP OF THE COMPANY Multinational companies and joint venture with foreign partners can be expected to need a Human Resource department from the local to provide input and knowledge in the areas of industrial relations and labor.


  7. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A SHARED FUNCTION • Human resource professional will plan and establish systems which will allow the managers to make best use of their subordinates. • HR professional will advise and train managers on how to utilize their subordinates in order to achieve the department objectives. • For various functions in HR, it should be clarified whether the HR officer or the department head would take charge. • Dealing with disciplinary and performances issue is another conflict between HR officer and department head. Most HOD, feels uncomfortable dealing with discipline matters they rather pass to HR Manager.

  8. CAREERS IN HRM • You can possibly start as a clerk in a HRM and be promoted to an Executive position and into management. • Young Degree graduates can apply to Executive level. If graduates from different field and if they are willing to learn fast and they have a good communication skills they can try to apply. • The best know programmes offered for HRM is Certificate and Diploma in Human Resource Management offered by Human Resource Management (MIHRM). • Executive in HR management position who wants a promotion need to develop a broad understanding of the whole function. • One way to do is to spend some time as a supervisor and understand what the manager goes through.

  9. SKILLS FOR HR SPECIALIST • Everything is computerised hence the HR specialist needs to use suitable software packages that can provide information efficiently.

  10. SOFTWARE • Databases systems for personnel records which allow for easy updating of information • Payroll system • Intranet • Attendance tracking system • E-learning program. • Tracking of performance output. • Monitoring of computer usage

  11. DISADVANTAGE OF HR SPECIALIST • Lack of training in quantitative methods. • Some people believe objectivity is inappropriate for HR management.

  12. DRAWBACK OF HR FUNCTION • When selecting applicant for a job, should the HR manager give priority to a candidate recommended by the CEO? • Is it right for a organization to have CCTV including in restrooms? • Should a training manager accept any payments or gift from a training center in return agreeing to send company employers to the program the center is conducting? • Is it fair to retrench non-executive staff so the organization can pay bonus to the senior management? • Is it fair to deduct EPF contribution from the employees salary and not submit to the Fund? • Is it fair to have foreign workers but have not granted them with permit?

  13. PERSONAL QUALITIES Communication Skills Ability to bring about change IT Savvy Numerate and able to analyze data Ability to understand the business contact High ethical standards

  14. FUTURE OF HR • Use technology to save time • Introduce systems which encourage upgrading of skills at all levels within the organization • Train heads of department on how to manage highly skilled knowledge workers. • Train head of department on how to appreciate the variety of working styles. • Source and find ways to retain talent employees.

  15. FUNCTION OF THE HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT • Employment • Training and Development • Payment/ Reward System • Health and Safety • Employee Service/ Welfare • Productivity Improvement Schemes • Industrial Relations

  16. EMPLOYMENT • Human Resource Planning • Recruitment • Establishing career movement policies including transfers and promotions • Setting policies and administering disciplinary • Terminating employees

  17. TRAINING AND DEVELOPING Holding induction programmes Providing Skills training Organizing supervisory and management development programmes Establishing and administering performance management and appraisal systems.

  18. PAYMENT AND REWARD SYSTEM • Developing a wage structure • Establishing incentive schemes • Preparing information for payroll preparation • Advising on benefits

  19. HEALTH AND SAFETY • Organizing safety programmes • Establishing wellness programmes • Accident investigation • Provision of health services • Establishing programmes to prevent sexual harassment and violence

  20. EMPLOYEE SERVICE/WELFARE • Overseeing canteen facilities • Provision of transport • Provision of recreation facilities • Counseling

  21. PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT • Establishing and maintaining quality improvement initiatives including the introduction and implementation of ISP programmes, suggestion schemes, team problem solving activities.

  22. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS • Grievance handling • Relations with trade union representatives • Collective bargaining negotiations • Preparing contingency plans for strike action

  23. MINISTRY OF HR • Vision to be leader in development and management of a world class workforce. • Designed and implemented a number of programmed to upgrade quality workforce in the country and improve work life balance. • Ministry has establish childcare centers for their employees. • Offers online recruitment agency to jobseeker and its know Job Malaysia. • Ministry makes special efforts to find suitable job for physical handicaps. • Ministry promotes a programme to encourage highly skilled Malaysians working overseas to return to the country.

  24. SUMMARY • Human Resource management is steadily becoming recognized as essential for organizational success. • Human Resource management is the development and implementation of systems in an organization design to attract, develop and retain a high performing workforce • Not all organization have a dedicated HR management department in which case either the office of the CEO will be responsible for the function.

  25. EXERCISE • Explain in details the requirement of Human Resource Management?

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