Census 2011 WASH Data Disclaimer: This document is a draft version and has been published for information purpose only. The contents here are not intended to replace any published data from acknowledged/authentic/legal sources. Neither the portal nor any person acting on its behalf can be held responsible for the use of this document.
India Picture on Access to Water and Sanitation (Census 2011) • Missing Toilets! • - Nearly half of India’s 1.2 billion people have no toilet at home/ • Within India amongst the different states, Jharkhand tops the list with as high as 77% of homes having no toilet facilities, while the figure is 76.6% for Orissa and 75.8% in Bihar. All three are among India’s poorest states with huge populations that live on less than Rs 50/- a day. (Source: Census 2011) • ** Census 2011 defines • Sanitation coverage as no of households having water closet, pit latrines or other types of latrines • Water Coverage as availability of drinking water within the premises + near the premises i.e. distance from house <=500mts
Access to Water and Sanitation (Census 2011) for the SC and STs Sanitation Water (Source: Census 2011)
Manual Scavenging • As per India Census 2011 report In the cleaning of nearly 13 lakh insanitary dry toilets in the country, 4.97 lakh dry toilets were "serviced by animals" while another 7.94 lakh were serviced manually. The census figures showed Delhi had 583 toilets cleaned by manual scavengers and 633 'serviced by animals'. cleaned. • This is the lowest occupation in the world, and it is done by the community that occupies the lowest status in the caste system. • Health Impact • Exposure to the most virulent forms of viral and bacterial infections that affect their skin, eyes and limbs. • Gastrointestinal problems. • Suffer from asthma and other respiratory problems • Tuberculosis and Jaundice. • In fact most of the manual scavengers in order to escape the sight and smell take drugs and alcohol and eventually succumb to diseases. Manual Scavenging