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School-Wide Application of Positive Behavioral Instructional Support - sc

School-Wide Application of Positive Behavioral Instructional Support - sc. Day 1, Section 2. Building Primary Systems and Practices Purpose. Understand effective responses to problem behavior Review implementation features of PBIS

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School-Wide Application of Positive Behavioral Instructional Support - sc

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  1. School-Wide Application of Positive Behavioral Instructional Support - sc Day 1, Section 2

  2. Building Primary Systems and PracticesPurpose • Understand effective responses to problem behavior • Review implementation features of PBIS • Self-evaluate implementation and outcomes associated with School-wide PBIS • EBS Survey, School Safety Survey, Team Checklist, Office Discipline Referrals, SET • Link School-wide PBIS approach and “bully-proofing” logic • Review effective instructional approach to teaching school-wide behavior expectations

  3. Challenges • Doing more with less • Educating a greater number of students who are increasingly more different from each other • Educating students with severe problem behavior • Creating sustainable cultures of competence

  4. Challenges • More than 50% of all crime in the United States is committed by 5-7% of youth between the ages of 10-20 • ~APA Commission on Youth Violence, 1993 • Each school day 100,000 students in the United States bring weapons to school • ~Walker, 1994

  5. Challenges- update stats: add Regional data • 9.2% of students surveyed reported that they had been threatened or injured by a weapon in 2003 • 4% reported that they missed at least one day of school because they felt unsafe • ~Center for Disease Control’s Center for • Injury Prevention and Control (1997)

  6. Schools are Important and Good! • Schools Provide: • Regular, predictable, positive learning and teaching environments • Positive adult and peer models • Regular positive reinforcement • Academic and social behavior development and success

  7. Main Messages Student Achievement Good Teaching Behavior Management Increasing District & State Competency and Capacity Investing in Outcomes, Data, Practices, and Systems

  8. Factors Contributing to Antisocial Behaviors • Home • Community • School

  9. Home • Inconsistent management • Reactive discipline • Lack of monitoring • ~Dishion & Patterson

  10. Community • Antisocial network of peers • Lack of prosocial engagements • ~Biglan

  11. School • Reactive/punishing discipline approach • Lack of agreement about rules, expectations, and consequences • Lack of staff support • Failure to consider and accommodate individual differences • Academic failure • ~Mayer

  12. Responses to Antisocial Behavior • Reviews of over 500 studies indicate that the least effective responses to school violence are: • Punishment • Counseling • Psychotherapy

  13. Inclusion = Opportunity to Learn PBIS • Exclusion is the most common response for conduct disordered youth • ~Lane & Murakami, 1987 • Punishing problem behaviors without a school-wide system of support is associated with increased • Aggression • Vandalism • Truancy • Tardiness • Dropping out • ~Mayer, 1995; Mayer & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1991

  14. The Most Effective Responses Educators Can Make to School Violence • Social skills instruction • Behaviorally-based interventions • Academic interventions

  15. Themes • School environments that are positive, preventive, predictable, and effective • Are safer, healthier, and more caring • Have enhanced learning and teaching outcomes • Can provide a continuum of behavior support for all students

  16. Domains for Hypothesis Generation Peer Influences Curriculum Learner Focus on “alterable” rather than “unalterable” hypothesis Home/ Community Classroom Environment

  17. What is School-WideDiscipline? Identify a common purpose and approach to discipline Define a clear set of positive expectations and behaviors Implement procedures for teaching expected behavior Differentiate supports from a continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior Differentiate supports from a continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior Implement procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluation

  18. Implementation Features • Establish PBIS Leadership team • Secure school-wide agreements and supports • Establish data-based action plan • Arrange for high fidelity implementation • Conduct formative data-based monitoring

  19. The Process • Step 1: Establish a Behavior Support Team • Grade level representation • Administrator • Behavioral capacity • Building level status • Regular meeting schedule

  20. The Process • Step 2: Establish prerequisites - initiating Team Response • Clarity need/problem • Status of behavior support • Current discipline patterns • Other (e.g., attendance, tardies) • Establish staff commitment (>80%) • Secure administrator support and participation • Make project one of top 3 school improvement goals

  21. The Process • Step 3: Develop and implement an action plan • Step 4: Monitor, evaluate, and modify based on data

  22. General Implementation Process Implementation Team Agreements Data-based Action Plan Evaluation

  23. Working Smarter Sample

  24. Sample Working Smarter PBIS

  25. Working Smarter- Team Time (20 minutes) Sample

  26. Establish PBIS Leadership Team • Behavioral capacity • School, student, family and district representation • Active administrator participation • Efficient communications and staff development • Leadership and decision-making status • Data-based decision-making and problem-solving

  27. System Activity Complete Team Tool – Establishing your members/ Next Steps to move forward

  28. School-Wide Discipline Molly • Identify a common purpose and approach to discipline • Define a clear set of positive expectations and behaviors • Implement procedures for teaching expected behavior • Differentiate supports from a continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior • Differentiate supports from a continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior • Implement procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluation

  29. Define Expectations • Understand purpose • Clarify means of communication • Use consistent communication • Teach and review for all students, staff, and settings • Articulate Matrix • Establish guidelines • Keep to five or fewer • State positively • Use common and few words

  30. Redesign Learning & Teaching Environment School Rules NO Food NO Weapons NO Backpacks NO Drugs/Smoking NO Bullying

  31. Few positive SW expectations defined, taught, & encouraged

  32. Sample Teaching Matrix PBIS

  33. Sample Teaching Matrix PBIS

  34. Sample

  35. Sample

  36. Reviewing Strive for Five • Be respectful • Be safe • Work peacefully • Strive for excellence • Follow directions McCormick Elem. MD 2003

  37. Sample

  38. Identify Expectations • Complete Identifying School-Wide Expectations Checklist (page 6) • Add items to action plan as needed (page 7)

  39. Teaching Expectations- Shirley Expectations and behavioral skills are taught and recognized in natural context (page 8)

  40. Expected Behaviors are Visible

  41. Expected Behaviors are Visible

  42. Instructional Approach • Teach behavioral expectations directly • Teach social behaviors like academic skills • Maximizes academic engagement and success • Consider the influence of instructional support

  43. Teach Guidelines • Behavior management problems are instructional problems • Process for teaching social behaviors and academic skills is fundamentally same • Emphasis is on teaching functional and prosocial replacement behaviors • Instructional supports are important

  44. An Approach to Embedding Bully-Proofing Strategies - Molly • What does NOT work: • Identify “bullies” and exclude them from school • Pretend that bully behavior is the “fault” of the student/family

  45. An Approach to Embedding Bully-Proofing Strategies • What DOES work: • Define, teach and reward school-wide behavior expectations • Teach all students to identify and label inappropriate behavior • Teach all students a “stop signal” to give when they experience problem behavior • What to do if you experience problem behavior • What to do if you see someone else in a problem situation • Teach all students what to do if someone delivers the stop signal

  46. Do Not Focus on “Bully” • Focus on appropriate behavior • What is the desired behavior? • How is the school-wide expectation “be responsible” operationalized?

  47. Teach Social Responsibility • Teach school-wide expectations first • Be respectful • Be responsible • Be safe • Focus on “non-structured” settings • Cafeteria, gym, playground, hallway, bus area • Use same teaching format • If someone directs problem behavior toward you • If you see others receive problem behavior • If someone tells you to “stop”

  48. Teach Students to Identify Problem Behavior • The key is to focus on what is appropriate • Teach school-wide expectations, and teach that all problem behaviors are an example of NOT being appropriate • Define most common problem behaviors and use these behaviors as non-examples of school-wide expectations

  49. Teach Social Responsibility: “Bully-Proofing” • Teach desired behavior • Teach a verbal signal for unacceptable behavior: “stop” • Teach four key skills for social responsibility: • Learn the difference between expected behavior and problem behavior • If you “receive” problem behavior: • Label the behavior and say “stop”; walk; talk • If you “see others” receive problem behavior: • Label the behavior and say “stop” • If someone tells you to “stop: • Stop • PBIS bullying curriculum

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